Masato Oguchi
Masato Oguchi
Professor of Information Sciences, Ochanomizu University
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Parallel database processing on a 100 node pc cluster: Cases for decision support query processing and data mining
T Tamura, M Oguchi, M Kitsuregawa
Proceedings of the 1997 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 1-16, 1997
A study of a video analysis framework using Kafka and spark streaming
A Ichinose, A Takefusa, H Nakada, M Oguchi
2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2396-2401, 2017
Kernel monitor of transport layer developed for android working on mobile phone terminals
K Miki, S Yamaguchi, M Oguchi
Proc. ICN2011, 297-302, 2011
A proposal on cooperative transmission control middleware on a smartphone in a WLAN environment
H Hirai, M Oguchi, S Yamaguchi
2013 IEEE 9th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2013
iSCSI analysis system and performance improvement of sequential access in a long‐latency environment
S Yamaguchi, M Oguchi, M Kitsuregawa
Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part III: Fundamental Electronic …, 2006
Trace system of iSCSI storage access
S Yamaguchi, M Oguchi, M Kitsuregawa
The 2005 Symposium on Applications and the Internet, 392-398, 2005
A study on identifying battery-draining Android applications in screen-off state
S Kurihara, S Fukuda, S Yamaguchi, A Koyanagi, M Oguchi, A Kubota, ...
2015 IEEE 4th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), 603-604, 2015
Reducing the TCP ACK packet backlog at the WLAN access point
A Hayakawa, S Yamaguchi, M Oguchi
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information …, 2015
Using available remote memory dynamically for parallel data mining application on ATM-connected PC cluster
M Oguchi, M Kitsuregawa
Proceedings 14th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2000
Characteristics of QoS-guaranteed TCP on real mobile terminal in wireless LAN
R Ando, T Murase, M Oguchi
2011 IEEE International Workshop Technical Committee on Communications …, 2011
Performance evaluation of mobile hotspots in densely deployed WLAN environments
S Sagari, A Baid, I Seskar, T Murase, M Oguchi, D Raychaudhuri
2013 ieee 24th annual international symposium on personal, indoor, and …, 2013
A study of a scalable distributed stream processing infrastructure using Ray and Apache Kafka
K Kato, A Takefusa, H Nakada, M Oguchi
2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 5351-5353, 2018
A study of effective replica reconstruction schemes at node deletion for HDFS
A Higai, A Takefusa, H Nakada, M Oguchi
2014 14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2014
Storage access optimization with virtual machine migration and basic performance analysis of Amazon EC2
S Toyoshima, S Yamaguchi, M Oguchi
2010 IEEE 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking …, 2010
Run-time load balancing system on san-connected PC cluster for dynamic injection of CPU and disk resource—A case study of data mining application—
K Goda, T Tamura, M Oguchi, M Kitsuregawa
International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 182-192, 2002
A proposal for a DSM architecture suitable for a widely distributed environment and its evaluation
M Oguchi, H Aida, T Saito
Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Symposium on High Performance …, 1995
Architecture and characteristics of social network based ad hoc networking
S Fujii, T Murase, M Oguchi, EK Lua
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks …, 2016
Network failure detection system for traffic control using social information in large-scale disasters
C Maru, M Enoki, A Nakao, S Yamamoto, S Yamaguchi, M Oguchi
2015 ITU Kaleidoscope: Trust in the Information Society (K-2015), 1-7, 2015
Speeding up encryption on iot devices using homomorphic encryption
M Matsumoto, M Oguchi
2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 270-275, 2021
A study of action recognition using pose data toward distributed processing over edge and cloud
C Takasaki, A Takefusa, H Nakada, M Oguchi
2019 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science …, 2019
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Articles 1–20