Odd Andre Hjelkrem
Odd Andre Hjelkrem
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E-groceries: Sustainable last mile distribution in city planning
A Bjørgen, KY Bjerkan, OA Hjelkrem
Research in Transportation Economics 87, 100805, 2021
A battery electric bus energy consumption model for strategic purposes: Validation of a proposed model structure with data from bus fleets in China and Norway
OA Hjelkrem, KY Lervåg, S Babri, C Lu, CJ Södersten
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 94, 102804, 2021
E-commerce and prevalence of last mile practices
KY Bjerkan, A Bjørgen, OA Hjelkrem
Transportation Research Procedia 46, 293-300, 2020
Chosen risk level during car-following in adverse weather conditions
OA Hjelkrem, EO Ryeng
Accident Analysis & Prevention 95, 227-235, 2016
Estimation of tank-to-wheel efficiency functions based on type approval data
OA Hjelkrem, P Arnesen, TA Bø, RS Sondell
Applied Energy 276, 115463, 2020
Mobile phone data in transportation research: methods for benchmarking against other data sources
A Dypvik Landmark, P Arnesen, CJ Södersten, OA Hjelkrem
Transportation, 1-23, 2021
An estimator for traffic breakdown probability based on classification of transitional breakdown events
P Arnesen, OA Hjelkrem
Transportation Science 52 (3), 593-602, 2018
CUBE-Teknisk dokumentasjon av Regional persontransportmodell
OK Malmin, P Arnesen, S Babri, OA Hjelkrem, UK Thorenfeldt
SINTEF-Rapport A, 24718, 2013
Cube–Regional persontransportmodell versjon 4.4
T Tørset, OK Malmin, EH Flaata, OA Hjelkrem
SINTEF AS (ISBN starter med 978-82-14-), 2022
Characterisation of Norwegian battery electric vehicle owners by level of adoption
NM Bjørge, OA Hjelkrem, S Babri
World Electric Vehicle Journal 13 (8), 150, 2022
Driver behaviour data linked with vehicle, weather, road surface, and daylight data
OA Hjelkrem, EO Ryeng
Data in brief 10, 511-514, 2017
Kjøretøybasert beregning av fart, energi og utslipp
OA Hjelkrem, P Arnesen, OM Rennemo, E Dahl, UK Thorenfeldt, ...
SINTEF, 2017
Impact of home-and destination charging on the geographical and temporal distribution of electric vehicle charging load
A Flataker, OK Malmin, OA Hjelkrem, R Rana, M Korpås, BN Torsæter
2022 18th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-6, 2022
Investigating the technological and political challenges of V2V communication in light of an experimental scenario set up
P Arnesen, E Dahl, OA Hjelkrem, H Seter
IEEE Access 9, 97354-97365, 2021
A proposed methodology for modelling the combined load of electric roads and households for long-term grid planning
K Berg, OA Hjelkrem, BN Torsæter
2020 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-6, 2020
Energikart. Et verktøy for å beregne, visualisere og analysere energibruk i transportsektoren i Norge
OA Hjelkrem, OM Rennemo, E Dahl, OK Malmin, S Babri, H Karlsson
SINTEF AS (ISBN starter med 978-82-14-), 2022
Charging Profile Generation Tool for Grid Planning and Flexibility Assessment of EV Fleets
V Lakshmanan, BN Torsæter, H Sæle, OA Hjelkrem
2021 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2021
The data driven transport research train is leaving the station. Consultants all aboard?
H Seter, P Arnesen, OA Hjelkrem
Transport policy 80, 59-69, 2019
Vurdering av betydning av tilgjengelighet til holdeplasser i RTM
OK Malmin, OA Hjelkrem, S Babri
SINTEF Teknologi og samfunn, 2017
A GIS-based tool for optimizing C-ITS communication infrastructure
AD Storsaeter, J Skjermo, OA Hjelkrem, JE Hakegard, P Arnesen, E Dahl
2019 IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Fall), 1-6, 2019
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Articles 1–20