Emily Berg
Emily Berg
Associate Professor of Statistics, Iowa State University
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Cited by
Corn stover as a biofuel feedstock in Iowa’s bio-economy: an Iowa farmer survey
JC Tyndall, EJ Berg, JP Colletti
Biomass and bioenergy 35 (4), 1485-1495, 2011
A hierarchical Bayesian model for forecasting state-level corn yield
B Nandram, E Berg, W Barboza
Environmental and ecological statistics 21, 507-530, 2014
Small area prediction for a unit-level lognormal model
E Berg, H Chandra
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 78, 159-175, 2014
Imputation under informative sampling
E Berg, JK Kim, C Skinner
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 4 (4), 436-462, 2016
Statistical matching using fractional imputation
J Kim, E Berg, T Park
arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.03782, 2015
Small area prediction of proportions with applications to the Canadian Labour Force Survey
EJ Berg, WA Fuller
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 2 (3), 227-256, 2014
Small area estimation for county-level farmland cash rental rates
E Berg, W Cecere, M Ghosh
Journal of survey statistics and methodology 2 (1), 1-37, 2014
Small area estimation of proportions with constraint for national resources inventory survey
X Wang, E Berg, Z Zhu, D Sun, G Demuth
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 23, 509-528, 2018
A SPREE small area procedure for estimating population counts
E Berg, WA Fuller
Proceedings of the Survey Methods Section, SSC Annual Meeting, 2009
Bivariate small‐area estimation for binary and gaussian variables based on a conditionally specified model
H Sun, E Berg, Z Zhu
Biometrics 78 (4), 1555-1565, 2022
Bivariate hierarchical Bayesian model for estimating cropland cash rental rates at the county level
E Erciulescu, E Berg, W Cecere, M Ghosh
Survey methodology, 2019
Empirical Bayes small area prediction under a zero‐inflated lognormal model with correlated random area effects
X Lyu, EJ Berg, H Hofmann
Biometrical Journal 62 (8), 1859-1878, 2020
A centered bivariate spatial regression model for binary data with an application to presettlement vegetation data in the Midwestern United States
PC Caragea, E Berg
Journal of agricultural, biological, and environmental statistics 19, 451-469, 2014
Estimators of error covariance matrices for small area prediction
EJ Berg, WA Fuller
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 56 (10), 2949-2962, 2012
Small area estimation for lognormal data
E Berg, H Chandra, R Chambers
Analysis of Poverty Data by Small Area Estimation, 279-298, 2016
Incorporating user input into optimal constraining procedures for survey estimates
M Williams, E Berg
Journal of Official Statistics 29 (3), 375-396, 2013
A small area procedure for estimating population counts
E Berg
Small area estimates for the conservation effects assessment project
AL Erciulescu, E Berg
Frontiers of Hierarchical Modeling in Observational Studies, Complex Surveys …, 2014
Veterinarian perceptions and practices in prevention and control of influenza virus in the Midwest United States swine farms
DCA Moraes, A L. Vincent Baker, X Wang, Z Zhu, E Berg, G Trevisan, ...
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10, 1089132, 2023
Equating NHANES monitor based physical activity to self-reported methods to enhance ongoing surveillance efforts
G Welk, NR Lamoureux, C Zeng, Z Zhu, E Berg, DL Wolff-Hughes, ...
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 55 (6), 1034, 2023
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