Parveen Kumar
Parveen Kumar
Professor, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technolgy, Murthal
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Cited by
Deprenyl administration in man: a selective monoamine oxidase B inhibitor without the ‘cheese effect’
JD Elsworth, V Glover, GP Reynolds, M Sandler, AJ Lees, P Phuapradit, ...
Psychopharmacology 57, 33-38, 1978
Computation of kinematic paths and bifurcation points
P Kumar, S Pellegrino
International Journal of Solids and Structures 37 (46-47), 7003-7027, 2000
An optical tweezer phonon laser
RM Pettit, W Ge, P Kumar, DR Luntz-Martin, JT Schultz, LP Neukirch, ...
Nature Photonics 13 (6), 402-405, 2019
Remote sensing based deforestation analysis in Mahanadi and Brahmaputra river basin in India since 1985
MD Behera, P Tripathi, P Das, SK Srivastava, PS Roy, C Joshi, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 206, 1192-1203, 2018
Idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger finger: is there an association?
P Kumar, I Chakrabarti
Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) 34 (1), 58-59, 2009
Wavelet analysis of DNA sequences
AA Tsonis, P Kumar, JB Elsner, PA Tsonis
Physical Review E 53 (2), 1828, 1996
Intraperitoneal tension-free repair of small midline ventral abdominal wall hernias with a Ventralex hernia patch: initial experience in 51 patients
HIA Hadi, A Maw, S Sarmah, P Kumar
Hernia 10, 409-413, 2006
In vitro antibacterial activity and gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy analysis of Acacia karoo and Ziziphus mauritiana extracts
C Priyanka, P Kumar, SP Bankar, L Karthik
Journal of Taibah University for Science 9 (1), 13-19, 2015
Evaluation of plant height and leaf length of sorghum grown under different sources of nutrition
P Kumar, S Kumar, M Harshavardhan, M Naik, J Yumnam, PS Kumar, ...
Annals of Biology 34 (3), 284-286, 2018
Cadmium induced changes in germination of maize seed treated with mycorrhiza
P Kumar, J Yumnam, PS Kumar, L Misao, N Jyoti, M Naik, KS Purnima, ...
Annals of Agri-Bio Research 23 (2), 169-170, 2018
Regeneration of plants from seedling-explants and callus cultures of Arachis hypogaea L.[groundnut].
YPS Bajaj, P Kumar, KS Labana, MM Singh
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 19, 1981
Kabir-ud-Din,“Kinetics and mechanism of the reduction of colloidal manganese dioxide by D-fructose,”
Z Khan, P Kumar
Colloids and Surfaces 248 (1-3), 25-31, 2004
Experimental study on partial replacement of cement with egg shell powder
P Kumar, RS Vijaya, RB Jose
International Journal of Innovation in Engineering and Technology 4, 334-341, 2015
Recent advancements and new perspectives in animal models for Neurocysticercosis immunopathogenesis
N Arora, S Tripathi, P Kumar, P Mondal, A Mishra, A Prasad
Parasite immunology 39 (7), e12439, 2017
Global supply chain control towers: Achieving end-to-end supply chain visibility
G Bhosle, P Kumar, B Griffin-Cryan, R van Doesburg, M Sparks, A Paton
Capgemini consulting white paper, 2011
Gopal-Krishna, 2014
H Chand, P Kumar
MNRAS 441, 726, 0
A compact analytical material model for unconfined concrete under uni-axial compression
P Kumar
Materials and structures 37, 585-590, 2004
All-perovskite two-terminal tandem solar cell with 32.3% efficiency by numerical simulation
G Shankar, P Kumar, B Pradhan
Materials Today Sustainability 20, 100241, 2022
An Investigation on Self‐Compacting Concrete Using Ultrafine Natural Steatite Powder as Replacement to Cement
P Kumar, K Sudalaimani, M Shanmugasundaram
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2017 (1), 8949041, 2017
Capacity & performance comparison of SISO and MIMO system for next generation network (NGN)
NC Giri, A Sahoo, JR Swain, P Kumar, A Nayak, P Debogoswami
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering …, 2014
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Articles 1–20