Dr.N.Ch.S. N.Iyengar
Dr.N.Ch.S. N.Iyengar
Professor Information Technology & Dean Library , SNIST
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Cited by
Enhanced prediction of heart disease with feature subset selection using genetic algorithm
M Anbarasi, E Anupriya, N Iyengar
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 2 (10), 5370-5376, 2010
Classification of diabetic retinopathy images by using deep learning models
S Dutta, BC Manideep, SM Basha, RD Caytiles, N Iyengar
International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing 11 (1), 89-106, 2018
Optimal feature selection using a modified differential evolution algorithm and its effectiveness for prediction of heart disease
T Vivekanandan, NCSN Iyengar
Computers in biology and medicine 90, 125-136, 2017
A framework for Blockchain technology in rice supply chain management
MV Kumar, NCS Iyengar
Adv. Sci. Technol. Lett 146, 125-130, 2017
Heart disease prediction system using data mining and hybrid intelligent techniques: a review
J Vijayashree, NC SrimanNarayanaIyengar
International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology 8 (4), 139-148, 2016
A study on green cloud computing
A Atrey, N Jain, N Iyengar
International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing 6 (6), 93-102, 2013
LSCrawler: a framework for an enhanced focused web crawler based on link semantics
M Yuvarani, A Kannan
2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2006 Main …, 2006
Optimal Predictive analytics of Pima Diabetics using Deep Learning
NCSNIRDC Sushant Ramesh, H. Balaji
International Journal of Database Theory and Application 10 (9), 47-62, 2017
A fuzzy logic based defense mechanism against distributed denial of service attack in cloud computing environment
NCSN Iyengar, A Banerjee, G Ganapathy
International journal of communication networks and Information security 6 …, 2014
Security, vulnerability and protection of vehicular on-board diagnostics
A Yadav, G Bose, R Bhange, K Kapoor, N Iyengar, RD Caytiles
International Journal of Security and Its Applications 10 (4), 405-422, 2016
An enhanced entropy approach to detect and prevent DDoS in cloud environment
N Jeyanthi, NCSN Iyengar, PCM Kumar, A Kannammal
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security 5 …, 2013
Fuzzy rule based inference system for detection and diagnosis of lung cancer
K Lavanya, MS Durai, N Iyengar
International Journal of Latest Trends in Computing 2 (1), 165-171, 2011
A multilevel thrust filtration defending mechanism against DDoS attacks in cloud computing environment
NCSN Iyengar, G Ganapathy, PC Mogan Kumar, A Abraham
International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 5 (4), 236-248, 2014
An Entropy Based Approach to Detect and Distinguish DDoS Attacks from Flash Crowds in VoIP Networks.
N Jeyanthi, NCSN Iyengar
Int. J. Netw. Secur. 14 (5), 257-269, 2012
A novel approach to perform analysis and prediction on breast cancer dataset using R
SM Basha, DS Rajput, N Iyengar, DR Caytiles
International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing 11 (2), 41-54, 2018
Virtual machine allocation policy in cloud computing using cloudsim in java
NCS Iyengar
Int J Grid Distrib Comput 8 (1), 145-158, 2015
Annual automobile sales prediction using ARIMA model
SP Shakti, MK Hassan, Y Zhenning, RD Caytiles, N Iyenger
Int. J. Hybrid Inf. Technol 10 (6), 13-22, 2017
Energy efficiency model for cloud computing
A Banerjee, P Agrawal, NCSN Iyengar
International Journal of Energy, Information and Communications 4 (6), 29-42, 2013
Weighted fuzzy rule based sentiment prediction analysis on tweets
SM Basha, Y Zhenning, DS Rajput, N Iyengar, DR Caytiles
International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing 10 (6), 41-54, 2017
Risk level prediction of chronic kidney disease using neuro-fuzzy and hierarchical clustering algorithm (s)
KB Chimwayi, N Haris, RD Caytiles, NCSN Iyengar
Science & Engineering Research Support soCiety, 2017
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Articles 1–20