Georg Janauer
Georg Janauer
Professor für Biologie und Hydrobotanik, Universität Wien
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Ecohydrology: a new paradigm for the sustainable use of aquatic resources
M Zalewski, GA Janauer, G Jolánkai
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: United …, 1997
Zur Methodik der Untersuchung von aquatischen Makrophyten in Fließgewässern
A Kohler, GA Janauer
Handbuch Angewandte Limnologie: Grundlagen‐Gewässerbelastung‐Restaurierung …, 2014
Ecohydrology: fusing concepts and scales
GA Janauer
Ecological Engineering 16 (1), 9-16, 2000
Aquatic macrophytes and water current velocity in the Danube River
GA Janauer, U Schmidt-Mumm, B Schmidt
Ecological Engineering 36 (9), 1138-1145, 2010
Managing protected areas under climate change: challenges and priorities
S Rannow, NA Macgregor, J Albrecht, HQP Crick, M Förster, S Heiland, ...
Environmental Management 54, 732-743, 2014
Die Makrophytenvegetation von Flußstauen am Beispiel der Donau zwischen Fluß-km 2552, 0 und 2511, 8 in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
GA Janauer
Large Rivers, 91-109, 1995
Macrophytes and algae in running waters
G Janauer, M Dokulil
Biological monitoring of rivers. Application and perspectives, 89-109, 2006
Is what has been measured of any direct relevance to the success of the macrophyte in its particular environment?
Journal of Limnology 60 (1s), 33-38, 2001
Effects of fish farming on macrophytes in temperate carp ponds
K Francová, K Šumberová, GA Janauer, Z Adámek
Aquaculture International 27, 413-436, 2019
Multi-step time program for the rapid gas-liquid chromatography of carbohydrates
GA Janauer, P Englmaier
Journal of Chromatography A 153 (2), 539-542, 1978
Neue Aspekte der Charakterisierung und vergleichenden Beurteilung der Gewässervegetation
GA Janauer, R Zoufal, P Christof-Dirry, P Englmaier
Ber. Inst. Landschafts-Pflanzenökologie Univ. Hohenheim 2, 59-70, 1993
The quality of the aquatic environment and macrophytes of karstic watercourses
N Šraj-Kržič, M Germ, O Urbanc-Berčič, U Kuhar, GA Janauer, ...
Plant Ecology 192, 107-118, 2007
Climate change and European water bodies, a review of existing gaps and future research needs: Findings of the ClimateWater project
M Garnier, DM Harper, L Blaskovicova, G Hancz, GA Janauer, Z Jolánkai, ...
Environmental Management 56, 271-285, 2015
Typha control efficiency of a weed-cutting boat in the Lac de Guiers in Senegal: a preliminary study on mowing speed and re-growth capacity
S Hellsten, C Dieme, M Mbengue, GA Janauer, N Den Hollander, ...
Biology, Ecology and Management of Aquatic Plants: Proceedings of the 10th …, 1999
Die Makrophyten in dynamischen und abgedämmten Gewässersystemen der Kleinen Schüttinsel (Donau-Fluß-km 1848 bis 1806) in Ungarn
K Pall, B Rath, GA Janauer
Limnologica 26 (1), 105-115, 1996
The measurement of current velocities in macrophyte beds
C Machata-Wenninger, GA Janauer
Aquatic Botany 39 (1-2), 221-230, 1991
Macrophytes, hydrology, and aquatic ecotones: a GIS-supported ecological survey
GA Janauer
Aquatic Botany 58 (3-4), 379-391, 1997
Synergies and conflicts between water framework directive and natura 2000: legal requirements, technical guidance and experiences from practice
GA Janauer, J Albrecht, L Stratmann
Wetlands and Water Framework Directive: Protection, management and climate …, 2015
Die Schätzskala nach Kohler: Zur Gültigkeit der Funktion f (y)= ax3 als Maß für die Pflanzenmenge von Makrophyten
GA Janauer, E Heindl
Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Österreich 135, 117-128, 1998
Biodiversity, succession and the functional role of macrophytes in the New Danube (Vienna, Austria)
GA Janauer, U Wychera
Archiv für Hydrobiologie. Supplementband. Large rivers 12 (1), 61-74, 2000
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Articles 1–20