Articles with public access mandates - Mikko AroLearn more
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Math anxiety and its relationship with basic arithmetic skills among primary school children
R Sorvo, T Koponen, H Viholainen, T Aro, E Räikkönen, P Peura, ...
British Journal of Educational Psychology 87 (3), 309-327, 2017
Mandates: Academy of Finland
Covariation between reading and arithmetic skills from Grade 1 to Grade 7
H Korpipää, T Koponen, M Aro, A Tolvanen, K Aunola, AM Poikkeus, ...
Contemporary educational psychology 51, 131-140, 2017
Mandates: Academy of Finland
Comorbid fluency difficulties in reading and math: Longitudinal stability across early grades
T Koponen, M Aro, AM Poikkeus, P Niemi, MK Lerkkanen, T Ahonen, ...
Exceptional Children 84 (3), 298-311, 2018
Mandates: Academy of Finland
Reading self-efficacy and reading fluency development among primary school children: Does specificity of self-efficacy matter?
P Peura, T Aro, H Viholainen, E Räikkönen, EL Usher, R Sorvo, M Aro
Learning and Individual Differences 73, 67-78, 2019
Mandates: Academy of Finland
Early cognitive profiles predicting reading and arithmetic skills in grades 1 and 7
H Korpipää, K Moll, K Aunola, A Tolvanen, T Koponen, M Aro, ...
Contemporary Educational Psychology 60, 101830, 2020
Mandates: Academy of Finland
Individual variations in sources of self-regulatory efficacy among elementary school pupils
M Paananen, T Aro, T Koponen, H Viholainen, A Tolvanen, P Peura, ...
Educational Psychology 43 (9), 1065-1083, 2023
Mandates: Academy of Finland
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Games for enhancing basic reading and maths skills: A systematic review of educational game design in supporting learning by people with learning disabilities
J Lämsä, R Hämäläinen, M Aro, R Koskimaa, SM Äyrämö
British Journal of Educational Technology 49 (4), 596-607, 2018
Mandates: Academy of Finland
Trajectories of change in reading self-efficacy: A longitudinal analysis of self-efficacy and its sources
P Peura, T Aro, E Räikkönen, H Viholainen, T Koponen, EL Usher, M Aro
Contemporary educational psychology 64, 101947, 2021
Mandates: Academy of Finland
Literacy skills and online research and comprehension: Struggling readers face difficulties online
L Kanniainen, C Kiili, A Tolvanen, M Aro, PHT Leppänen
Reading and Writing 32 (9), 2201-2222, 2019
Mandates: Academy of Finland
Development of math anxiety and its longitudinal relationships with arithmetic achievement among primary school children
R Sorvo, T Koponen, H Viholainen, T Aro, E Räikkönen, P Peura, ...
Learning and Individual Differences 69, 173-181, 2019
Mandates: Academy of Finland
Response-to-intervention in Finland and the United States: Mathematics learning support as an example
PM Björn, M Aro, T Koponen, LS Fuchs, D Fuchs
Frontiers in psychology 9, 800, 2018
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Can reading fluency and self-efficacy of reading fluency be enhanced with an intervention targeting the sources of self-efficacy?
T Aro, H Viholainen, T Koponen, P Peura, E Räikkönen, P Salmi, R Sorvo, ...
Learning and Individual Differences 67, 53-66, 2018
Mandates: Academy of Finland
Cognitive correlates of the covariance in reading and arithmetic fluency: Importance of serial retrieval fluency
T Koponen, K Eklund, R Heikkilä, J Salminen, L Fuchs, D Fuchs, M Aro
Child Development 91 (4), 1063-1080, 2020
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Academy of Finland
Teachers’ ability to identify children at early risk for reading difficulties in grade 1
R Virinkoski, MK Lerkkanen, L Holopainen, K Eklund, M Aro
Early Childhood Education Journal 46, 497-509, 2018
Mandates: Academy of Finland
Double-deficit hypothesis in a clinical sample: Extension beyond reading
R Heikkilä, M Torppa, M Aro, V Närhi, T Ahonen
Journal of learning disabilities 49 (5), 546-560, 2016
Mandates: Academy of Finland
GraphoLearn India: The effectiveness of a computer-assisted reading intervention in supporting struggling readers of English
P Patel, M Torppa, M Aro, U Richardson, H Lyytinen
Frontiers in psychology 9, 1045, 2018
Mandates: Academy of Finland
Specificity of reading self-efficacy among primary school children
PI Peura, HJK Viholainen, TI Aro, EM Räikkönen, EL Usher, RMA Sorvo, ...
The Journal of Experimental Education 87 (3), 496-516, 2019
Mandates: Academy of Finland
Does multi-component strategy training improve calculation fluency among poor performing elementary school children?
TK Koponen, R Sorvo, A Dowker, E Räikkönen, H Viholainen, M Aro, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 1187, 2018
Mandates: Academy of Finland
Group-based intervention on attention and executive functions in the school context
M Paananen, T Aro, V Närhi, M Aro
Educational Psychology 38 (7), 859-876, 2018
Mandates: Academy of Finland
Benefits of integrating an explicit self-efficacy intervention with calculation strategy training for low-performing elementary students
T Koponen, T Aro, P Peura, M Leskinen, H Viholainen, M Aro
Frontiers in psychology 12, 714379, 2021
Mandates: Academy of Finland
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