Kouadri Abdelmalek
Kouadri Abdelmalek
Signals and Systems Laboratory, IGEE-UMBB
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Cited by
Hidden Markov model based principal component analysis for intelligent fault diagnosis of wind energy converter systems
A Kouadri, M Hajji, MF Harkat, K Abodayeh, M Mansouri, H Nounou, ...
Renewable Energy 150, 598-606, 2020
Reduced kernel random forest technique for fault detection and classification in grid-tied PV systems
K Dhibi, R Fezai, M Mansouri, M Trabelsi, A Kouadri, K Bouzara, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 10 (6), 1864-1871, 2020
Multivariate feature extraction based supervised machine learning for fault detection and diagnosis in photovoltaic systems
M Hajji, MF Harkat, A Kouadri, K Abodayeh, M Mansouri, H Nounou, ...
European Journal of Control 59, 313-321, 2021
Fault detection and diagnosis in a cement rotary kiln using PCA with EWMA-based adaptive threshold monitoring scheme
A Bakdi, A Kouadri, A Bensmail
Control Engineering Practice 66, 64-75, 2017
A new adaptive PCA based thresholding scheme for fault detection in complex systems
A Bakdi, A Kouadri
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 162, 83-93, 2017
Shading fault detection in a grid-connected PV system using vertices principal component analysis
L Rouani, MF Harkat, A Kouadri, S Mekhilef
Renewable Energy 164, 1527-1539, 2021
New reduced kernel PCA for fault detection and diagnosis in cement rotary kiln
F Bencheikh, MF Harkat, A Kouadri, A Bensmail
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 204, 104091, 2020
A modified moving window dynamic PCA with fuzzy logic filter and application to fault detection
M Ammiche, A Kouadri, A Bensmail
Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems 177, 100-113, 2018
A data-driven algorithm for online detection of component and system faults in modern wind turbines at different operating zones
A Bakdi, A Kouadri, S Mekhilef
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 103, 546-555, 2019
A combined monitoring scheme with fuzzy logic filter for plant-wide Tennessee Eastman Process fault detection
M Ammiche, A Kouadri, A Bakdi
Chemical Engineering Science 187, 269-279, 2018
Online monitoring scheme using principal component analysis through Kullback-Leibler divergence analysis technique for fault detection
W Bounoua, AB Benkara, A Kouadri, A Bakdi
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 42 (6), 1225-1238, 2020
Machine learning-based reduced kernel PCA model for nonlinear chemical process monitoring
MF Harkat, A Kouadri, R Fezai, M Mansouri, H Nounou, M Nounou
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems 31 (5), 1196-1209, 2020
A hybrid approach for process monitoring: Improving data-driven methodologies with dataset size reduction and interval-valued representation
K Dhibi, R Fezai, M Mansouri, A Kouadri, MF Harkat, K Bouzara, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (17), 10228-10239, 2020
Designing alarm system using modified generalized delay-timer
R Kaced, A Kouadri, K Baiche
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 61, 40-48, 2019
Fault detection in a grid-connected photovoltaic system using adaptive thresholding method
M Ammiche, A Kouadri, LM Halabi, A Guichi, S Mekhilef
Solar Energy 174, 762-769, 2018
Novel technique for transmission line parameters estimation using synchronised sampled data
A Bendjabeur, A Kouadri, S Mekhilef
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 14 (3), 506-515, 2020
An improved plant‐wide fault detection scheme based on PCA and adaptive threshold for reliable process monitoring: Application on the new revised model of Tennessee Eastman process
A Bakdi, A Kouadri
Journal of Chemometrics 32 (5), e2978, 2018
Multivariate nuisance alarm management in chemical processes
R Kaced, A Kouadri, K Baiche, A Bensmail
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 72, 104548, 2021
An adaptive threshold estimation scheme for abrupt changes detection algorithm in a cement rotary kiln
A Kouadri, A Bensmail, A Kheldoun, L Refoufi
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 259, 835-842, 2014
Transmission line fault location by solving line differential equations
A Bendjabeur, A Kouadri, S Mekhilef
Electric Power Systems Research 192, 106912, 2021
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Articles 1–20