Lina Polvi
Cited by
Cited by
Mechanisms of carbon storage in mountainous headwater rivers
E Wohl, K Dwire, N Sutfin, L Polvi, R Bazan
Nature communications 3 (1), 1263, 2012
The beaver meadow complex revisited–the role of beavers in post‐glacial floodplain development
LE Polvi, E Wohl
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 37 (3), 332-346, 2012
Biotic drivers of stream planform: implications for understanding the past and restoring the future
LE Polvi, E Wohl
BioScience 63 (6), 439-452, 2013
Riparian and in‐stream restoration of boreal streams and rivers: Success or failure?
C Nilsson, LE Polvi, J Gardeström, EM Hasselquist, L Lind, JM Sarneel
Ecohydrology 8 (5), 753-764, 2015
Land‐use effects on terrestrial consumers through changed size structure of aquatic insects
K Stenroth, LE Polvi, E Fältström, M Jonsson
Freshwater Biology 60 (1), 136-149, 2015
Modeling the functional influence of vegetation type on streambank cohesion
LE Polvi, E Wohl, DM Merritt
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39 (9), 1245-1258, 2014
Enhanced ecosystem functioning following stream restoration: The roles of habitat heterogeneity and invertebrate species traits
A Frainer, LE Polvi, R Jansson, BG McKie
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (1), 377-385, 2018
Geomorphic and process domain controls on riparian zones in the Colorado Front Range
LE Polvi, EE Wohl, DM Merritt
Geomorphology 125 (4), 504-516, 2011
Time for recovery of riparian plants in restored northern Swedish streams: a chronosequence study
EM Hasselquist, C Nilsson, J Hjältén, D Jørgensen, L Lind, LE Polvi
Ecological Applications 25 (5), 1373-1389, 2015
Facets and scales in river restoration: Nestedness and interdependence of hydrological, geomorphic, ecological, and biogeochemical processes
LE Polvi, L Lind, H Persson, A Miranda-Melo, F Pilotto, X Su, C Nilsson
Journal of Environmental Management 265, 110288, 2020
Potential and actual geomorphic complexity of restored headwater streams in northern Sweden
LE Polvi, C Nilsson, EM Hasselquist
Geomorphology 210, 98-118, 2014
Wood distribution along streams draining old-growth floodplain forests in Congaree National Park, South Carolina, USA
E Wohl, LE Polvi, D Cadol
Geomorphology 126 (1-2), 108-120, 2011
Extreme events in streams and rivers in arctic and subarctic regions in an uncertain future
C Nilsson, LE Polvi, L Lind
Freshwater Biology 60 (12), 2535-2546, 2015
The role of ice dynamics in shaping vegetation in flowing waters
L Lind, C Nilsson, LE Polvi, C Weber
Biological Reviews 89 (4), 791-804, 2014
Demonstration restoration measures in tributaries of the Vindel River catchment
J Gardeström, D Holmqvist, LE Polvi, C Nilsson
Ecology and Society 18 (3), 2013
Ecosystem engineers in rivers: An introduction to how and where organisms create positive biogeomorphic feedbacks
LE Polvi, JM Sarneel
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 5 (2), e1271, 2018
Winter disturbances and riverine fish in temperate and cold regions
C Weber, C Nilsson, L Lind, KT Alfredsen, LE Polvi
BioScience 63 (3), 199-210, 2013
Pure shear dominated high-strain zones in basement terranes
CM Bailey, LE Polvi, AM Forte
First signs of macroinvertebrate recovery following enhanced restoration of boreal streams used for timber floating
F Pilotto, C Nilsson, LE Polvi, BG McKie
Ecological Applications 28 (2), 587-597, 2018
Contrasting responses among aquatic organism groups to changes in geomorphic complexity along a gradient of stream habitat restoration: implications for restoration planning …
EM Hasselquist, LE Polvi, M Kahlert, C Nilsson, L Sandberg, BG Mckie
Water 10 (10), 1465, 2018
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Articles 1–20