Stefano Maffini
Cited by
Cited by
Basis of catalytic assembly of the mitotic checkpoint complex
AC Faesen, M Thanasoula, S Maffini, C Breit, F Müller, S Van Gerwen, ...
Nature 542 (7642), 498-502, 2017
A molecular basis for the differential roles of Bub1 and BubR1 in the spindle assembly checkpoint
K Overlack, I Primorac, M Vleugel, V Krenn, S Maffini, I Hoffmann, ...
Elife 4, e05269, 2015
Histone H2A phosphorylation and H3 methylation are required for a novel Rad9 DSB repair function following checkpoint activation
GWL Toh, AM O'Shaughnessy, S Jimeno, IM Dobbie, M Grenon, S Maffini, ...
DNA repair 5 (6), 693-703, 2006
The pseudo GTPase CENP-M drives human kinetochore assembly
F Basilico, S Maffini, JR Weir, D Prumbaum, AM Rojas, T Zimniak, ...
Elife 3, e02978, 2014
CLASP1, astrin and Kif2b form a molecular switch that regulates kinetochore‐microtubule dynamics to promote mitotic progression and fidelity
AL Manning, SF Bakhoum, S Maffini, C Correia‐Melo, H Maiato, ...
The EMBO journal 29 (20), 3531-3543, 2010
Motor-independent targeting of CLASPs to kinetochores by CENP-E promotes microtubule turnover and poleward flux
S Maffini, ARR Maia, AL Manning, Z Maliga, AL Pereira, M Junqueira, ...
Current Biology 19 (18), 1566-1572, 2009
Spatiotemporal control of mitosis by the conserved spindle matrix protein Megator
M Lince-Faria, S Maffini, B Orr, Y Ding, C Florindo, CE Sunkel, Á Tavares, ...
Journal of Cell Biology 184 (5), 647-657, 2009
Decoding the centromeric nucleosome through CENP-N
S Pentakota, K Zhou, C Smith, S Maffini, A Petrovic, GP Morgan, JR Weir, ...
Elife 6, e33442, 2017
A small-molecule inhibitor of Haspin alters the kinetochore functions of Aurora B
A De Antoni, S Maffini, S Knapp, A Musacchio, S Santaguida
Journal of Cell Biology 199 (2), 269-284, 2012
CLASPs prevent irreversible multipolarity by ensuring spindle-pole resistance to traction forces during chromosome alignment
E Logarinho, S Maffini, M Barisic, A Marques, A Toso, P Meraldi, H Maiato
Nature cell biology 14 (3), 295-303, 2012
Cdk1 and Plk1 mediate a CLASP2 phospho-switch that stabilizes kinetochore–microtubule attachments
ARR Maia, Z Garcia, L Kabeche, M Barisic, S Maffini, S Macedo-Ribeiro, ...
Journal of Cell Biology 199 (2), 285-301, 2012
BUB1 and CENP-U, primed by CDK1, are the main PLK1 kinetochore receptors in mitosis
P Singh, ME Pesenti, S Maffini, S Carmignani, M Hedtfeld, A Petrovic, ...
Molecular cell 81 (1), 67-87. e9, 2021
Reconstitution of a 26-subunit human kinetochore reveals cooperative microtubule binding by CENP-OPQUR and NDC80
ME Pesenti, D Prumbaum, P Auckland, CM Smith, AC Faesen, A Petrovic, ...
Molecular cell 71 (6), 923-939. e10, 2018
CDC20 assists its catalytic incorporation in the mitotic checkpoint complex
V Piano, A Alex, P Stege, S Maffini, GA Stoppiello, PJ Huis in’t Veld, ...
Science 371 (6524), 67-71, 2021
The kinetochore proteins CENP-E and CENP-F directly and specifically interact with distinct BUB mitotic checkpoint Ser/Thr kinases
G Ciossani, K Overlack, A Petrovic, C Koerner, S Wohlgemuth, S Maffini, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 293 (26), 10084-10101, 2018
Structure of the RZZ complex and molecular basis of its interaction with Spindly
S Mosalaganti, J Keller, A Altenfeld, M Winzker, P Rombaut, M Saur, ...
Journal of Cell Biology 216 (4), 961-981, 2017
Centriolar distal appendages activate the centrosome‐PIDDosome‐p53 signalling axis via ANKRD26
M Burigotto, A Mattivi, D Migliorati, G Magnani, C Valentini, M Roccuzzo, ...
The EMBO journal 40 (4), e104844, 2021
BubR1 promotes Bub3-dependent APC/C inhibition during spindle assembly checkpoint signaling
K Overlack, T Bange, F Weissmann, AC Faesen, S Maffini, I Primorac, ...
Current Biology 27 (19), 2915-2927. e7, 2017
Electroporated recombinant proteins as tools for in vivo functional complementation, imaging and chemical biology
A Alex, V Piano, S Polley, M Stuiver, S Voss, G Ciossani, K Overlack, ...
Elife 8, e48287, 2019
In-cell double electron–electron resonance at nanomolar protein concentrations
S Kucher, C Elsner, M Safonova, S Maffini, E Bordignon
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (14), 3679-3684, 2021
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Articles 1–20