Mark B. Tischler
Cited by
Cited by
Aircraft and rotorcraft system identification
MB Tischler, RK Remple
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2012
System identification modeling of a small‐scale unmanned rotorcraft for flight control design
B Mettler, MB Tischler, T Kanade
Journal of the American helicopter society 47 (1), 50-63, 2002
System identification of small-size unmanned helicopter dynamics
B Mettler, MB Tischler, T Kanade
Annual Forum Proceedings- American Helicopter Society 2, 1706-1717, 1999
Frequency‐response method for rotorcraft system identification: flight applications to BO 105 coupled rotor/fuselage dynamics
MB Tischler, MG Cauffman
Journal of the American Helicopter Society 37 (3), 3-17, 1992
Advances in aircraft flight control
MB Tischler
crc press, 1996
The micro craft iSTAR micro air vehicle: Control system design and testing
L Lipera, JD Colbourne, MB Tischler, MH Mansur, MC Rotkowitz, ...
Annual Forum Proceedings-American Helicopter Society 57 (2), 1998-2008, 2001
System identification methods for aircraft flight control development and validation
MB Tischler
Advances in aircraft flight control, 35-69, 2018
Practical methods for aircraft and rotorcraft flight control design: an optimization-based approach
MB Tischler, T Berger, CM Ivler, MH Mansur, KK Cheung, JY Soong
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 2017
Attitude control optimization for a small-scale unmanned helicopter
B Mettler, T Kanade, M Tischler, W Messner
AIAA guidance, navigation, and control conference and exhibit, 4059, 2000
Frequency-response identification of XV-15 tilt-rotor aircraft dynamics
MB Tischler
Stanford University, 1987
Conduit-a new multidisciplinary integration environment for flight control development
M Tischler, J Colbourne, M Morel, D Biezad, W Levine, V Moldoveanu, ...
Guidance, navigation, and control conference, 3773, 1997
System identification requirements for high-bandwidth rotorcraft flight control system design
MB Tischler
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 13 (5), 835-841, 1990
Rapid frequency-domain modeling methods for unmanned aerial vehicle flight control applications
CR Theodore, MB Tischler, JD Colbourne
Journal of Aircraft 41 (4), 735-743, 2004
A multidisciplinary flight control development environment and its application to a helicopter
MB Tischler, JD Colbourne, MR Morel, DJ Biezad
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 19 (4), 22-33, 1999
System identification and controller optimization of a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle in hover
W Wei, MB Tischler, K Cohen
Journal of the American Helicopter Society 62 (4), 1-9, 2017
Digital control of highly augmented combat rotorcraft
MB Tischler
High‐order state space simulation models of helicopter flight mechanics
FD Kim, R Celi, MB Tischler
Journal of the American Helicopter Society 38 (4), 16-27, 1993
Empirically derived helicopter response model and control system requirements for flight in turbulence
JA Lusardi, MB Tischler, CL Blanken, SJ Labows
Journal of the American Helicopter Society 49 (3), 340-349, 2004
Nonlinear inversion control for a ducted fan UAV
C Spaulding, M Mansur, M Tischler, R Hess, J Franklin
AIAA atmospheric flight mechanics conference and exhibit, 6231, 2005
Forward flight trim and frequency response validation of a helicopter simulation model
FD Kim, R Celi, MB Tischler
Journal of Aircraft 30 (6), 854-863, 1993
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Articles 1–20