The genome of woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) V Shulaev, DJ Sargent, RN Crowhurst, TC Mockler, O Folkerts, ... Nature genetics 43 (2), 109-116, 2011 | 1378 | 2011 |
The SHINE clade of AP2 domain transcription factors activates wax biosynthesis, alters cuticle properties, and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in Arabidopsis A Aharoni, S Dixit, R Jetter, E Thoenes, G Van Arkel, A Pereira The Plant Cell 16 (9), 2463-2480, 2004 | 947 | 2004 |
The strawberry FaMYB1 transcription factor suppresses anthocyanin and flavonol accumulation in transgenic tobacco A Aharoni, CHR De Vos, M Wein, Z Sun, R Greco, A Kroon, JNM Mol, ... The Plant Journal 28 (3), 319-332, 2001 | 768 | 2001 |
Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics: a guide for annotation, quantification and best reporting practices S Alseekh, A Aharoni, Y Brotman, K Contrepois, J D’Auria, J Ewald, ... Nature methods 18 (7), 747-756, 2021 | 726 | 2021 |
Identification of the SAAT Gene Involved in Strawberry Flavor Biogenesis by Use of DNA Microarrays A Aharoni, LCP Keizer, HJ Bouwmeester, Z Sun, M Alvarez-Huerta, ... The Plant Cell 12 (5), 647-661, 2000 | 726 | 2000 |
Terpenoid metabolism in wild-type and transgenic Arabidopsis plants A Aharoni, AP Giri, S Deuerlein, F Griepink, WJ de Kogel, ... The plant cell 15 (12), 2866-2884, 2003 | 707 | 2003 |
Genetic engineering of terpenoid metabolism attracts bodyguards to Arabidopsis IF Kappers, A Aharoni, TWJM Van Herpen, LLP Luckerhoff, M Dicke, ... Science 309 (5743), 2070-2072, 2005 | 686 | 2005 |
Improvement of water use efficiency in rice by expression of HARDY, an Arabidopsis drought and salt tolerance gene A Karaba, S Dixit, R Greco, A Aharoni, KR Trijatmiko, N Marsch-Martinez, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (39), 15270-15275, 2007 | 649 | 2007 |
Biosynthesis of antinutritional alkaloids in solanaceous crops is mediated by clustered genes M Itkin, U Heinig, O Tzfadia, AJ Bhide, B Shinde, PD Cardenas, ... Science 341 (6142), 175-179, 2013 | 590 | 2013 |
Gain and loss of fruit flavor compounds produced by wild and cultivated strawberry species A Aharoni, AP Giri, FWA Verstappen, CM Bertea, R Sevenier, Z Sun, ... The plant cell 16 (11), 3110-3131, 2004 | 569 | 2004 |
Nontargeted metabolome analysis by use of Fourier transform ion cyclotron mass spectrometry A Aharoni, CH Ric de Vos, HA Verhoeven, CA Maliepaard, G Kruppa, ... Omics: a journal of integrative biology 6 (3), 217-234, 2002 | 542 | 2002 |
Volatile science? Metabolic engineering of terpenoids in plants A Aharoni, MA Jongsma, HJ Bouwmeester Trends in plant science 10 (12), 594-602, 2005 | 517 | 2005 |
Persistent microbiome alterations modulate the rate of post-dieting weight regain CA Thaiss, S Itav, D Rothschild, MT Meijer, M Levy, C Moresi, ... Nature 540 (7634), 544-551, 2016 | 516 | 2016 |
Rhizosphere microbiome mediates systemic root metabolite exudation by root-to-root signaling E Korenblum, Y Dong, J Szymanski, S Panda, A Jozwiak, H Massalha, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (7), 3874-3883, 2020 | 472 | 2020 |
Functional characterization of enzymes forming volatile esters from strawberry and banana J Beekwilder, M Alvarez-Huerta, E Neef, FWA Verstappen, ... Plant physiology 135 (4), 1865-1878, 2004 | 454 | 2004 |
The Arabidopsis DESPERADO/AtWBC11 Transporter Is Required for Cutin and Wax Secretion D Panikashvili, S Savaldi-Goldstein, T Mandel, T Yifhar, RB Franke, ... Plant physiology 145 (4), 1345-1360, 2007 | 384 | 2007 |
Gene expression and metabolism in tomato fruit surface tissues S Mintz-Oron, T Mandel, I Rogachev, L Feldberg, O Lotan, M Yativ, ... Plant Physiology 147 (2), 823-851, 2008 | 382 | 2008 |
TOMATO AGAMOUS‐LIKE 1 is a component of the fruit ripening regulatory network M Itkin, H Seybold, D Breitel, I Rogachev, S Meir, A Aharoni The Plant Journal 60 (6), 1081-1095, 2009 | 375 | 2009 |
Recommendations for reporting metabolite data AR Fernie, A Aharoni, L Willmitzer, M Stitt, T Tohge, J Kopka, AJ Carroll, ... The Plant Cell 23 (7), 2477-2482, 2011 | 364 | 2011 |
Reconfiguration of the achene and receptacle metabolic networks during strawberry fruit development A Fait, K Hanhineva, R Beleggia, N Dai, I Rogachev, VJ Nikiforova, ... Plant physiology 148 (2), 730-750, 2008 | 354 | 2008 |