Zofia Vértesy
Zofia Vértesy
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Cited by
Role of photonic-crystal-type structures in the thermal regulation of a Lycaenid butterfly sister species pair
LP Biró, Z Bálint, K Kertész, Z Vértesy, GI Márk, ZE Horváth, J Balázs, ...
Physical review E 67 (2), 021907, 2003
Switchable reflector in the Panamanian tortoise beetle Charidotella egregia (Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae)
JP Vigneron, JM Pasteels, DM Windsor, Z Vértesy, M Rassart, T Seldrum, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (3 …, 2007
Gleaming and dull surface textures from photonic-crystal-type nanostructures in the butterfly Cyanophrys remus
K Kertész, Z Bálint, Z Vértesy, GI Márk, V Lousse, JP Vigneron, M Rassart, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 74 (2 …, 2006
Processing of carbon nanotube reinforced silicon nitride composites by spark plasma sintering
C Balázsi, Z Shen, Z Kónya, Z Kasztovszky, F Weber, Z Vertesy, LP Biro, ...
Composites Science and Technology 65 (5), 727-733, 2005
Development of CNT/Si3N4 composites with improved mechanical and electrical properties
C Balázsi, B Fényi, N Hegman, Z Kövér, F Wéber, Z Vértesy, Z Kónya, ...
Composites Part B: Engineering 37 (6), 418-424, 2006
Optical structure and function of the white filamentary hair covering the edelweiss bracts
JP Vigneron, M Rassart, Z Vértesy, K Kertész, M Sarrazin, LP Biró, D Ertz, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (1 …, 2005
Living photonic crystals: butterfly scales—nanostructure and optical properties
LP Biró, K Kertész, Z Vértesy, GI Márk, Z Bálint, V Lousse, JP Vigneron
Materials Science and Engineering: C 27 (5-8), 941-946, 2007
The well-tuned blues: the role of structural colours as optical signals in the species recognition of a local butterfly fauna (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Polyommatinae)
Z Bálint, K Kertész, G Piszter, Z Vértesy, LP Biró
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 9 (73), 1745-1756, 2012
Diameter and morphology dependence on experimental conditions of carbon nanotube arrays grown by spray pyrolysis
L Tapasztó, K Kertész, Z Vértesy, ZE Horváth, AA Koós, Z Osváth, ...
Carbon 43 (5), 970-977, 2005
Photonic nanoarchitectures occurring in butterfly scales as selective gas/vapor sensors
LP Biró, K Kertész, Z Vértesy, Z Bálint
The Nature of Light: Light in Nature II 7057, 44-51, 2008
Wing scale microstructures and nanostructures in butterflies− natural photonic crystals
Z Vértesy, Z Bálint, K Kertész, JP Vigneron, V Lousse, LP Biró
Journal of Microscopy 224 (1), 108-110, 2006
Application of carbon nanotubes to silicon nitride matrix reinforcements
C Balázsi, F Wéber, Z Kövér, Z Shen, Z Kónya, Z Kasztovszky, Z Vértesy, ...
Current Applied Physics 6 (2), 124-130, 2006
Catalyst traces and other impurities in chemically purified carbon nanotubes grown by CVD
LP Biro, NQ Khanh, Z Vertesy, ZE Horvath, Z Osvath, A Koos, J Gyulai, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 19 (1-2), 9-13, 2002
Inexpensive, upscalable nanotube growth methods
ZE Horváth, K Kertész, L Pethő, AA Koós, L Tapasztó, Z Vértesy, Z Osváth, ...
Current Applied Physics 6 (2), 135-140, 2006
Correlated diffraction and fluorescence in the backscattering iridescence of the male butterfly Troides magellanus (Papilionidae)
JP Vigneron, K Kertész, Z Vértesy, M Rassart, V Lousse, Z Bálint, LP Biró
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (2 …, 2008
Photonic crystal type structures of biological origin: structural and spectral characterization
K Kertész, Z Bálint, Z Vértesy, GI Márk, V Lousse, JP Vigneron, LP Biró
Current Applied Physics 6 (2), 252-258, 2006
A kinetic model of the spontaneous passivation and corrosion of zinc in near neutral Na2SO4 solutions
L Sziráki, A Cziráki, I Geröcs, Z Vértesy, L Kiss
Electrochimica acta 43 (1-2), 175-186, 1998
Photonic band gap materials in butterfly scales: A possible source of “blueprints”
K Kertész, G Molnár, Z Vértesy, AA Koós, ZE Horváth, GI Márk, L Tapasztó, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 149 (3), 259-265, 2008
Anisotropic etching of silicon in a two-component alkaline solution
E Vazsonyi, Z Vértesy, A Tóth, J Szlufcik
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 13 (2), 165, 2002
Order-disorder effects in structure and color relation of photonic-crystal-type nanostructures in butterfly wing scales
GI Márk, Z Vértesy, K Kertész, Z Bálint, LP Biró
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (5 …, 2009
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Articles 1–20