J. Alexander Heimel
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Cited by
A transient receptor potential-like channel mediates synaptic transmission in rod bipolar cells
Y Shen, JA Heimel, M Kamermans, NS Peachey, RG Gregg, S Nawy
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (19), 6088-6093, 2009
Elimination of inhibitory synapses is a major component of adult ocular dominance plasticity
D van Versendaal, R Rajendran, MH Saiepour, J Klooster, L Smit-Rigter, ...
Neuron 74 (2), 374-383, 2012
Orientation selectivity without orientation maps in visual cortex of a highly visual mammal
SD Van Hooser, JAF Heimel, S Chung, SB Nelson, LJ Toth
The Journal of neuroscience 25 (1), 19, 2005
Peripheral and central inputs shape network dynamics in the developing visual cortex in vivo
F Siegel, JA Heimel, J Peters, C Lohmann
Current Biology 22 (3), 253-258, 2012
Orientation-tuned surround suppression in mouse visual cortex
MW Self, JAM Lorteije, J Vangeneugden, EH van Beest, ME Grigore, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (28), 9290-9304, 2014
Preference for concentric orientations in the mouse superior colliculus
M Ahmadlou, JA Heimel
Nature communications 6 (1), 6773, 2015
Screening mouse vision with intrinsic signal optical imaging
JA Heimel, RJ Hartman, JM Hermans, CN Levelt
European Journal of Neuroscience 25 (3), 795-804, 2007
Generating functional analysis of the dynamics of the batch minority game with random external information
JAF Heimel, ACC Coolen
Physical Review E 63 (5), 056121, 2001
A cell type–specific cortico-subcortical brain circuit for investigatory and novelty-seeking behavior
M Ahmadlou, JHW Houba, JFM van Vierbergen, M Giannouli, ...
Science 372 (6543), eabe9681, 2021
Gene therapy into photoreceptors and Müller glial cells restores retinal structure and function in CRB1 retinitis pigmentosa mouse models
LP Pellissier, PM Quinn, CH Alves, RM Vos, J Klooster, JG Flannery, ...
Human molecular genetics 24 (11), 3104-3118, 2015
Lack of patchy horizontal connectivity in primary visual cortex of a mammal without orientation maps
SD Van Hooser, JA Heimel, S Chung, SB Nelson
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (29), 7680-7692, 2006
Thalamic inhibition regulates critical-period plasticity in visual cortex and thalamus
JP Sommeijer, M Ahmadlou, MH Saiepour, K Seignette, R Min, JA Heimel, ...
Nature neuroscience 20 (12), 1715-1721, 2017
The essential role of recurrent processing for figure-ground perception in mice
L Kirchberger, S Mukherjee, UH Schnabel, EH van Beest, A Barsegyan, ...
Science advances 7 (27), eabe1833, 2021
Distinct subtypes of proprioceptive dorsal root ganglion neurons regulate adaptive proprioception in mice
H Wu, C Petitpré, P Fontanet, A Sharma, C Bellardita, RM Quadros, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1026, 2021
Mitochondrial dynamics in visual cortex are limited in vivo and not affected by axonal structural plasticity
L Smit-Rigter, R Rajendran, CAP Silva, L Spierenburg, F Groeneweg, ...
Current Biology 26 (19), 2609-2616, 2016
Functional modulation of primary visual cortex by the superior colliculus in the mouse
M Ahmadlou, LS Zweifel, JA Heimel
Nature Communications 9 (1), 3895, 2018
The Role of GABAergic Inhibition in Ocular Dominance Plasticity
JA Heimel, D van Versendaal, CN Levelt, JA Heimel, D van Versendaal, ...
Neural plasticity 2011, 391763, 2011
Laminar organization of response properties in primary visual cortex of the gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
JA Heimel, SD Van Hooser, SB Nelson
Journal of neurophysiology 94 (5), 3538-3554, 2005
The synaptic proteome during development and plasticity of the mouse visual cortex
M Dahlhaus, K Wan Li, RC van der Schors, MH Saiepour, P van Nierop, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 10 (5), 2011
Receptive field properties and laminar organization of lateral geniculate nucleus in the gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
SD Van Hooser, JAF Heimel, SB Nelson
Journal of neurophysiology 90 (5), 3398-3418, 2003
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Articles 1–20