Dr. Ram Deshmukh
Dr. Ram Deshmukh
Professor & Head of Department-Electrical and Electronics Engineering
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Cited by
Renewable energy-based load frequency stabilization of interconnected power systems using quasi-oppositional dragonfly algorithm
B Vedik, R Kumar, R Deshmukh, S Verma, CK Shiva
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems 32 (1), 227-243, 2021
Electric power load forecasting on a 33/11 kV substation using artificial neural networks
V Veeramsetty, R Deshmukh
SN Applied Sciences 2 (5), 855, 2020
Improvement in performance of short chorded three-phase induction motors with variable PWM switching frequency
R Deshmukh, AJ Moses, F Anayi
IEEE transactions on magnetics 42 (10), 3452-3454, 2006
Controlled active power generation with multi-terminal HVDC system using modified grey wolf optimization
R Deshmukh, CK Shiva, B Vedik, R Kumar, K Vamshidhar
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (4), 042064, 2020
Awareness on calcium carbide ripened fruits and recommendations for toxic free artificial ripening of fruits
DR Babu, R Deshmukh, KVN Rao, MR Laxmi, TS Kafila, T Sabita
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) 9 (2 …, 2019
Pressure testing results (as a decision tool for deciding low oxygen or ultra-low oxygen or high oxygen storage) of semi-hermetically sealed controlled atmosphere storage …
R Deshmukh, DR Babu, KVN Rao
IJMPERD 10 (1), 531-540, 2020
Voltage harmonic variation in three-phase induction motors with different coil pitches
R Deshmukh, AJ Moses, F Anayi
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 304 (2), e810-e812, 2006
Solution for optimal power flow problem using WDO algorithm
R Senthilkumar, KP Sk, K Subrahmanyam, R Deshmukh
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education 12 (2), 889-895, 2021
A condition monitoring and fault detection in the windings of power transformer using impulse frequency response analysis
R Kumar, A Vaijayanthi, R Deshmukh, B Vedik, CK Shiva
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 13 (4 …, 2022
Effect of coating of dielectric in a 3-phase GIB with particle movement
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 8, 3534-38, 2019
Unlocking the online education space during the lockdown: Adaptation and synergies of teachers and students
R Deshmukh, MM Irfan, CK Shiva, K Balakrishna
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations 34, 206-210, 2021
State of art on: Features extraction, recognition and detection of currency notes
V Veeramsetty, R Deshmukh, A Mohnot, G Singal
AIP Conference Proceedings 2418 (1), 2022
Behavior of three-phase induction motors with variable stator coil winding pitch
R Deshmukh, AJ Moses, F Anayi
Journal of applied physics 99 (8), 2006
Effect of chording on the efficiency of induction motor supplied by PWM inverter
R Deshmukh, KS Kumar, P Joshi, K Subrahmanyam
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (4), 042058, 2020
Intelligent detector: Detection of forest fires using LoRaWSN technology
P Joshi, S Deshmukh, S Handigol, A Deshmukh, R Deshmukh, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2418 (1), 2022
Mentoring approaches for various Learning behaviors of the future engineers in professional education: Competency and Commitment Development
MM Irfan, R Deshmukh, K Subrahmanyam
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations 34, 433, 2021
Effect of electric field on movement of conducting particles in single phase GIB
K Subrahmanyam, RSK Reddy, R Deshmukh, P Joshi
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 981 (4), 042049, 2020
Implementation of cuckoo search optimization algorithm in partial shading of strings based network of photo voltaic system
S KBVSR, R Deshmukh
Journal of Green Engineering, 2020
Effect of coating of dielectric in a 3-phase GIB with particle movement
K Subrahmanyam, R Deshmukh
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2019
Design and development of a prototype-electronic langur
R Deshmukh, N Gopikrishna, BS Kumar, DR Babu, PVR Shekar
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 8, 239-243, 2019
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Articles 1–20