Michael Jensen
Michael Jensen
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Cited by
A review of antennas and propagation for MIMO wireless communications
MA Jensen, JW Wallace
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and propagation 52 (11), 2810-2824, 2004
Modeling the statistical time and angle of arrival characteristics of an indoor multipath channel
QH Spencer, BD Jeffs, MA Jensen, AL Swindlehurst
IEEE Journal on Selected areas in communications 18 (3), 347-360, 2000
Mutual coupling in MIMO wireless systems: A rigorous network theory analysis
JW Wallace, MA Jensen
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 3 (4), 1317-1325, 2004
EM interaction of handset antennas and a human in personal communications
MA Jensen, Y Rahmat-Samii
Proceedings of the IEEE 83 (1), 7-17, 1995
Performance analysis of antennas for hand-held transceivers using FDTD
MA Jensen, Y Rahmat-Samii
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 42 (8), 1106-1113, 1994
Experimental characterization of the MIMO wireless channel: Data acquisition and analysis
JW Wallace, MA Jensen, AL Swindlehurst, BD Jeffs
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2 (2), 335-343, 2003
Modeling the indoor MIMO wireless channel
JW Wallace, MA Jensen
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 50 (5), 591-599, 2002
Termination-dependent diversity performance of coupled antennas: Network theory analysis
JW Wallace, MA Jensen
IEEE Transactions on antennas and propagation 52 (1), 98-105, 2004
Secret key establishment using temporally and spatially correlated wireless channel coefficients
C Chen, MA Jensen
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 10 (2), 205-215, 2010
A statistical model for angle of arrival in indoor multipath propagation
Q Spencer, M Rice, B Jeffs, M Jensen
1997 IEEE 47th Vehicular Technology Conference. Technology in Motion 3, 1415 …, 1997
Network model for MIMO systems with coupled antennas and noisy amplifiers
ML Morris, MA Jensen
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 53 (1), 545-552, 2005
Analysis of electromagnetic field polarizations in multiantenna systems
T Svantesson, MA Jensen, JW Wallace
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3 (2), 641-646, 2004
Evaluation of personal communications dual-antenna handset diversity performance
JS Colburn, Y Rahmat-Samii, MA Jensen, GJ Pottie
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 47 (3), 737-746, 1998
Data-Dependent Fingerprints for Wireless Device Authentication
M Jensen
Key generation exploiting MIMO channel evolution: Algorithms and theoretical limits
JW Wallace, C Chen, MA Jensen
2009 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 1499-1503, 2009
Statistical characteristics of measured MIMO wireless channel data and comparison to conventional models
JW Wallace, MA Jensen
IEEE 54th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC Fall 2001. Proceedings (Cat …, 2001
The capacity of MIMO wireless systems with mutual coupling
JW Wallace, MA Jensen
Proceedings IEEE 56th Vehicular Technology Conference 2, 696-700, 2002
Improved radiometric identification of wireless devices using MIMO transmission
Y Shi, MA Jensen
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 6 (4), 1346-1354, 2011
Optimal noise matching for mutually coupled arrays
KF Warnick, MA Jensen
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 55 (6), 1726-1731, 2007
Cross-layer issues in MAC protocol design for MIMO ad hoc networks
M Zorzi, J Zeidler, A Anderson, B Rao, J Proakis, AL Swindlehurst, ...
IEEE Wireless Communications 13 (4), 62-76, 2006
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Articles 1–20