C A Sackett
C A Sackett
Associate Professor of Physics, University of Virginia
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Evidence of Bose-Einstein condensation in an atomic gas with attractive interactions
CC Bradley, CA Sackett, JJ Tollett, RG Hulet
Physical review letters 75 (9), 1687, 1995
Bose-Einstein condensation of lithium: Observation of limited condensate number
CC Bradley, CA Sackett, RG Hulet
Physical Review Letters 78 (6), 985, 1997
Experimental entanglement of four particles
CA Sackett, D Kielpinski, BE King, C Langer, V Meyer, CJ Myatt, M Rowe, ...
Nature 404 (6775), 256-259, 2000
Experimental violation of a Bell's inequality with efficient detection
MA Rowe, D Kielpinski, V Meyer, CA Sackett, WM Itano, C Monroe, ...
Nature 409 (6822), 791-794, 2001
Decoherence of quantum superpositions through coupling to engineered reservoirs
CJ Myatt, BE King, QA Turchette, CA Sackett, D Kielpinski, WM Itano, ...
Nature 403 (6767), 269-273, 2000
Heating of trapped ions from the quantum ground state
QA Turchette, BE King, D Leibfried, DM Meekhof, CJ Myatt, MA Rowe, ...
Physical Review A 61 (6), 063418, 2000
A decoherence-free quantum memory using trapped ions
D Kielpinski, V Meyer, MA Rowe, CA Sackett, WM Itano, C Monroe, ...
Science 291 (5506), 1013-1015, 2001
Superfluidity of Spin-Polarized Li
HTC Stoof, M Houbiers, CA Sackett, RG Hulet
Physical review letters 76 (1), 10, 1996
Measurement of Cs-Cs elastic scattering at T=30 μK
CR Monroe, EA Cornell, CA Sackett, CJ Myatt, CE Wieman
Physical review letters 70 (4), 414, 1993
Experimental demonstration of entanglement-enhanced rotation angle estimation using trapped ions
V Meyer, MA Rowe, D Kielpinski, CA Sackett, WM Itano, C Monroe, ...
Physical review letters 86 (26), 5870, 2001
Decoherence and decay of motional quantum states of a trapped atom coupled to engineered reservoirs
QA Turchette, CJ Myatt, BE King, CA Sackett, D Kielpinski, WM Itano, ...
Physical Review A 62 (5), 053807, 2000
Spectroscopic determination of the s-wave scattering length of lithium
ERI Abraham, WI McAlexander, CA Sackett, RG Hulet
Physical review letters 74 (8), 1315, 1995
Superfluid state of atomic 6 Li in a magnetic trap
M Houbiers, R Ferwerda, HTC Stoof, WI McAlexander, CA Sackett, ...
Physical Review A 56 (6), 4864, 1997
Measurements of collective collapse in a Bose-Einstein condensate with attractive interactions
CA Sackett, JM Gerton, M Welling, RG Hulet
Physical review letters 82 (5), 876, 1999
Growth and collapse of a Bose-Einstein condensate with attractive interactions
CA Sackett, HTC Stoof, RG Hulet
Physical review letters 80 (10), 2031, 1998
Sympathetic cooling of trapped ions for quantum logic
D Kielpinski, BE King, CJ Myatt, CA Sackett, QA Turchette, WM Itano, ...
Physical Review A 61 (3), 032310, 2000
Vacuum-pressure measurement using a magneto-optical trap
T Arpornthip, CA Sackett, KJ Hughes
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (3), 033420, 2012
Bose-Einstein-condensate interferometer with macroscopic arm separation
O Garcia, B Deissler, KJ Hughes, JM Reeves, CA Sackett
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 74 (3), 031601, 2006
Bose–Einstein condensation of lithium
CA Sackett, CC Bradley, M Welling, RG Hulet
Applied Physics B 65, 433-440, 1997
Permanent magnet trap for cold atoms
JJ Tollett, CC Bradley, CA Sackett, RG Hulet
Physical Review A 51 (1), R22, 1995
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Articles 1–20