Seafood and freshwater toxins: pharmacology, physiology, and detection LM Botana Crc Press, 2014 | 389 | 2014 |
New azaspiracids in amphidomataceae (dinophyceae) B Krock, U Tillmann, D Voß, BP Koch, R Salas, M Witt, É Potvin, HJ Jeong Toxicon 60 (5), 830-839, 2012 | 134 | 2012 |
The role of Azadinium spinosum (Dinophyceae) in the production of azaspiracid shellfish poisoning in mussels R Salas, U Tillmann, U John, J Kilcoyne, A Burson, C Cantwell, P Hess, ... Harmful Algae 10 (6), 774-783, 2011 | 126 | 2011 |
Amphidoma languida sp. nov.(Dinophyceae) Reveals a Close Relationship between Amphidoma and Azadinium U Tillmann, R Salas, M Gottschling, B Krock, D O'Driscoll, M Elbrächter Protist, 2011 | 111 | 2011 |
TAXONOMIC REVISION OF THE DINOFLAGELLATE AMPHIDOMA CAUDATA: TRANSFER TO THE GENUS AZADINIUM (DINOPHYCEAE) AND PROPOSAL OF TWO … E Nézan, U Tillmann, G Bilien, S Boulben, K Cheze, F Zentz, R Salas, ... Journal of Phycology 48 (4), 925-939, 2012 | 58 | 2012 |
Molecular analyses of protists in long-term observation programmes—current status and future perspectives R Stern, A Kraberg, E Bresnan, WHCF Kooistra, C Lovejoy, M Montresor, ... Journal of Plankton Research 40 (5), 519-536, 2018 | 57 | 2018 |
Harmful algal bloom forecast system for SW Ireland. Part II: Are operational oceanographic models useful in a HAB warning system C Cusack, T Dabrowski, K Lyons, A Berry, G Westbrook, R Salas, C Duffy, ... Harmful Algae 53, 86-101, 2016 | 53 | 2016 |
AZA: the producing organisms–biology and trophic transfer U Tillmann, R Salas, T Jauffrais, P Hess, J Silke Seafood and Freshwater Toxins. CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, 773-798, 2014 | 49 | 2014 |
Real-time PCR Detection of Dinophysis Species in Irish Coastal Waters S Kavanagh, C Brennan, L O’Connor, S Moran, R Salas, J Lyons, J Silke, ... Marine Biotechnology 12, 534-542, 2010 | 32 | 2010 |
Morphological and molecular characterization of the small armoured dinoflagellate Heterocapsa minima (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae) R Salas, U Tillmann, S Kavanagh European Journal of Phycology 49 (4), 413-428, 2014 | 22 | 2014 |
Azaspiracids–toxicological evaluation, test methods and identifcation of the source organisms (ASTOX II) J Kilcoyne, T Jauffrais, MJ Twiner, GJ Doucette, JA Aasen Bunes, S Sosa, ... Marine Institute, 2014 | 21 | 2014 |
Multiple new strains of amphidomataceae (Dinophyceae) from the north atlantic revealed a high toxin profile variability of Azadinium spinosum and a new non-toxigenic az. cf … U Tillmann, S Wietkamp, H Gu, B Krock, R Salas, D Clarke Microorganisms 9 (1), 134, 2021 | 17 | 2021 |
Review of DSP toxicity in Ireland: Long-term trend impacts, biodiversity and toxin profiles from a monitoring perspective R Salas, D Clarke Toxins 11 (2), 61, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |
Morphological and molecular characterization of multiple new Azadinium strains revealed a high diversity of non‐toxigenic species of Amphidomataceae (Dinophyceae … R Salas, U Tillmann, H Gu, S Wietkamp, B Krock, D Clarke Phycological Research 69 (2), 88-115, 2021 | 14 | 2021 |
Improved Isolation Procedures for Okadaic Acid Group Toxins from Shellfish (Mytilus edulis) and Microalgae (Prorocentrum lima) J Kilcoyne, S Burrell, C Nulty, R Salas, EJ Wright, I Rajotte, CO Miles Marine Drugs 18 (12), 647, 2020 | 14 | 2020 |
Distribution and abundance of azaspiracid-producing dinophyte species and their toxins in North Atlantic and North Sea waters in summer 2018 S Wietkamp, B Krock, D Clarke, D Voß, R Salas, J Kilcoyne, U Tillmann PLoS One 15 (6), e0235015, 2020 | 14 | 2020 |
Review of phytoplankton monitoring 2006 S Moran, J Silke, R Salas, T Chamberlain, J Lyons, S Shannon Marine Institute, 2007 | 12 | 2007 |
Production of the dinoflagellate Amphidoma languida in a large scale photobioreactor and structure elucidation of its main metabolite AZA-39 R Salas, E Murphy, R Doohan, U Tillmann, OP Thomas Harmful Algae 127, 102471, 2023 | 5 | 2023 |
PCR assays for the detection of ASP, DSP, PSP and AZP toxigenic producing phytoplanktonic species in Irish coastal waters D Clarke, R Salas, P Hynes, A McCarthy, D Walsh, J Silke HARMFUL ALGAE 2018–FROM ECOSYSTEMS TO SOCIO-ECOSYSTEMS, 19, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Development & implementation of the Phytotest project S Kavanagh, C Brennan, C Lyons, T Chamberlain, R Salas, S Moran, ... Marine Institute, 2008 | 3 | 2008 |