Adam Collins
Cited by
Cited by
A multi-species synthesis of physiological mechanisms in drought-induced tree mortality
HD Adams, MJB Zeppel, WRL Anderegg, H Hartmann, SM Landhäusser, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (9), 1285-1291, 2017
Carbon and nitrogen fixation differ between successional stages of biological soil crusts in the Colorado Plateau and Chihuahuan Desert
DC Housman, HH Powers, AD Collins, J Belnap
Journal of arid environments 66 (4), 620-634, 2006
Warming combined with more extreme precipitation regimes modifies the water sources used by trees
C Grossiord, S Sevanto, TE Dawson, HD Adams, AD Collins, LT Dickman, ...
New Phytologist 213 (2), 584-596, 2017
Responses of two semiarid conifer tree species to reduced precipitation and warming reveal new perspectives for stomatal regulation
N Garcia‐Forner, HD Adams, S Sevanto, AD Collins, LT Dickman, ...
Plant, cell & environment 39 (1), 38-49, 2016
Precipitation, not air temperature, drives functional responses of trees in semi‐arid ecosystems
C Grossiord, S Sevanto, HD Adams, AD Collins, LT Dickman, N McBranch, ...
Journal of Ecology 105 (1), 163-175, 2017
Experimental drought and heat can delay phenological development and reduce foliar and shoot growth in semiarid trees
HD Adams, AD Collins, SP Briggs, M Vennetier, LT Dickman, SA Sevanto, ...
Global change biology 21 (11), 4210-4220, 2015
Tree water dynamics in a drying and warming world
C Grossiord, S Sevanto, I Borrego, AM Chan, AD Collins, LT Dickman, ...
Plant, cell & environment 40 (9), 1861-1873, 2017
Mechanisms of a coniferous woodland persistence under drought and heat
NG McDowell, C Grossiord, HD Adams, S Pinzón-Navarro, DS Mackay, ...
Environmental Research Letters 14 (4), 045014, 2019
The response of stomatal conductance to seasonal drought in tropical forests
J Wu, SP Serbin, KS Ely, BT Wolfe, LT Dickman, C Grossiord, ...
Global change biology 26 (2), 823-839, 2020
A multi-species synthesis of physiological mechanisms in drought-induced tree mortality. Nat Ecol Evol 1: 1285–1291
HD Adams, MJB Zeppel, WRL Anderegg, H Hartmann, SM Landhäusser, ...
Homoeostatic maintenance of nonstructural carbohydrates during the 2015–2016 El Niño drought across a tropical forest precipitation gradient
LT Dickman, NG McDowell, C Grossiord, AD Collins, BT Wolfe, M Detto, ...
Plant, cell & environment 42 (5), 1705-1714, 2019
Hotter droughts alter resource allocation to chemical defenses in piñon pine
AM Trowbridge, HD Adams, A Collins, LT Dickman, C Grossiord, ...
Oecologia 197, 921-938, 2021
Integrating plant physiology into simulation of fire behavior and effects
LT Dickman, AK Jonko, RR Linn, I Altintas, AL Atchley, A Bär, AD Collins, ...
New Phytologist 238 (3), 952-970, 2023
Reductions in tree performance during hotter droughts are mitigated by shifts in nitrogen cycling
C Grossiord, A Gessler, SC Reed, I Borrego, AD Collins, LT Dickman, ...
Plant, cell & environment 41 (11), 2627-2637, 2018
No carbon storage in growth-limited trees in a semi-arid woodland
RA Thompson, HD Adams, DD Breshears, AD Collins, LT Dickman, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 1959, 2023
Stem radial growth and water storage responses to heat and drought vary between conifers with differing hydraulic strategies
À Manrique‐Alba, S Sevanto, HD Adams, AD Collins, LT Dickman, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 41 (8), 1926-1934, 2018
Lack of acclimation of leaf area: sapwood area ratios in piñon pine and juniper in response to precipitation reduction and warming
NA McBranch, C Grossiord, H Adams, I Borrego, AD Collins, T Dickman, ...
Tree Physiology 39 (1), 135-142, 2019
Foliar respiration is related to photosynthetic, growth and carbohydrate response to experimental drought and elevated temperature
AD Collins, MG Ryan, HD Adams, LT Dickman, N Garcia‐Forner, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 44 (12), 3853-3865, 2021
Dry season transpiration and soil water dynamics in the central Amazon
GC Spanner, BO Gimenez, CL Wright, VS Menezes, BD Newman, ...
Frontiers in plant science 13, 825097, 2022
Leaves as bottlenecks: The contribution of tree leaves to hydraulic resistance within the soil− plant− atmosphere continuum
BT Wolfe, M Detto, YJ Zhang, KJ Anderson‐Teixeira, T Brodribb, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 46 (3), 736-746, 2023
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Articles 1–20