Mario Miana
Mario Miana
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Cited by
Calculation models for prediction of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) ageing during ship transportation
M Miana, R Del Hoyo, V Rodrigálvarez, JR Valdés, R Llorens
Applied Energy 87 (5), 1687-1700, 2010
Reduced order model for estimation of fluid flow and flow forces in hydraulic proportional valves
JR Valdés, MJ Miana, JL Nunez, T Pütz
Energy Conversion and Management 49 (6), 1517-1529, 2008
Calculation of boil-off rate of liquefied natural gas in mark III tanks of ship carriers by numerical analysis
M Miana, R Legorburo, D Díez, YH Hwang
Applied Thermal Engineering 93, 279-296, 2016
Continuous synthesis of drug-loaded nanoparticles using microchannel emulsification and numerical modeling: Effect of passive mixing
I Ortiz de Solorzano, L Uson, A Larrea, M Miana, V Sebastian, M Arruebo
International journal of nanomedicine, 3397-3416, 2016
The multiscale approach to error estimation and adaptivity
G Hauke, MH Doweidar, M Miana
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 195 (13-16), 1573-1593, 2006
Comparison of evaporation rate and heat flow models for prediction of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) ageing during ship transportation
M Miana, R del Hoyo, V Rodrigálvarez
Fuel 177, 87-106, 2016
Numerical investigation of the influence of roughness on the laminar incompressible fluid flow through annular microchannels
JR Valdés, MJ Miana, JL Pelegay, JL Núñez, T Pütz
International journal of heat and mass transfer 50 (9-10), 1865-1878, 2007
Proper intrinsic scales for a-posteriori multiscale error estimation
G Hauke, MH Doweidar, M Miana
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 195 (33-36), 3983-4001, 2006
Multiscale characterization of computational rough surfaces and their wear using self-affine principal profiles
S Izquierdo, CI López, JR Valdés, M Miana, FJ Martínez, MA Jiménez
Wear 274, 1-7, 2012
Transient thermal network modeling applied to multiscale systems. Part II: Application to an electronic control unit of an automobile
M Miana, C Cortés, JL Pelegay, JR Valdés, T Pütz, M Moczala
IEEE Transactions on advanced packaging 33 (4), 938-952, 2010
Transient thermal network modeling applied to multiscale systems. Part I: Definition and validation
M Miana, C Cortés, JL Pelegay, JR Valdés, T Pütz
IEEE Transactions on advanced packaging 33 (4), 924-937, 2010
Introduction of a length correction factor for the calculation of laminar flow through microchannels with high surface roughness
JR Valdés, MJ Miana, M Martínez, L Gracia, T Pütz
International journal of heat and mass transfer 51 (17-18), 4573-4582, 2008
Porous-layer model for laminar liquid flow in rough microchannels
S Izquierdo, JR Valdés, M Martínez, M Accolti, S Woudberg, P Asinari, ...
Microfluidics and nanofluidics 9 (6), 1063-1075, 2010
Enhancement of the thermal design of bitumen emulsion tanks by Scale Analysis, CFD models and experimental tests
M Miana, O Cantín, C Millán, JR Valdés, C Bernad, JM Sánchez
Applied energy 88 (11), 4106-4112, 2011
CFD dynamic simulation of a valve performance using UDF’s and the deforming mesh model
JR Valdés, MJ Miana, T Pütz
First European Automotive CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) Conference, 2003
Characteristic scales in natural convection around an isothermal horizontal cylinder for Pr< 1 fluids
M Miana, C Cortés, JL Pelegay, JR Valdés, T Pütz
International journal of thermal sciences 65, 39-61, 2013
A simple numerical methodology for thermal-fluid-structural interactions of air damping over heated micro-cantilevers
M Miana, E Bernal, J Paniagua, JR Valdés, S Izquierdo, I Pellejero
Microfluidics and nanofluidics 13, 131-140, 2012
A practical approach for biochemical modeling in the CFD evaluation of novel anaerobic digester concepts for biogas production
M Miana, AM Santamaría, JB Carbajo, C Bengoechea, G García, ...
Processes 11 (10), 2851, 2023
Modelling of Couette flow in microchannels with textured surfaces
JR Valdés, S Izquierdo, MJ Miana, MA Jiménez
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of …, 2012
Detección de explosivos mediante micropalancas de silicio funcionalizadas con materiales nanoporosos
IP Alcázar, M Miana, P Pina
Anales de Química de la RSEQ, 97-105, 2013
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Articles 1–20