Shannon Gleeson
Shannon Gleeson
Professor (Cornell University, School of Industrial and Industrial Relations)
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Labor Rights for All? The Role of Undocumented Immigrant Status for Worker Claims Making
S Gleeson
Law & Social Inquiry 35 (3), 561-602, 2010
Special Issue, Precarity and Agency through a Migration Lens: Introduction
M Paret, S Gleeson
Citizenship Studies 20 (3-4), 277-294, 2016
When Do Papers Matter? An Institutional Analysis of Undocumented Life in the United States
S Gleeson, RG Gonzales
International Migration 50 (4), 1-19, 2012
Review of: North for the Harvest: Mexican Workers, Growers, and the Sugar Beet Industry (Jim Norris)
S Gleeson
Journal of American Ethnic History 30 (4), 103-105, 2011
Conflicting Commitments: The Politics of Enforcing Immigrant Worker Rights in San Jose and Houston
S Gleeson
Cornell University Press, 2012
Funding Immigrant Organizations: Suburban Free Riding and Local Civic Presence
E de Graauw, S Gleeson, I Bloemraad
American Journal of Sociology 119 (1), 75-130, 2013
From Rights to Claims: The Role of Civil Society in Making Rights Real for Vulnerable Workers
S Gleeson
Law & Society Review 43 (3), 669-700, 2009
Precarious Claims: The Promise and Failure of Workplace Protections in the United States
S Gleeson
Assessing the Scope of Immigrant Organizations Official Undercounts and Actual Underrepresentation
S Gleeson, I Bloemraad
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 42 (2), 346-370, 2013
Leveraging Health Capital at the Workplace: An Examination of Health Reporting Behavior among Latino Immigrant Restaurant Workers
S Gleeson
Social Science & Medicine 75 (12), 2291-2298, 2012
A New Approach to Migrant Labor Rights Enforcement The Crisis of Undocumented Worker Abuse and Mexican Consular Advocacy in the United States
X Bada, S Gleeson
Labor Studies Journal 40 (1), 32-53, 2015
Return on Investment: Educational Choices and Demographic Change in California's future
H Brady, M Hout, J Stiles, S Gleeson, I Hui
Berkeley, California; Survey Research Center, University of California, 2005
'They Come Here to Work': An Evaluation of the Economic Argument in Favor of Immigrant Rights
S Gleeson
Citizenship Studies 19 (3-4), 400-420, 2015
Immigrant resistance in the age of Trump
S Gleeson, P Sampat
New Labor Forum 27 (1), 86-95, 2018
Brokering Immigrant Worker Rights: An Examination of Local Immigration Control, Administrative Capacity and Civil Society
S Gleeson
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41 (3), 470-492, 2015
Local context and labour-community immigrant rights coalitions: a comparison of San Francisco, Chicago, and Houston
E de Graauw, S Gleeson, X Bada
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46 (4), 728-746, 2020
Making the Case for Organizational Presence: Civic Inclusion, Access to Resources, and Formal Community Organizations
I Bloemraad, S Gleeson
Remaking Urban Citizenship: Organizations, Institutions, and the Right to …, 2012
Employers as Subjects of the Immigration State: How the State Foments Employment Insecurity for Temporary Immigrant Workers
S Gleeson, KL Griffith
Law & Social Inquiry 46 (1), 92-115, 2021
Contesting Inequality: The Impact of Immigrant Legal Status and Education on Legal Knowledge and Claims-Making in Low-Wage Labor Markets
C Patler, S Gleeson, M Schonlau
Social Problems, 2020
12. Immigrant Organizations: Civic (In) equality and Civic (In) visibility
I Bloemraad, S Gleeson, E de Graauw
The Nonprofit Sector, 292-314, 2020
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Articles 1–20