Articles with public access mandates - Raffaele CORTIGNANILearn more
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CAP's environmental policy and land use in arable farms: An impacts assessment of greening practices changes in Italy
R Cortignani, G Dono
Science of the Total Environment 647, 516-524, 2019
Mandates: Government of Italy
Paths of adaptation to climate change in major Italian agricultural areas: Effectiveness and limits in supporting the profitability of farms
R Cortignani, D Dell’Unto, G Dono
Agricultural Water Management 244, 106433, 2021
Mandates: Government of Italy
Income Impacts of Climate Change
G Dono, R Cortignani, L Giraldo, M Pasqui, PP Roggero
Mandates: Government of Italy
Available somewhere: 16
COVID-19 and labour in agriculture: Economic and productive impacts in an agricultural area of the Mediterranean
R Cortignani, G Carulli, G Dono
Italian Journal of Agronomy 15 (2), 1653, 2020
Mandates: Government of Italy
Winners and losers from climate change in agriculture: Insights from a case study in the Mediterranean basin
G Dono, R Cortignani, D Dell'Unto, P Deligios, L Doro, N Lacetera, L Mula, ...
Agricultural systems 147, 65-75, 2016
Mandates: Government of Italy
Simulation of the impact of greening measures in an agricultural area of the southern Italy
R Cortignani, G Dono
Land Use Policy 48, 525-533, 2015
Mandates: Government of Italy
Perceptions of present and future climate change impacts on water availability for agricultural systems in the western Mediterranean region
TPL Nguyen, L Mula, R Cortignani, G Seddaiu, G Dono, SGP Virdis, ...
Water 8 (11), 523, 2016
Mandates: Government of Italy
An integrated assessment of the impacts of changing climate variability on agricultural productivity and profitability in an irrigated Mediterranean catchment
G Dono, R Cortignani, L Doro, L Giraldo, L Ledda, M Pasqui, PP Roggero
Water resources management 27, 3607-3622, 2013
Mandates: Government of Italy
Agricultural policy and climate change: An integrated assessment of the impacts on an agricultural area of Southern Italy
R Cortignani, G Dono
Environmental Science & Policy 81, 26-35, 2018
Mandates: Government of Italy
Greening and legume-supported crop rotations: An impacts assessment on Italian arable farms
R Cortignani, G Dono
Science of the Total Environment 734, 139464, 2020
Mandates: Government of Italy
Farm to Fork strategy and restrictions on the use of chemical inputs: Impacts on the various types of farming and territories of Italy
R Cortignani, R Buttinelli, G Dono
Science of The Total Environment 810, 152259, 2022
Mandates: Government of Italy
To what extent is climate change adaptation a novel challenge for agricultural modellers?
RP Kipling, CFE Topp, A Bannink, DJ Bartley, I Blanco-Penedo, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 120, 104492, 2019
Mandates: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, Research Council …
Recovering the costs of irrigation water with different pricing methods: Insights from a Mediterranean case study
R Cortignani, D Dell’Unto, G Dono
Agricultural Water Management 199, 148-156, 2018
Mandates: Government of Italy
Simulating volumetric pricing for irrigation water operational cost recovery under complete and perfect information
L Giraldo, R Cortignani, G Dono
Water 6 (5), 1204-1220, 2014
Mandates: Government of Italy
Optimization of applied irrigation water for high marketable yield, fruit quality and economic benefits of processing tomato using a low-cost wireless sensor
A El Chami, R Cortignani, D Dell’Unto, R Mariotti, P Santelli, R Ruggeri, ...
Horticulturae 9 (3), 390, 2023
Mandates: Government of Italy
Income impacts of climate change: irrigated farming in the Mediterranean and expected changes in probability of favorable and adverse weather conditions
G Dono, R Cortignani, L Giraldo, M Pasqui, PP Roggero
German Journal of Agricultural Economics (GJAE) 63 (3), 177-186, 2014
Mandates: Government of Italy
Sustainability of greening measures by Common Agricultural Policy 2014-2020 in new climate scenarios in a Mediterranean area
R Cortignani, G Dono
Mandates: Government of Italy
Assessing the awareness of climate change as a factor of adaptation in the agricultural sector
G Dono, R Cortignani, L Giraldo, L Doro, PP Roggero
Mandates: Government of Italy
Productive and economic adaptation of Medi-terranean agriculture to climate change
G Dono, R Cortignani, P Deligios, L Doro, N Lacetera, L Ledda, M Pasqui, ...
Tagungsband 2014, 11, 2014
Mandates: Government of Italy
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