Natasha Wiggins
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Cited by
Effects of two plant secondary metabolites, cineole and gallic acid, on nightly feeding patterns of the common brushtail possum
NL Wiggins, C McArthur, S McLean, R Boyle
Journal of chemical ecology 29, 1447-1464, 2003
The success of GPS collar deployments on mammals in Australia
A Matthews, L Ruykys, B Ellis, S FitzGibbon, D Lunney, MS Crowther, ...
Australian Mammalogy 35 (1), 65-83, 2013
Diet switching in a generalist mammalian folivore: fundamental to maximising intake
NL Wiggins, C McArthur, NW Davies
Oecologia 147, 650-657, 2006
Intercropping with aromatic plants hindered the occurrence of Aphis citricola in an apple orchard system by shifting predator–prey abundances
B Song, G Tang, X Sang, J Zhang, Y Yao, N Wiggins
Biocontrol Science and Technology 23 (4), 381-395, 2013
Quantitative and qualitative shifts in defensive metabolites define chemical defense investment during leaf development in Inga, a genus of tropical trees
NL Wiggins, DL Forrister, MJ Endara, PD Coley, TA Kursar
Ecology and Evolution 6 (2), 478-492, 2016
Taking the time to assess the effects of remote sensing and tracking devices on animals
CR McMahon, N Collier, JK Northfield, F Glen
Animal Welfare 20 (4), 515-521, 2011
Sideroxylonal in Eucalyptus foliage influences foraging behaviour of an arboreal folivore
NL Wiggins, KJ Marsh, IR Wallis, WJ Foley, C McArthur
Oecologia 147, 272-279, 2006
Rapid absorption of dietary 1, 8-cineole results in critical blood concentration of cineole and immediate cessation of eating in the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula)
RR Boyle, S McLean, S Brandon, N Wiggins
Journal of Chemical Ecology 31, 2775-2790, 2005
Divergent evolution in antiherbivore defences within species complexes at a single Amazonian site
MJ Endara, A Weinhold, JE Cox, NL Wiggins, PD Coley, TA Kursar
Journal of Ecology 103 (5), 1107-1118, 2015
Intercropping with aromatic plants decreases herbivore abundance, species richness, and shifts arthropod community trophic structure
S Beizhou, Z Jie, NL Wiggins, Y Yuncong, T Guangbo, S Xusheng
Environmental entomology 41 (4), 872-879, 2012
Quantitative trait loci for key defensive compounds affecting herbivory of eucalypts in Australia
J Freeman, J O'Reilly-Wapstra, R Vaillancourt, N Wiggins, B Potts
University of Tasmania, 2008
Asymmetric or diffusive co-evolution generates meta-populations in fig-fig wasp mutualisms
RW Wang, Y Yang, NL Wiggins
Science China Life Sciences 57 (6), 596-602, 2014
Shifts in macropod home ranges in response to wildlife management interventions
NL Wiggins, GJ Williamson, HI McCallum, CR McMahon, DMJS Bowman
Wildlife Research 37 (5), 379-391, 2010
Four species of arboreal folivore show differential tolerance to a secondary metabolite
LM Jensen, IR Wallis, KJ Marsh, BD Moore, NL Wiggins, WJ Foley
Oecologia 176, 251-258, 2014
Behavioral responses of a generalist mammalian folivore to the physiological constraints of a chemically defended diet
NL Wiggins, C McArthur, NW Davies, S McLean
Journal of Chemical Ecology 32, 1133-1147, 2006
Spatial scale of the patchiness of plant poisons: a critical influence on foraging efficiency
NL Wiggins, C McArthur, NW Davies, S McLean
Ecology 87 (9), 2236-2243, 2006
Translating physiological signals to changes in feeding behaviour in mammals and the future effects of global climate change
BD Moore, NL Wiggins, KJ Marsh, MD Dearing, WJ Foley
Animal Production Science 55 (3), 272-283, 2015
Macropod habitat use and response to management interventions in an agricultural–forest mosaic in north-eastern Tasmania as inferred by scat surveys
NL Wiggins, DMJS Bowman
Wildlife Research 38 (2), 103-113, 2011
Chemocoding as an identification tool where morphological‐ and DNA‐based methods fall short: Inga as a case study
MJ Endara, PD Coley, NL Wiggins, DL Forrister, GC Younkin, JA Nicholls, ...
New Phytologist 218 (2), 847-858, 2018
Development of Tolerance to the Dietary Plant Secondary Metabolite 1,8-cineole by the Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula)
S McLean, S Brandon, RR Boyle, NL Wiggins
Journal of Chemical Ecology 34, 672-680, 2008
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Articles 1–20