Xavier del Toro García
Cited by
Cited by
Comparison between foc and dtc strategies for permanent magnet synchronous motors
XT Garcia, B Zigmund, AA Terlizzi, R Pavlanin, L Salvatore
Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 5 (1), 76-81, 2011
Design, implementation issues and performance of an inductive power transfer system for electric vehicle chargers with series–series compensation
X del Toro García, J Vázquez, P Roncero-Sánchez
IET Power Electronics 8 (10), 1920-1930, 2015
Non-linear classifiers applied to EEG analysis for epilepsy seizure detection
J Martinez-del-Rincon, MJ Santofimia, X del Toro, J Barba, F Romero, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 86, 99-112, 2017
A Multiple-Attribute Decision Making-based approach for smart city rankings design
S Escolar, FJ Villanueva, MJ Santofimia, D Villa, X del Toro, JC López
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 142, 42-55, 2019
A dynamic programming algorithm for high-level task scheduling in energy harvesting IoT
A Caruso, S Chessa, S Escolar, X Del Toro, JC López
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (3), 2234-2248, 2018
Direct torque control of induction motors utilizing three-level voltage source inverters
X del Toro Garcia, A Arias, MG Jayne, PA Witting
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55 (2), 956-958, 2008
Robust frequency-estimation method for distorted and imbalanced three-phase systems using discrete filters
P Roncero-Sanchez, X del Toro Garcia, AP Torres, V Feliu
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 26 (4), 1089-1101, 2011
Fundamental positive-and negative-sequence estimator for grid synchronization under highly disturbed operating conditions
P Roncero-Sanchez, X del Toro Garcia, AP Torres, V Feliu
IEEE transactions on power electronics 28 (8), 3733-3746, 2012
New DTC control scheme for induction motors fed with a three-level inverter
X del Toro Garcia, A Arias, MG Jayne, PA Witting, VM Sala, JL Romeral
AUTOMATIKA-ZAGREB- 46 (1/2), 73, 2005
New DTC control scheme for induction motors fed with a three-level inverter
X del Toro Garcia, A Arias, MG Jayne, PA Witting, VM Sala, JL Romeral
AUTOMATIKA-ZAGREB- 46 (1/2), 73, 2005
Surrogate assisted local search in PMSM drive design
F Neri, X del Toro Garcia, GL Cascella, N Salvatore
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in …, 2008
Experimental evaluation of PI tuning techniques for field oriented control of permanent magnet synchronous motors
B Zigmund, AA Terlizzi, XT Garcia, R Pavlanin, L Salvatore
Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 5 (1), 114-119, 2011
A semantic model for actions and events in ambient intelligence
MJ Santofimia, SE Fahlman, X del Toro, F Moya, JC Lopez
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 24 (8), 1432-1445, 2011
Novel direct torque control for induction motors using short voltage vectors of matrix converters
C Ortega, A Arias, X del Toro, E Aldabas, J Balcells
31st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2005. IECON …, 2005
A computer-vision-based system for at-home rheumatoid arthritis rehabilitation
J Dorado, X del Toro, MJ Santofimia, A Parreño, R Cantarero, A Rubio, ...
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 15 (9), 1550147719875649, 2019
Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Smart Grid Applications
MJ Santofimia-Romero, X del Toro-García, JC López-López
Green ICT: Trends and Challenges, 41-44, 2011
Ultracapacitor-based storage: Modelling, power conversion and energy considerations
X del Toro García, P Roncero-Sánchez, A Parreño, V Feliu
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2493-2498, 2010
The shapes smart mirror approach for independent living, healthy and active ageing
JD Chaparro, JFB Ruiz, MJS Romero, CB Peño, LU Irurtia, MG Perea, ...
Sensors 21 (23), 7938, 2021
Direct torque control of an induction motor using a three-level inverter and fuzzy logic
X del Toro, S Calls, MG Jayne, PA Witting, A Arias, JL Romeral
2004 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics 2, 923-927, 2004
A qualitative agent-based approach to power quality monitoring and diagnosis
MJ Santofimia, X del Toro, P Roncero-Sánchez, F Moya, MA Martinez, ...
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 17 (4), 305-319, 2010
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Articles 1–20