Dr. Roy Mathew
Cited by
Cited by
Teaching Problem Solving Skills using an Educational Game in a Computer Programming Course.
R Mathew, SI Malik, RM Tawafak
Informatics in education 18 (2), 359-373, 2019
Impact of technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic for improving behavioral intention to use e-learning
RM Tawafak, SI Malik, G Alfarsi
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education …, 2021
Comparison of E-learning, M-learning and game-based learning in programming education–a gendered analysis
S Malik, M Al-Emran, R Mathew, R Tawafak, G AlFarsi
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 15 (15 …, 2020
Learning problem solving skills: Comparison of E-learning and M-learning in an introductory programming course
SI Malik, R Mathew, R Al-Nuaimi, A Al-Sideiri, J Coldwell-Neilson
Education and Information Technologies 24 (5), 2779-2796, 2019
The practicality of virtual reality applications in education: Limitations and recommendations
G Al Farsi, ABM Yusof, WJB Fauzi, MEB Rusli, SI Malik, RM Tawafak, ...
Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences 48 (7), 2021
A combined model for continuous intention to use e-learning system
R Tawafak, S Malik, R Mathew, M Ashfaque, J Jabbar, M AlNuaimi, ...
International Association of Online Engineering, 2021
Enhancing problem‐solving skills of novice programmers in an introductory programming course
SI Malik, R Mathew, A Al‐Sideiri, J Jabbar, R Al‐Nuaimi, RM Tawafak
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 30 (1), 174-194, 2022
General view about an artificial intelligence technology in education domain
G Alfarsi, RM Tawafak, A ElDow, SI Malik, J Jabbar, A Al Sideiri, ...
Proceedings of the international conference on culture heritage, education …, 2021
PROBSOL: A web-based application to develop problem-solving skills in introductory programming
SI Malik, R Mathew, MM Hammood
Smart Technologies and Innovation for a Sustainable Future: Proceedings of …, 2019
A web-based model to enhance algorithmic thinking for novice programmers
S Iqbal Malik, R Mathew, RM Tawafak, G Alfarsi
E-Learning and Digital Media 18 (6), 616-633, 2021
Gender difference in perceiving algorithmic thinking in an introductory programming course
SI Malik, R Mathew, RM Tawafak, I Khan
EDULEARN19 Proceedings, 8246-8254, 2019
Instructional use of virtual reality in E-learning environments
G Alfarsi, AM Yusof, RM Tawafak, SI Malik, R Mathew, MW Ashfaque
2020 IEEE International Conference on Advent Trends in Multidisciplinary …, 2020
Comparison of e-learning, m-learning, and game-based learning applications for introductory programming courses: An empirical evaluation using the tam
M Al-Emran, SI Malik, I Arpaci, R Mathew
Recent Advances in Technology Acceptance Models and Theories, 293-309, 2021
An overview of electronic games in the academic areas
G Alfarsi, AM Yusof, RM Tawafak, SI Malik, R Mathew, MW Ashfaque
2020 IEEE International Conference on Advent Trends in Multidisciplinary …, 2020
Impact of assurance of learning (AOL) in programming course for novices
SI Malik, R Mathew, MU Chowdhury, JC Neilson
Proceedings of the 2nd BCS International IT Conference 2014, 2014
Teaching Problem Solving Skills using an Educational Game in a Computer Programming Course. 18 (2), 359–373
R Mathew, SI Malik, RM Tawafak
& Alfarsi, G.(2021)
R Tawafak, S Malik, R Mathew, M Ashfaque, J Jabbar, M Al-Nuaimi
A combined model for continuous intention to use e-learning system. iJIM 15 …, 0
& Romli, A.(2021). Impact of Technologies During COVID-19 Pandemic for Improving Behavior Intention to Use E-learning
R Tawafak, G AlFarsi, J Jabbar, SI Malik, R Mathew, A AlSidiri
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (IJIM). 15 (1), 184-198, 0
Fostering the Learning Process in a Programming Course With a Chatbot
SI Malik, MW Ashfaque, R Mathew, J Jabbar, RS Al-Nuaimi, A Alsideiri
International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD) 12 (1), 1-17, 2022
The general view of virtual reality technology in the education sector
G Al Farsi, AM Yusof, R Tawafak, SM Iqbal, A Alsideiri, R Mathew, ...
International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence …, 2022
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Articles 1–20