Nilay Tanik Argon
Cited by
Cited by
Priority assignment in emergency response
EU Jacobson, NT Argon, S Ziya
Operations Research 60 (4), 813-832, 2012
Resource-based patient prioritization in mass-casualty incidents
AF Mills, NT Argon, S Ziya
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 15 (3), 361-377, 2013
Scheduling impatient jobs in a clearing system with insights on patient triage in mass casualty incidents
NT Argon, S Ziya, R Righter
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 22 (3), 301-332, 2008
Priority assignment under imperfect information on customer type identities
NT Argon, S Ziya
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 11 (4), 674-693, 2009
Comparison of emergency department crowding scores: a discrete-event simulation approach
V Ahalt, NT Argon, S Ziya, J Strickler, A Mehrotra
Health care management science 21, 144-155, 2018
Overlapping variance estimators for simulation
C Alexopoulos, NT Argon, D Goldsman, G Tokol, JR Wilson
Operations Research 55 (6), 1090-1103, 2007
Dynamic distribution of patients to medical facilities in the aftermath of a disaster
AF Mills, NT Argon, S Ziya
Operations Research 66 (3), 716-732, 2018
The effects of emergency department crowding on triage and hospital admission decisions
W Chen, B Linthicum, NT Argon, T Bohrmann, K Lopiano, A Mehrotra, ...
The American journal of emergency medicine 38 (4), 774-779, 2020
Efficient computation of overlapping variance estimators for simulation
C Alexopoulos, NT Argon, D Goldsman, NM Steiger, G Tokol, JR Wilson
INFORMS Journal on Computing 19 (3), 314-327, 2007
Patient triage and prioritization under austere conditions
Z Sun, NT Argon, S Ziya
Management Science 64 (10), 4471-4489, 2018
Forecasting emergency department hourly occupancy using time series analysis
Q Cheng, NT Argon, CS Evans, Y Liu, TF Platts-Mills, S Ziya
The American Journal of Emergency Medicine 48, 177-182, 2021
Dynamic routing of customers with general delay costs in a multiserver queuing system
NT Argon, L Ding, KD Glazebrook, S Ziya
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 23 (2), 175-203, 2009
Allocation of intensive care unit beds in periods of high demand
H Ouyang, NT Argon, S Ziya
Operations research 68 (2), 591-608, 2020
Exact expected values of variance estimators for simulation
T Aktaran‐Kalaycı, C Alexopoulos, NT Argon, D Goldsman, JR Wilson
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 54 (4), 397-410, 2007
Replicated batch means for steady‐state simulations
NT Argon, S Andradóttir
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 53 (6), 508-524, 2006
Overlapping variance estimators for simulations
C Alexopoulos, D Goldsman, NT Argon, G Tokol
Proceedings of the 2004 Winter Simulation Conference, 2004. 1, 2004
Analysis of an inventory system under backorder correlated deterministic demand and geometric supply process
NT Argon, R Güllü, N Erkip
International Journal of Production Economics 71 (1-3), 247-254, 2001
Partial pooling in tandem lines with cooperation and blocking
NT Argon, S Andradóttir
Queueing Systems 52, 5-30, 2006
When to triage in service systems with hidden customer class identities?
Z Sun, NT Argon, S Ziya
Production and Operations Management 31 (1), 172-193, 2022
Dynamic server assignment policies for assembly‐type queues with flexible servers
YC Tsai, NT Argon
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 55 (3), 234-251, 2008
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Articles 1–20