Judith Ascher-Jenull
Judith Ascher-Jenull
Scientist at the University of Innsbruck, Austria
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Microbial diversity and soil functions
P Nannipieri, J Ascher, MT Ceccherini, L Landi, G Pietramellara, ...
European journal of soil science 68 (1), 12-26, 2017
Extracellular DNA in soil and sediment: fate and ecological relevance
G Pietramellara, J Ascher, F Borgogni, MT Ceccherini, G Guerri, ...
Biology and Fertility of Soils 45, 219-235, 2009
Distribution of microbial communities in a forest soil profile investigated by microbial biomass, soil respiration and DGGE of total and extracellular DNA
A Agnelli, J Ascher, G Corti, MT Ceccherini, P Nannipieri, G Pietramellara
Soil biology and Biochemistry 36 (5), 859-868, 2004
Manure-based biogas fermentation residues–friend or foe of soil fertility?
H Insam, M Gómez-Brandón, J Ascher
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 84, 1-14, 2015
Extracellular DNA in natural environments: features, relevance and applications
M Nagler, H Insam, G Pietramellara, J Ascher-Jenull
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 102, 6343-6356, 2018
Root exudate effects on the bacterial communities, CO2 evolution, nitrogen transformations and ATP content of rhizosphere and bulk soils
L Landi, F Valori, J Ascher, G Renella, L Falchini, P Nannipieri
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38 (3), 509-516, 2006
Hydrolase activity, microbial biomass and community structure in long-term Cd-contaminated soils
G Renella, M Mench, D Van der Lelie, G Pietramellara, J Ascher, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36 (3), 443-451, 2004
Beyond microbial diversity for predicting soil functions: A mini review
P Nannipieri, J Ascher-Jenull, MT Ceccherini, G Pietramellara, G Renella, ...
Pedosphere 30 (1), 5-17, 2020
Effects of root exudates in microbial diversity and activity in rhizosphere soils
P Nannipieri, J Ascher, MT Ceccherini, L Landi, G Pietramellara, ...
Molecular mechanisms of plant and microbe coexistence, 339-365, 2008
Effects of slope exposure on soil physico-chemical and microbiological properties along an altitudinal climosequence in the Italian Alps
T Bardelli, M Gómez-Brandón, J Ascher-Jenull, F Fornasier, P Arfaioli, ...
Science of the Total Environment 575, 1041-1055, 2017
A simplified rapid, low-cost and versatile DNA-based assessment of soil microbial biomass
F Fornasier, J Ascher, MT Ceccherini, E Tomat, G Pietramellara
Ecological Indicators 45, 75-82, 2014
Microbial diversity and microbial activity in the rhizosphere
P Nannipieri, J Ascher, MT Ceccherini, L Landi, G Pietramellara, ...
Ciencia del suelo 25 (1), 89-97, 2007
Sequential extraction and genetic fingerprinting of a forest soil metagenome
J Ascher, MT Ceccherini, OL Pantani, A Agnelli, F Borgogni, G Guerri, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 42 (2), 176-181, 2009
Adsorption of pure and dirty bacterial DNA on clay minerals and their transformation frequency
G Pietramellara, J Ascher, MT Ceccherini, P Nannipieri, D Wenderoth
Biology and Fertility of Soils 43, 731-739, 2007
Long-term effects of aided phytostabilisation of trace elements on microbial biomass and activity, enzyme activities, and composition of microbial community in the Jales …
G Renella, L Landi, J Ascher, MT Ceccherini, G Pietramellara, M Mench, ...
Environmental Pollution 152 (3), 702-712, 2008
Are humus forms, mesofauna and microflora in subalpine forest soils sensitive to thermal conditions?
J Ascher, G Sartori, U Graefe, B Thornton, MT Ceccherini, G Pietramellara, ...
Biology and Fertility of Soils 48, 709-725, 2012
Composition, biomass and activity of microflora, and leaf yields and foliar elemental concentrations of lettuce, after in situ stabilization of an arsenic-contaminated soil
J Ascher, MT Ceccherini, L Landi, M Mench, G Pietramellara, P Nannipieri, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 41 (3), 351-359, 2009
Phosphomonoesterase production and persistence and composition of bacterial communities during plant material decomposition in soils with different pH values
G Renella, L Landi, J Ascher, MT Ceccherini, G Pietramellara, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38 (4), 795-802, 2006
The use of extracellular DNA as a proxy for specific microbial activity
M Nagler, SM Podmirseg, GW Griffith, H Insam, J Ascher-Jenull
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 102, 2885-2898, 2018
Fungal communities and their association with nitrogen-fixing bacteria affect early decomposition of Norway spruce deadwood
M Gómez-Brandón, M Probst, JA Siles, U Peintner, T Bardelli, M Egli, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 8025, 2020
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Articles 1–20