Steve Croker
Steve Croker
Associate Professor of Psychology, Illinois State University
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Chunking mechanisms in human learning
F Gobet, PCR Lane, S Croker, PCH Cheng, G Jones, I Oliver, JM Pine
Trends in cognitive sciences 5 (6), 236-243, 2001
Gaming science: the “Gamification” of scientific thinking
BJ Morris, S Croker, C Zimmerman, D Gill, C Romig
Frontiers in psychology 4, 607, 2013
Teaching the control-of-variables strategy: A meta-analysis
M Schwichow, S Croker, C Zimmerman, T Höffler, H Härtig
Developmental Review 39, 37-63, 2016
The emergence of scientific reasoning
BJ Morris, S Croker, AM Masnick, C Zimmerman
Current topics in children's learning and cognition, 2012
What students learn from hands‐on activities
M Schwichow, C Zimmerman, S Croker, H Härtig
Journal of research in science teaching 53 (7), 980-1002, 2016
Scientific reasoning in a real‐world context: The effect of prior belief and outcome on children's hypothesis‐testing strategies
S Croker, H Buchanan
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 29 (3), 409-424, 2011
A prospective cognition analysis of scientific thinking and the implications for teaching and learning science
C Zimmerman, S Croker
Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 13 (2), 245, 2014
Learning science through inquiry.
C Zimmerman, S Croker
Springer Publishing Company, 2013
Modelling optional infinitive phenomena: A computational account of tense optionality in children’s speech
S Croker, JM Pine, F Gobet
Universal Press, 2000
Modelling children’s case-marking errors with MOSAIC
S Croker, JM Pine, F Gobet
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, 55-60, 2001
The development of cognition
S Croker
Cengage Learning, 2012
Identifying the task characteristics that predict children's construction task performance
M Richardson, G Jones, S Croker, S Brown
Applied Cognitive Psychology 25 (3), 377-385, 2011
Modelling children's negation errors using probabilistic learning in MOSAIC.
S Croker, JM Pine, F Gobet
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, 2003
Attentional bias towards threatening and neutral facial expressions in high trait anxious children
LC Kelly, FA Maratos, S Lipka, S Croker
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology 7 (3), 343-359, 2016
Visual processing speeds in children
S Croker, FA Maratos
Child Development Research 2011 (1), 450178, 2011
The effects of racial similarity and dissimilarity on the joint Simon task
S Croker, JS Jordan, DS Schloesser, V Cialdella
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 37, 2015
Paranormal Belief, Magical Thinking & Critical Thinking
S Croker, E Stupple, R Knibb, K Silber
University of Derby Learning, Teaching & Assessment Conference. Buxton, UK, 2008
The role of outcome and experience in hypothesis testing about food allergy
S Croker, RC Knibb
Health Psychology Update 25 (1), 17-26, 2016
Cognitive Dynamics on the Balance-Scale Task
C Zimmerman, S Croker
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 36 (36), 2014
The role of context and knowledge in reasoning about oral health
S Croker, H Buchanan
Psychology & Health 23, 93-93, 2008
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Articles 1–20