Rhonda Gibson
Rhonda Gibson
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Cited by
Reading between the photographs: The influence of incidental pictorial information on issue perception
R Gibson, D Zillmann
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 77 (2), 355-366, 2000
The economy and second-level agenda setting: A time-series analysis of economic news and public opinion about the economy
JB Hester, R Gibson
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 80 (1), 73-90, 2003
Exaggerated versus representative exemplification in news reports: Perception of issues and personal consequences
R Gibson, D Zillmann
Communication research 21 (5), 603-624, 1994
Effects of photographs in news-magazine reports on issue perception
D Zillmann, R Gibson, SL Sargent
Media psychology 1 (3), 207-228, 1999
Effects of exemplification in news reports on the perception of social issues
D Zillmann, R Gibson, SS Sundar, JW Perkins Jr
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 73 (2), 427-444, 1996
The agenda-setting function of national versus local media: A time-series analysis for the issue of same-sex marriage
JB Hester, R Gibson
Mass Communication & Society 10 (3), 299-317, 2007
The impact of quotation in news reports on issue perception
R Gibson, D Zillmann
Journalism Quarterly 70 (4), 793-800, 1993
Radical rap: Does it further ethnic division?
D Zillmann, CF Aust, KD Hoffman, CC Love, VL Ordman, JT Pope, ...
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 16 (1-2), 1-25, 1995
Loneliness of adolescents and their choice and enjoyment of love-celebrating versus love-lamenting popular music
R Gibson, CF Aust, D Zillmann
Empirical Studies of the Arts 18 (1), 43-48, 2000
Gendered relationships on television: Portrayals of same-sex and heterosexual couples
A Holz Ivory, R Gibson, JD Ivory
Mass Communication and Society 12 (2), 170-192, 2009
Positive news makes readers feel good: A “silver-lining” approach to negative news can attract audiences
KE McIntyre, R Gibson
Southern Communication Journal 81 (5), 304-315, 2016
Effects of citation in exemplifying testimony on issue perception
R Gibson, D Zillmann
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 75 (1), 167-176, 1998
Effects of upbeat stories in broadcast news
D Zillmann, R Gibson, VL Ordman, CF Aust
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 38 (1), 65-78, 1994
Consumer responses to gay-themed imagery in advertising
JB Hester, R Gibson
Advertising & Society Review 8 (2), 2007
Evolution of the horror genre
D Zillmann, R Gibson
Horror Films, 15-31, 2013
Quantitative literacy and affective reactivity in processing statistical information and case histories in the news
R Gibson, C Callison, D Zillmann
Media Psychology 14 (1), 96-120, 2011
Quantitative media literacy: Individual differences in dealing with numbers in the news
D Zillmann, C Callison, R Gibson
Media Psychology 12 (4), 394-416, 2009
Effects of Salient News Items on Information Acquisition and Issue Perception.
S Knobloch, D Zillmann, R Gibson, JA Karrh
Z. für Medienpsychologie 14 (1), 14-22, 2002
Pull quotes shape reader perceptions of news stories
R Gibson, JB Hester, S Stewart
Newspaper Research Journal 22 (2), 66-78, 2001
International news and borrowed news in the New York Times: An update
D Riffe, CF Aust, RJ Gibson, EK Viall, H Yi
Journalism Quarterly 70 (3), 638-646, 1993
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