Laura Adam
Cited by
Cited by
The Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL) provides a community standard for communicating designs in synthetic biology
M Galdzicki, KP Clancy, E Oberortner, M Pocock, JY Quinn, CA Rodriguez, ...
Nature biotechnology 32 (6), 545-550, 2014
A transatlantic perspective on 20 emerging issues in biological engineering
BC Wintle, CR Boehm, C Rhodes, JC Molloy, P Millett, L Adam, ...
Elife 6, e30247, 2017
Modeling structure-function relationships in synthetic DNA sequences using attribute grammars
Y Cai, MW Lux, L Adam, J Peccoud
PLoS computational biology 5 (10), e1000529, 2009
Synthetic biology open language (SBOL) version 1.1. 0
M Galdzicki, M Wilson, CA Rodriguez, MR Pocock, E Oberortner, L Adam, ...
Bioengineering horizon scan 2020
L Kemp, L Adam, CR Boehm, R Breitling, R Casagrande, M Dando, ...
Elife 9, e54489, 2020
Strengths and limitations of the federal guidance on synthetic DNA
L Adam, M Kozar, G Letort, O Mirat, A Srivastava, T Stewart, ML Wilson, ...
Nature biotechnology 29 (3), 208-210, 2011
A step-by-step introduction to rule-based design of synthetic genetic constructs using GenoCAD
ML Wilson, R Hertzberg, L Adam, J Peccoud
Methods in enzymology 498, 173-188, 2011
Implementation of the FAIR data principles for exploratory biomarker data from clinical trials
A Arefolov, L Adam, S Brown, Y Budovskaya, C Chen, D Das, C Farhy, ...
Data intelligence 3 (4), 631-662, 2021
Development of a domain-specific genetic language to design Chlamydomonas reinhardtii expression vectors
ML Wilson, S Okumoto, L Adam, J Peccoud
Bioinformatics 30 (2), 251-257, 2014
Mapping Genotype to Phenotype using Attribute Grammar
L Adam
Virginia Tech, 2013
16. Bioengineering Horizon Scan 2020
L Kemp, L Adam, CR Boehm, R Breitling, R Casagrande, M Dando, ...
Open Book Publishers, 2024
Substitution Attacks: A Catalyst to Reframe the DNA Manufacturing Cyberbiosecurity Landscape in the Age of Benchtop Synthesizers
L Adam, GH McArthur IV
Applied Biosafety 29 (3), 172-180, 2024
2. Relation to other BBF RFCs
M Galdzicki, ML Wilson, CA Rodriguez, L Adam, A Adler, JC Anderson, ...
Automatic translation of high-‐level bio-‐designs into wet-‐lab protocols through learning and formalizing expert’s practices
L Adam, E Klavins
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Articles 1–14