Mina Evron
Mina Evron
Zinman Institute of Archaeology, University of Haifa
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The earliest modern humans outside Africa
I Hershkovitz, GW Weber, R Quam, M Duval, R Grün, L Kinsley, A Ayalon, ...
Science 359 (6374), 456-459, 2018
Atlit-Yam: a prehistoric site on the sea floor off the Israeli coast
E Galili, M Weinstein-Evron, I Hershkovitz, A Gopher, M Kislev, O Lernau, ...
Journal of Field Archaeology 20 (2), 133-157, 1993
‘Fire at will’: The emergence of habitual fire use 350,000 years ago
R Shimelmitz, SL Kuhn, AJ Jelinek, A Ronen, AE Clark, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 77, 196-203, 2014
Design and performance of microlith implemented projectiles during the Middle and the Late Epipaleolithic of the Levant: experimental and archaeological evidence
A Yaroshevich, D Kaufman, D Nuzhnyy, O Bar-Yosef, M Weinstein-Evron
Journal of Archaeological Science 37 (2), 368-388, 2010
Evidence for earliest olive-oil production in submerged settlements off the Carmel coast, Israel
E Galili, DJ Stanley, J Sharvit, M Weinstein-Evron
Journal of archaeological Science 24 (12), 1141-1150, 1997
Vegetation and climate changes in the South Eastern Mediterranean during the Last Glacial-Interglacial cycle (86 ka): new marine pollen record
D Langgut, A Almogi-Labin, M Bar-Matthews, M Weinstein-Evron
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (27-28), 3960-3972, 2011
Prehistory and paleoenvironments of submerged sites along the Carmel coast of Israel
E Galili, M Weinstein-Evron
Paléorient 11 (1), 37-52, 1985
Modern hunting behavior in the early Middle Paleolithic: faunal remains from Misliya Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel
R Yeshurun, G Bar-Oz, M Weinstein-Evron
Journal of Human Evolution 53 (6), 656-677, 2007
Early natufian el-wad revisited
M Weinstein-Evron
Etudes et recherches archeologiques de l'Universite de Liege, 1998
Holocene sea-level changes based on submerged archaeological sites off the northern Carmel coast in Israel
E Galili, M Weinstein-Evron, A Ronen
Quaternary Research 29 (1), 36-42, 1988
Dating the Lower to Middle Paleolithic transition in the Levant: A view from Misliya Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel
H Valladas, N Mercier, I Hershkovitz, Y Zaidner, A Tsatskin, R Yeshurun, ...
Journal of human evolution 65 (5), 585-593, 2013
The Natufian economy at el-Wad Terrace with special reference to gazelle exploitation patterns
G Bar-Oz, T Dayan, D Kaufman, M Weinstein-Evron
Journal of Archaeological Science 31 (2), 217-231, 2004
Micromammal taphonomy of el-Wad Terrace, Mount Carmel, Israel: distinguishing cultural from natural depositional agents in the Late Natufian
L Weissbrod, T Dayan, D Kaufman, M Weinstein-Evron
Journal of Archaeological Science 32 (1), 1-17, 2005
The paleoecology of the early Wurm in the Hula basin, Israel
M Weinstein-Evron
Paléorient, 5-19, 1983
Intensification and sedentism in the terminal Pleistocene Natufian sequence of el-Wad Terrace (Israel)
R Yeshurun, G Bar-Oz, M Weinstein-Evron
Journal of human evolution 70, 16-35, 2014
14,000-year-old seeds indicate the Levantine origin of the lost progenitor of faba bean
V Caracuta, M Weinstein-Evron, D Kaufman, R Yeshurun, J Silvent, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 37399, 2016
Archaeology in the archives: unveiling the Natufian culture of Mount Carmel
M Weinstein-Evron
Brill, 2009
Introducing Misliya cave, Mount Carmel, Israel: A new continuous lower/middle Paleolithic sequence in the Levant
M Weinstein-Evron, G Bar-Oz, Y Zaidner, A Tsatskin, D Druck, N Porat, ...
Eurasian Prehistory 1 (1), 31-55, 2003
Provenance of ochre in the Natufian layers of el-Wad Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel
M Weinstein-Evron, S Ilani
Journal of Archaeological Science 21 (4), 461-467, 1994
After 70 years: new excavations at the el-Wad Terrace, Mount Carmel, Israel
M Weinstein-Evron, D Kaufman, N Bachrach, G Bar-Oz, ...
Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society 37, 37-134, 2007
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