Articles with public access mandates - Hari Kishan SudiniLearn more
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Climate-smart groundnuts for achieving high productivity and improved quality: Current status, challenges, and opportunities
SS Gangurde, R Kumar, AK Pandey, M Burow, HE Laza, SN Nayak, ...
Genomic designing of climate-smart oilseed crops, 133-172, 2019
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, US Department of Agriculture, Department of …
Genome-wide association mapping for LLS resistance in a MAGIC population of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
AP Wankhade, VP Chimote, KP Viswanatha, S Yadaru, DB Deshmukh, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 136 (3), 43, 2023
Mandates: CGIAR
Prevalence of sterility mosaic disease (SMD) and variability in pigeonpea sterility mosaic virus (PPSMV) in southern-India
BR Sayiprathap, AK Patibanda, VP Kumari, K Jayalalitha, VS Rao, ...
Indian Phytopathology 73, 741-750, 2020
Mandates: CGIAR
Comparative metabolomics analysis reveals secondary cell wall thickening as a barrier to resist Aspergillus flavus infection in groundnut
T Avuthu, H Sanivarapu, K Prasad, N Sharma, HK Sudini, K Yogendra
Physiologia Plantarum 176 (1), e14169, 2024
Mandates: Department of Science & Technology, India
Farmer research networks enable community-based mycotoxin management in rural Indian villages
AJ Wenndt, HK Sudini, P Pingali, R Nelson
Agricultural Systems 192, 103192, 2021
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
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Taxonomy of the family Arenaviridae and the order Bunyavirales: update 2018
P Maes, SV Alkhovsky, Y Bào, M Beer, M Birkhead, T Briese, ...
Archives of virology 163, 2295-2310, 2018
Mandates: US Department of Energy, US National Institutes of Health, Chinese Academy …
Marker-assisted introgression of a QTL region to improve rust resistance in three elite and popular varieties of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
RK Varshney, MK Pandey, P Janila, SN Nigam, H Sudini, MVC Gowda, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 127, 1771-1781, 2014
Mandates: CGIAR
Mitigating aflatoxin contamination in groundnut through a combination of genetic resistance and post-harvest management practices
MK Pandey, R Kumar, AK Pandey, P Soni, SS Gangurde, HK Sudini, ...
Toxins 11 (6), 315, 2019
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Council of Scientific and …
Peanuts that keep aflatoxin at bay: a threshold that matters
KK Sharma, A Pothana, K Prasad, D Shah, J Kaur, D Bhatnagar, ZY Chen, ...
Plant biotechnology journal 16 (5), 1024-1033, 2018
Mandates: Department of Science & Technology, India, CGIAR
Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) bags for safe storage of groundnuts
H Sudini, GVR Rao, CLL Gowda, R Chandrika, V Margam, A Rathore, ...
Journal of Stored Products Research 64, 133-138, 2015
Mandates: CGIAR
Prevalence and distribution of aflatoxin contamination in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Mali, West Africa
F Waliyar, VC Umeh, A Traore, M Osiru, BR Ntare, B Diarra, O Kodio, ...
Crop Protection 70, 1-7, 2015
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Functional biology and molecular mechanisms of host-pathogen interactions for aflatoxin contamination in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and maize (Zea mays L.)
P Soni, SS Gangurde, A Ortega-Beltran, R Kumar, S Parmar, HK Sudini, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 227, 2020
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of …
Improvement of three popular Indian groundnut varieties for foliar disease resistance and high oleic acid using SSR markers and SNP array in marker-assisted backcrossing
Y Shasidhar, MT Variath, MK Vishwakarma, SS Manohar, SS Gangurde, ...
The Crop Journal 8 (1), 1-15, 2020
Mandates: Department of Biotechnology, India, CGIAR
Molecular Basis of Root Nodule Symbiosis between Bradyrhizobium and ‘Crack-Entry’ Legume Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
V Sharma, S Bhattacharyya, R Kumar, A Kumar, F Ibañez, J Wang, B Guo, ...
Plants 9 (2), 276, 2020
Mandates: Department of Biotechnology, India, Department of Science & Technology …
Aspergillus flavus infection triggered immune responses and host-pathogen cross-talks in groundnut during in-vitro seed colonization
SN Nayak, G Agarwal, MK Pandey, HK Sudini, AS Jayale, S Purohit, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 9659, 2017
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China, CGIAR
Resistance to pre-harvest aflatoxin contamination in ICRISAT’s groundnut mini core collection
F Waliyar, KVK Kumar, M Diallo, A Traore, UN Mangala, HD Upadhyaya, ...
European Journal of Plant Pathology 145, 901-913, 2016
Mandates: CGIAR
Identification of genomic regions and diagnostic markers for resistance to aflatoxin contamination in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
B Yu, D Huai, L Huang, Y Kang, X Ren, Y Chen, X Zhou, H Luo, N Liu, ...
BMC genetics 20, 1-13, 2019
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Combining high oleic acid trait and resistance to late leaf spot and rust diseases in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
DB Deshmukh, B Marathi, HK Sudini, MT Variath, S Chaudhari, ...
Frontiers in Genetics 11, 487438, 2020
Mandates: CGIAR
Genotype × Environment Studies on Resistance to Late Leaf Spot and Rust in Genomic Selection Training Population of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
S Chaudhari, D Khare, SC Patil, S Sundravadana, MT Variath, HK Sudini, ...
Frontiers in plant science 10, 1338, 2019
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Genome sequencing and comparative genomic analysis of highly and weakly aggressive strains of Sclerotium rolfsii, the causal agent of peanut stem rot
L Yan, Z Wang, W Song, P Fan, Y Kang, Y Lei, L Wan, D Huai, Y Chen, ...
BMC genomics 22, 1-15, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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