Hamid Gholamhosseinian
Hamid Gholamhosseinian
Medical Physics Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
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Cited by
A Monte Carlo study on electron and neutron contamination caused by the presence of hip prosthesis in photon mode of a 15 MV Siemens PRIMUS linac
MTB Toossi, M Behmadi, M Ghorbani, H Gholamhosseinian
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 14 (5), 52-67, 2013
Gold-containing liposomes and glucose-coated gold nanoparticles enhances the radiosensitivity of B16F0 melanoma cells via increasing apoptosis and ROS production
A Bemidinezhad, F Mirzavi, H Gholamhosseinian, F Gheybi, ...
Life Sciences 318, 121495, 2023
Quality Control Status of Radiology Centers of Hospitals Associated with Mashhad University of Medical Sciences.
H Gholamhosseinian-Najjar, MT Bahreyni-Toosi, MH Zare, HR Sadeghi, ...
Iranian Journal of Medical Physics/Majallah-I Fīzīk-I Pizishkī-i Īrān 11 (1), 2013
Evaluation of breast cancer radiation therapy techniques in outfield organs of rando phantom with thermoluminescence dosimeter
M Behmadi, H Gholamhosseinian, M Mohammadi, S Naseri, ...
Journal of biomedical physics & engineering 9 (2), 179, 2019
Urolithins increased anticancer effects of chemical drugs, ionizing radiation and hyperthermia on human esophageal carcinoma cells in vitro
S Mirzaei, M Iranshahy, H Gholamhosseinian, MM Matin, FB Rassouli
Tissue and Cell 77, 101846, 2022
Assessment of the Effects of Radiation Type and Energy on the Calibration of TLD-100
MT Bahreyni Toossi, H Gholamhosseinian, A Vejdani Noghreiyan
Iranian Journal of Medical Physics 15 (3), 140-145, 2018
Monte Carlo simulation of a 6 MV X-ray beam for open and wedge radiation fields, using GATE code
MT Bahreyni-Toosi, S Nasseri, M Momennezhad, F Hasanabadi, ...
Journal of Medical Signals & Sensors 4 (4), 267-273, 2014
7-geranyloxycoumarin enhanced radiotherapy effects on human gastric adenocarcinoma cells
J Movaffagh, H Salari, E Merajifar, A Shahroodi, M Iranshahi, FB Rassouli
Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 19 (3), 590-594, 2023
Dosimetric verification of IMRT and 3D conformal treatment delivery using EPID
S Nasseri, MH Bahreyni, M Momennezhad, H Gholamhosseinian, ...
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 182, 110116, 2022
Magnetic dispersive micro-solid-phase extraction for the preconcentration and extraction of lead (II) and cadmium ions from environmental samples using magnetic CoFe2O4@ SiO2 …
V Khorasani, RS Khoshnood, H Gholamhosseinian
Chemical Papers 75 (12), 6639-6650, 2021
Determining rectal dose through cervical cancer radiotherapy by 9 MV photon beam using TLD and XR type T GAFCHROMIC® Film
FE Tazehmahalleh, H Gholamhosseinian, M Layegh, NE Tazehmahalleh, ...
Iran. J. Radiat. Res 6 (3), 129-134, 2008
Assessment of variation of wedge factor with depth, field size and SSD for Neptun 10PC Linac in Mashhad Imam Reza Hospital
International Journal of Radiation Research 2 (2), 53-58, 2004
7-Geranyloxcycoumarin enhances radio sensitivity in human prostate cancer cells
Y Abolhassani, S Mirzaei, M Nejabat, S Talebian, H Gholamhosseinian, ...
Molecular Biology Reports 50 (7), 5709-5717, 2023
Evaluation of the heart and lung dosimetric parameters in deep inspiration breath hold using 3D Slicer
A Eskandari, S Nasseri, H Gholamhosseinian, S Hosseini, MJK Farzaneh, ...
Radiation oncology journal 38 (1), 68, 2020
Evaluation of the portal imaging system performance for an Elekta precise linac in radiotherapy
F Shahedi, M Momennezhad, S Nasseri, H Gholamhosseinian
Iranian Journal of Medical Physics 15 (4), 295-303, 2018
A review of intraoperative radiotherapy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced breast cancer: from bench to bedside
A Keramati, SA Javadinia, H Gholamhosseinian, A Fanipakdel, ...
Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology 18, 1-11, 2020
An Empirical Transmitted EPID Dosimetry Method using a Back-Projection Algorithm
SM Hashemi, MH Bahreyni, M Mohammadi, S Nasseri, S Bayani, ...
Journal of biomedical physics & engineering 9 (5), 551, 2019
Quality assessment of conventional X-ray diagnostic equipment by measuring X-ray exposure and tube output parameters in Great Khorasan Province, Iran
M Hashemi, S Bayani Roodi, F Shahedi, M Momennezhad, H Zare, ...
Iranian Journal of Medical Physics 16 (1), 34-40, 2019
Radiation response of human leukemia/lymphoma cells was improved by 7-geranyloxycoumarin
R Bagheri, FB Rassouli, H Gholamhosseinian, K Ebrahimi, S Mahdavi, ...
Dose-Response 20 (3), 15593258221124479, 2022
Comparing two radiotherapy techniques of whole central nervous system tumors, considering tumor and critical organs' dose provided by treatment planning system and direct …
S Momeni, MTB Toosi, K Anvari, H Gholamhosseinian, S Soleymanifard
Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 16 (6), 1470-1475, 2020
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Articles 1–20