Articles with public access mandates - Sanjeev GuptaLearn more
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Targeting the endoplasmic reticulum-stress response as an anticancer strategy
SJM Healy, AM Gorman, P Mousavi-Shafaei, S Gupta, A Samali
European journal of pharmacology 625 (1-3), 234-246, 2009
Mandates: Science Foundation Ireland
A close connection between the PERK and IRE arms of the UPR and the transcriptional regulation of autophagy
S Deegan, I Koryga, SA Glynn, S Gupta, AM Gorman, A Samali
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 456 (1), 305-311, 2015
Mandates: Health Research Board, Ireland, Science Foundation Ireland
Assays for detecting the unfolded protein response
K Cawley, S Deegan, A Samali, S Gupta
Methods in enzymology 490, 31-51, 2011
Mandates: Science Foundation Ireland
Assays for induction of the unfolded protein response and selective activation of the three major pathways
A Gupta, DE Read, S Gupta
Stress Responses: Methods and Protocols, 19-38, 2015
Mandates: Health Research Board, Ireland
ER stress responses in the absence of apoptosome: A comparative study in CASP9 proficient vs deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts
S Deegan, S Saveljeva, S Gupta, DC MacDonald, A Samali
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 451 (3), 367-373, 2014
Mandates: Health Research Board, Ireland, Science Foundation Ireland
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The eIF2α kinases: their structures and functions
N Donnelly, AM Gorman, S Gupta, A Samali
Cellular and molecular life sciences 70, 3493-3511, 2013
Mandates: Science Foundation Ireland
PERK is required at the ER-mitochondrial contact sites to convey apoptosis after ROS-based ER stress
T Verfaillie, N Rubio, AD Garg, G Bultynck, R Rizzuto, JP Decuypere, ...
Cell Death & Differentiation 19 (11), 1880-1891, 2012
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Unfolded proteins and endoplasmic reticulum stress in neurodegenerative disorders
KM Doyle, D Kennedy, AM Gorman, S Gupta, SJM Healy, A Samali
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine 15 (10), 2025-2039, 2011
Mandates: Science Foundation Ireland
Methods for monitoring endoplasmic reticulum stress and the unfolded protein response
A Samali, U FitzGerald, S Deegan, S Gupta
International journal of cell biology 2010, 2010
Mandates: Science Foundation Ireland
HSP72 protects cells from ER stress-induced apoptosis via enhancement of IRE1α-XBP1 signaling through a physical interaction
S Gupta, A Deepti, S Deegan, F Lisbona, C Hetz, A Samali
PLoS biology 8 (7), e1000410, 2010
Mandates: Science Foundation Ireland
Perk-dependent repression of miR-106b-25 cluster is required for ER stress-induced apoptosis
S Gupta, DE Read, A Deepti, K Cawley, A Gupta, D Oommen, T Verfaillie, ...
Cell death & disease 3 (6), e333-e333, 2012
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Research Foundation (Flanders), Science …
Mechanisms of ER stress-mediated mitochondrial membrane permeabilization
S Gupta, L Cuffe, E Szegezdi, SE Logue, C Neary, S Healy, A Samali
International journal of cell biology 2010, 2010
Mandates: Higher Education Authority, Ireland, Science Foundation Ireland
Deficiency in the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway reveals the toxic potential of autophagy under ER stress conditions
S Deegan, S Saveljeva, SE Logue, K Pakos-Zebrucka, S Gupta, ...
Autophagy 10 (11), 1921-1936, 2014
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders), Health Research Board, Ireland, Science …
NCOA3 coactivator is a transcriptional target of XBP1 and regulates PERK–eIF2α–ATF4 signalling in breast cancer
A Gupta, MM Hossain, N Miller, M Kerin, G Callagy, S Gupta
Oncogene 35 (45), 5860-5871, 2016
Mandates: Health Research Board, Ireland, Breast Cancer Now, UK
Pro-apoptotic signaling induced by photo-oxidative ER stress is amplified by Noxa, not Bim
T Verfaillie, A van Vliet, AD Garg, M Dewaele, N Rubio, S Gupta, ...
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 438 (3), 500-506, 2013
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Targeting the IRE1-XBP1 axis to overcome endocrine resistance in breast cancer: Opportunities and challenges
D Barua, A Gupta, S Gupta
Cancer Letters 486, 29-37, 2020
Mandates: Irish Research Council
PERK regulated miR-424 (322)-503 cluster fine-tunes activation of IRE1 and ATF6 during Unfolded Protein Response
A Gupta, MM Hossain, DE Read, C Hetz, A Samali, S Gupta
Scientific reports 5 (1), 18304, 2015
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Health Research Board, Ireland
HSPB1 facilitates ERK-mediated phosphorylation and degradation of BIM to attenuate endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced apoptosis
D Kennedy, K Mnich, D Oommen, R Chakravarthy, L Almeida-Souza, ...
Cell death & disease 8 (8), e3026-e3026, 2017
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders), Higher Education Authority, Ireland, Health …
Disruption of microRNA biogenesis confers resistance to ER stress-induced cell death upstream of the mitochondrion
K Cawley, SE Logue, AM Gorman, Q Zeng, J Patterson, S Gupta, ...
PloS one 8 (8), e73870, 2013
Mandates: Science Foundation Ireland
NOXA contributes to the sensitivity of PERK-deficient cells to ER stress
S Gupta, Z Giricz, A Natoni, N Donnelly, S Deegan, E Szegezdi, A Samali
FEBS letters 586 (22), 4023-4030, 2012
Mandates: Science Foundation Ireland
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