Joop Kroes
Joop Kroes
researcher agro hydrology
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SWAP version 3.2: Theory description and user manual
JG Kroes, JC Van Dam, P Groenendijk, RFA Hendriks, CMJ Jacobs
Alterra, 2008
Advances of modeling water flow in variably saturated soils with SWAP
JC van Dam, P Groenendijk, RFA Hendriks, JG Kroes
Vadose Zone Journal 7 (2), 640-653, 2008
Reference Manual SWAP; version 3.0. 3
JG Kroes, JC Van Dam
Alterra, 2003
Some results of nitrogen simulations with the model ANIMO
PE Rijtema, JG Kroes
Fertilizer Research 27, 189-198, 1991
Integrated modelling of the soil–water–atmosphere–plant system using the model SWAP 2· 0 an overview of theory and an application
JG Kroes, JG Wesseling, JC Van Dam
Hydrological processes 14 (11‐12), 1993-2002, 2000
Modelling the nitrogen and phosphorus leaching to groundwater and surface water with ANIMO 3.5
P Groenendijk, JG Kroes
Winand Staring Centre, 1999
Distributed ecohydrological modelling to evaluate the performance of irrigation system in Sirsa district, India: I. Current water management and its productivity
R Singh, JG Kroes, JC Van Dam, RA Feddes
Journal of Hydrology 329 (3-4), 692-713, 2006
User’s Guide of SWAP version 2.0
JG Kroes, JC Van Dam, J Huygen, RW Vervoort
Simulation of water flow, solute transport and plant growth in the Soil …, 1999
Assessing options to increase water productivity in irrigated river basins using remote sensing and modelling tools
JC Van Dam, R Singh, JJE Bessembinder, PA Leffelaar, ...
Water resources development 22 (1), 115-133, 2006
Climate change impacts on the leaching of a heavy metal contamination in a small lowland catchment
A Visser, J Kroes, MTH Van Vliet, S Blenkinsop, HJ Fowler, HP Broers
Journal of contaminant hydrology 127 (1-4), 47-64, 2012
Variability in the water footprint of arable crop production across European regions
A Gobin, KC Kersebaum, J Eitzinger, M Trnka, P Hlavinka, J Takáč, ...
Water 9 (2), 93, 2017
SWAP version 4
JG Kroes, JC Van Dam, RP Bartholomeus, P Groenendijk, M Heinen, ...
Wageningen Environmental Research, 2017
Impact analysis of drought, water excess and salinity on grass production in The Netherlands using historical and future climate data
JG Kroes, I Supit
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 144 (1), 370-381, 2011
User's guide of SWAP Version 2.0; simulation of water flow, solute transport and plant growth in the soil-water-atmosphere-plant environment
JG Kroes, JC Van Dam, J Huygen, RW Vervoort
Alterra, 2002
On the use of unsaturated flow and transport models in nutrient and pesticide management
M Vanclooster, J Boesten, A Tiktak, N Jarvis, JG Kroes, R Munoz-Carpena, ...
Frontis, 331-361, 2005
Environmental Impacts Of Land Use In Rural Regions: The Development, Validation And Application Of Model Tools For Management And Policy Analysis
P Groenendijk, JG Kroes, PE Rijtema
World Scientific, 1999
Agrohydrological analysis of groundwater recharge and land use changes in the Pampas of Argentina
J Kroes, J van Dam, I Supit, D De Abelleyra, S Verón, A de Wit, ...
Agricultural water management 213, 843-857, 2019
ANIMO 3.5: Users guide for the ANIMO version 3.5 nutrient leaching model
J Kroes, J Roelsma
Winand Staring Centre for Integrated Land, Soil and Water Research …, 1998
Assessing uncertainties of water footprints using an ensemble of crop growth models on winter wheat
KC Kersebaum, J Kroes, A Gobin, J Takáč, P Hlavinka, M Trnka, ...
Water 8 (12), 571, 2016
Quantitative land evaluation implemented in Dutch water management
MJD Hack-ten Broeke, HM Mulder, RP Bartholomeus, JC Van Dam, ...
Geoderma 338, 536-545, 2019
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Articles 1–20