Baron Sandrine
Baron Sandrine
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Medieval lead making on Mont-Lozère Massif (Cévennes-France): tracing ore sources using Pb isotopes
S Baron, J Carignan, S Laurent, A Ploquin
Applied geochemistry 21 (2), 241-252, 2006
How Mineralogy and Geochemistry Can Improve the Significance of P b Isotopes in Metal Provenance Studies
S Baron, CG Tămaş, C Le Carlier
Archaeometry 56 (4), 665-680, 2014
Dispersion of heavy metals (metalloids) in soils from 800-year-old pollution (Mont-Lozere, France)
S Baron, J Carignan, A Ploquin
Environmental science & technology 40 (17), 5319-5326, 2006
Environmental impact of early palaeometallurgy: pollen and geochemical analysis
I Jouffroy-Bapicot, M Pulido, S Baron, D Galop, F Monna, M Lavoie, ...
Vegetation history and Archaeobotany 16, 251-258, 2007
More questions than answers: the Southeast Asian lead isotope project 2009–2012
TO Pryce, S Baron, BHM Bellina, PS Bellwood, N Chang, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 42, 273-294, 2014
Record of metal workshops in peat deposits: history and environmental impact on the Mont Lozère Massif, France
S Baron, M Lavoie, A Ploquin, J Carignan, M Pulido, JL De Beaulieu
Environmental Science & Technology 39 (14), 5131-5140, 2005
Bismuth behaviour during ancient processes of silver–lead production
M L'Héritier, S Baron, L Cassayre, F Téreygeol
Journal of Archaeological Science 57, 56-68, 2015
Lead isotope analyses of gold–silver ores from Roşia Montană (Romania): a first step of a metal provenance study of Roman mining activity in Alburnus Maior (Roman Dacia)
S Baron, CG Tămaş, B Cauuet, M Munoz
Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (5), 1090-1100, 2011
Archaeological reconstruction of medieval lead production: Implications for ancient metal provenance studies and paleopollution tracing by Pb isotopes
S Baron, C Le-Carlier, J Carignan, A Ploquin
Applied Geochemistry 24 (11), 2093-2101, 2009
Wild brown trout affected by historical mining in the Cévennes National Park, France
F Monna, E Camizuli, P Revelli, C Biville, C Thomas, R Losno, R Scheifler, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 45 (16), 6823-6830, 2011
Mesozoic vein-type Pb–Zn mineralization in the Pyrenees: Lead isotopic and fluid inclusion evidence from the Les Argentières and Lacore deposits
M Munoz, S Baron, A Boucher, D Beziat, S Salvi
Comptes rendus géoscience 348 (3-4), 322-332, 2016
Atmospheric and terrigenous metal accumulation over 3000 years in a French mountain catchment: Local vs distal influences
SV Hansson, A Claustres, A Probst, F De Vleeschouwer, S Baron, ...
Anthropocene 19, 45-54, 2017
Iron isotopes as a potential tool for ancient iron metals tracing
J Milot, F Poitrasson, S Baron, MP Coustures
Journal of Archaeological Science 76, 9-20, 2016
Recent climatic and anthropogenic imprints on lacustrine systems in the Pyrenean Mountains inferred from minerogenic and organic clastic supply (Vicdessos valley, Pyrenees, France)
A Simonneau, E Chapron, T Courp, K Tachikawa, G Le Roux, S Baron, ...
The Holocene 23 (12), 1764-1777, 2013
Late Holocene history of woodland dynamics and wood use in an ancient mining area of the Pyrenees (Ariège, France)
V Py-Saragaglia, RC Artigas, JP Métailié, B Ancel, S Baron, ...
Quaternary International 458, 141-157, 2017
Le complexe d’ateliers du Cabezo del Pino (Sierra Minera de Cartagena-La Unión, Murcia) et l’organisation de l’activité minière à Carthago Noua à la fin de la République …
S Baron, C Rico, JAA Marín
Archivo español de arqueología: serie Anejos 90 (90), 147-169, 2017
Lingots de plomb et barres de fer des épaves romaines des Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer (Bouches-du-Rhône, France): Questions de traçabilité comparée
S Baron, MP Coustures, D Béziat, M Guérin, J Huez, L Robbiola
Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise 44 (1), 71-97, 2011
Medieval lead smelting on the Mont Lozere, southern France
A Ploquin, P Allée, MC Bailly-Maître, S Baron, JL de Beaulieu, J Carignan, ...
Archaeometallurgy in Europe: International Conference: 24-25-26 September …, 2003
Traçabilité et évolution d'une pollution métallurgique médiévale de plomb argentifère sur le Mont-Lozère
S Baron
Montpellier 2, 2005
Les galets de verre au plomb carolingiens issus des scories de Melle: élaboration et distribution
B Gratuze, C Guerrot, D Foy, A Arles, F Téreygeol
Mine, métal, monnaie. Autour du cas de Melle, les voies de la quantification …, 2011
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