Kristin Stock
Kristin Stock
Director of Massey Geoinformatics Collaboratory, Associate Professor of Computer Science and IT
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Cited by
Mobile applications in crisis informatics literature: A systematic review
ML Tan, R Prasanna, K Stock, E Hudson-Doyle, G Leonard, D Johnston
International journal of disaster risk reduction 24, 297-311, 2017
Mining location from social media: A systematic review
K Stock
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 71, 209-240, 2018
Usability factors influencing the continuance intention of disaster apps: A mixed-methods study
ML Tan, R Prasanna, K Stock, EEH Doyle, G Leonard, D Johnston
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 50, 101874, 2020
Understanding end-users' perspectives: Towards developing usability guidelines for disaster apps
ML Tan, R Prasanna, K Stock, EEH Doyle, G Leonard, D Johnston
Progress in Disaster Science 7, 100118, 2020
Geospatial reasoning with open data
K Stock, H Guesgen
Automating open source intelligence, 171-204, 2016
To ontologise or not to ontologise: an information model for a geospatial knowledge infrastructure
K Stock, T Stojanovic, F Reitsma, Y Ou, M Bishr, J Ortmann, A Robertson
Computers & Geosciences 45, 98-108, 2012
Modified usability framework for disaster apps: a qualitative thematic analysis of user reviews
ML Tan, R Prasanna, K Stock, EEH Doyle, G Leonard, D Johnston
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 11, 615-629, 2020
A semantic registry using a Feature Type Catalogue instead of ontologies to support spatial data infrastructures
KM Stock, R Atkinson, C Higgins, M Small, A Woolf, K Millard, D Arctur
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 24 (2), 231-252, 2010
Multi-source multimodal data and deep learning for disaster response: a systematic review
N Algiriyage, R Prasanna, K Stock, EEH Doyle, D Johnston
SN Computer Science 3 (1), 92, 2022
Context-aware automated interpretation of elaborate natural language descriptions of location through learning from empirical data
K Stock, J Yousaf
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 32 (6), 1087-1116, 2018
OGC catalogue services-OWL application profile of CSW
K Stock, M Small, Y Ou, F Reitsma
Reference number OGC, 09-010, 2009
Detecting geospatial location descriptions in natural language text
K Stock, CB Jones, S Russell, M Radke, P Das, N Aflaki
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 36 (3), 547-584, 2022
Augmented reality and maps: New possibilities for engaging with geographic data
GH de Almeida Pereira, K Stock, L Stamato Delazari, JAS Centeno
The Cartographic Journal 54 (4), 313-321, 2017
The Logic of NEAR and FAR
H Du, N Alechina, K Stock, M Jackson
Spatial Information Theory: 11th International Conference, COSIT 2013 …, 2013
Creating a corpus of geospatial natural language
K Stock, RC Pasley, Z Gardner, P Brindley, J Morley, C Cialone
Spatial Information Theory: 11th International Conference, COSIT 2013 …, 2013
An approach to the management of multiple aligned multilingual ontologies for a geospatial earth observation system
K Stock, C Cialone
GeoSpatial Semantics: 4th International Conference, GeoS 2011, Brest, France …, 2011
Understanding the social aspects of earthquake early warning: A literature review
ML Tan, JS Becker, K Stock, R Prasanna, A Brown, C Kenney, A Cui, ...
Frontiers in Communication 7, 939242, 2022
eScience for Sea Science: a semantic scientific knowledge infrastructure for marine scientists
K Stock, A Robertson, F Reitsma, T Stojanovic, M Bishr, D Medyckyj-Scott, ...
2009 Fifth IEEE International Conference on e-Science, 110-117, 2009
Identifying semantically similar elements in heterogeneous spatial databases using predicate logic expressions
K Stock, D Pullar
International Conference on Interoperating Geographic Information Systems …, 1999
Finding science with science: evaluating a domain and scientific ontology user interface for the discovery of scientific resources
K Stock, V Karasova, A Robertson, G Roger, M Small, M Bishr, J Ortmann, ...
Transactions in GIS 17 (4), 612-639, 2013
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Articles 1–20