Joseph T. McKeown
Joseph T. McKeown
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Additively manufactured hierarchical stainless steels with high strength and ductility
YM Wang, T Voisin, JT McKeown, J Ye, NP Calta, Z Li, Z Zeng, Y Zhang, ...
Nature materials 17 (1), 63-71, 2018
Probing the active surface sites for CO reduction on oxide-derived copper electrocatalysts
A Verdaguer-Casadevall, CW Li, TP Johansson, SB Scott, JT McKeown, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (31), 9808-9811, 2015
Microstructural control in metal laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing using laser beam shaping strategy
R Shi, SA Khairallah, TT Roehling, TW Heo, JT McKeown, MJ Matthews
Acta Materialia 184, 284-305, 2020
Tensile properties, strain rate sensitivity, and activation volume of additively manufactured 316L stainless steels
Z Li, T Voisin, JT McKeown, J Ye, T Braun, C Kamath, WE King, YM Wang
International Journal of Plasticity 120, 395-410, 2019
Microstructures and strength of nanoscale Cu–Ag multilayers
J McKeown, A Misra, H Kung, RG Hoagland, M Nastasi
Scripta materialia 46 (8), 593-598, 2002
In situ transmission electron microscopy of crystal growth-mode transitions during rapid solidification of a hypoeutectic Al–Cu alloy
JT McKeown, AK Kulovits, C Liu, K Zweiacker, BW Reed, T LaGrange, ...
Acta Materialia 65, 56-68, 2014
Reducing residual stress by selective large-area diode surface heating during laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing
JD Roehling, WL Smith, TT Roehling, B Vrancken, GM Guss, JT McKeown, ...
Additive Manufacturing 28, 228-235, 2019
Controlling grain nucleation and morphology by laser beam shaping in metal additive manufacturing
TT Roehling, R Shi, SA Khairallah, JD Roehling, GM Guss, JT McKeown, ...
Materials & Design 195, 109071, 2020
Recent developments in dynamic transmission electron microscopy
ND Browning, MA Bonds, GH Campbell, JE Evans, T LaGrange, ...
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 16 (1), 23-30, 2012
Approaches for ultrafast imaging of transient materials processes in the transmission electron microscope
T LaGrange, BW Reed, MK Santala, JT McKeown, A Kulovits, ...
Micron 43 (11), 1108-1120, 2012
Time-resolved in situ measurements during rapid alloy solidification: Experimental insight for additive manufacturing
JT McKeown, K Zweiacker, C Liu, DR Coughlin, AJ Clarke, JK Baldwin, ...
Jom 68, 985-999, 2016
Integrated simulation framework for additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V: melt pool dynamics, microstructure, solid-state phase transformation, and microelastic response
R Shi, S Khairallah, TW Heo, M Rolchigo, JT McKeown, MJ Matthews
Jom 71, 3640-3655, 2019
Rapid solidification growth mode transitions in Al-Si alloys by dynamic transmission electron microscopy
JD Roehling, DR Coughlin, JW Gibbs, JK Baldwin, JCE Mertens, ...
Acta Materialia 131, 22-30, 2017
Ultrarapid Transient‐liquid‐phase Bonding of Al2O3Ceramics
SM Hong, CC Bartlow, TB Reynolds, JT McKeown, AM Glaeser
Advanced Materials 20 (24), 4799-4803, 2008
Transient-liquid-phase and liquid-film-assisted joining of ceramics
JD Sugar, JT McKeown, T Akashi, SM Hong, K Nakashima, AM Glaeser
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 26 (4-5), 363-372, 2006
Coexistence of the α and δ phases in an as-cast uranium-rich U–Zr alloy
JT McKeown, S Irukuvarghula, S Ahn, MA Wall, LL Hsiung, S McDeavitt, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 436 (1-3), 100-104, 2013
Time resolved electron microscopy for in situ experiments
GH Campbell, JT McKeown, MK Santala
Applied Physics Reviews 1 (4), 2014
Composition and automated crystal orientation mapping of rapid solidification products in hypoeutectic Al-4 at.% Cu alloys
KW Zweiacker, C Liu, MA Gordillo, JT McKeown, GH Campbell, ...
Acta Materialia 145, 71-83, 2018
Rapid solidification in bulk Ti-Nb alloys by single-track laser melting
JD Roehling, A Perron, JL Fattebert, T Haxhimali, G Guss, TT Li, D Bober, ...
Jom 70, 1589-1597, 2018
Towards ETEM serial crystallography: Electron diffraction from liquid jets
DP Deponte, JT Mckeown, U Weierstall, RB Doak, JCH Spence
Ultramicroscopy 111 (7), 824-827, 2011
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Articles 1–20