James Krieger
James Krieger
Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia, Madrid
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Cited by
Pseudomonas aeruginosa utilizes host polyunsaturated phosphatidylethanolamines to trigger theft-ferroptosis in bronchial epithelium
HH Dar, YY Tyurina, K Mikulska-Ruminska, I Shrivastava, HC Ting, ...
Journal of clinical investigation 128 (10), 4639-4653, 2018
ProDy 2.0: increased scale and scope after 10 years of protein dynamics modelling with Python
S Zhang, JM Krieger, Y Zhang, C Kaya, B Kaynak, K Mikulska-Ruminska, ...
Bioinformatics 37 (20), 3657-3659, 2021
Structure and organization of heteromeric AMPA-type glutamate receptors
B Herguedas, J García-Nafría, O Cais, R Fernández-Leiro, J Krieger, ...
Science 352 (6285), aad3873, 2016
Intrinsic dynamics is evolutionarily optimized to enable allosteric behavior
Y Zhang, P Doruker, B Kaynak, S Zhang, J Krieger, H Li, I Bahar
Current opinion in structural biology 62, 14-21, 2020
Cooperative dynamics of intact AMPA and NMDA glutamate receptors: similarities and subfamily-specific differences
A Dutta, J Krieger, JY Lee, J Garcia-Nafria, IH Greger, I Bahar
Structure 23 (9), 1692-1704, 2015
Impact of South African 501. V2 variant on SARS-CoV-2 spike infectivity and neutralization: a structure-based computational assessment
MH Cheng, JM Krieger, B Kaynak, M Arditi, I Bahar
BioRxiv, 2021.01. 10.426143, 2021
Survey of the analysis of continuous conformational variability of biological macromolecules by electron microscopy
COS Sorzano, A Jiménez, J Mota, JL Vilas, D Maluenda, M Martínez, ...
Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications 75 (1), 19-32, 2019
Conformational recognition of an intrinsically disordered protein
JM Krieger, G Fusco, M Lewitzky, PC Simister, J Marchant, C Camilloni, ...
Biophysical journal 106 (8), 1771-1779, 2014
Shared signature dynamics tempered by local fluctuations enables fold adaptability and specificity
S Zhang, H Li, JM Krieger, I Bahar
Molecular biology and evolution 36 (9), 2053-2068, 2019
Structure, dynamics, and allosteric potential of ionotropic glutamate receptor N-terminal domains
J Krieger, I Bahar, IH Greger
Biophysical journal 109 (6), 1136-1148, 2015
Receptor heteromeric assembly—how it works and why it matters: the case of ionotropic glutamate receptors
B Herguedas, J Krieger, IH Greger
Progress in molecular biology and translational science 117, 361-386, 2013
Allosteric interactions in the parathyroid hormone GPCR–arrestin complex formation
LJ Clark, J Krieger, AD White, V Bondarenko, S Lei, F Fang, JY Lee, ...
Nature chemical biology 16 (10), 1096-1104, 2020
A monoclonal antibody against staphylococcal enterotoxin B superantigen inhibits SARS-CoV-2 entry in vitro
MH Cheng, RA Porritt, MN Rivas, JM Krieger, AB Ozdemir, G Garcia, ...
Structure 29 (9), 951-962. e3, 2021
Characterization of differential dynamics, specificity, and allostery of lipoxygenase family members
K Mikulska-Ruminska, I Shrivastava, J Krieger, S Zhang, H Li, H Bayır, ...
Journal of chemical information and modeling 59 (5), 2496-2508, 2019
Estimating conformational landscapes from Cryo-EM particles by 3D Zernike polynomials
D Herreros, RR Lederman, JM Krieger, A Jiménez-Moreno, M Martínez, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 154, 2023
Impact of new variants on SARS-CoV-2 infectivity and neutralization: A molecular assessment of the alterations in the spike-host protein interactions
MH Cheng, JM Krieger, A Banerjee, Y Xiang, B Kaynak, Y Shi, M Arditi, ...
iScience 25 (3), 2022
Image processing tools for the validation of CryoEM maps
COS Sorzano, JL Vilas, E Ramírez-Aportela, J Krieger, D Del Hoyo, ...
Faraday Discussions 240, 210-227, 2022
Pharmmaker: Pharmacophore modeling and hit identification based on druggability simulations
JY Lee, JM Krieger, H Li, I Bahar
Protein Science 29 (1), 76-86, 2020
Towards gaining sight of multiscale events: utilizing network models and normal modes in hybrid methods
JM Krieger, P Doruker, AL Scott, D Perahia, I Bahar
Current opinion in structural biology 64, 34-41, 2020
The structural role of SARS-CoV-2 genetic background in the emergence and success of spike mutations: The case of the spike A222V mutation
T Ginex, C Marco-Marín, M Wieczór, CP Mata, J Krieger, ...
PLoS Pathogens 18 (7), e1010631, 2022
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Articles 1–20