Stephan E. Maier
Stephan E. Maier
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston
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Cited by
Processing and visualization for diffusion tensor MRI
CF Westin, SE Maier, H Mamata, A Nabavi, FA Jolesz, R Kikinis
Medical image analysis 6 (2), 93-108, 2002
A review of diffusion tensor imaging studies in schizophrenia
M Kubicki, R McCarley, CF Westin, HJ Park, S Maier, R Kikinis, FA Jolesz, ...
Journal of psychiatric research 41 (1-2), 15-30, 2007
Microstructural development of human newborn cerebral white matter assessed in vivo by diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging
PS Hüppi, SE Maier, S Peled, GP Zientara, PD Barnes, FA Jolesz, ...
Pediatric research 44 (4), 584-590, 1998
Pathways that make voices: white matter changes in auditory hallucinations
D Hubl, T Koenig, W Strik, A Federspiel, R Kreis, C Boesch, SE Maier, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 61 (7), 658-668, 2004
Search for the associated production of the Higgs boson with a top-quark pair
CMS collaboration
arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.1682, 2014
DTI and MTR abnormalities in schizophrenia: analysis of white matter integrity
M Kubicki, H Park, CF Westin, PG Nestor, RV Mulkern, SE Maier, ...
Neuroimage 26 (4), 1109-1118, 2005
Uncinate fasciculus findings in schizophrenia: a magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging study
M Kubicki, CF Westin, SE Maier, M Frumin, PG Nestor, DF Salisbury, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 159 (5), 813-820, 2002
Multi‐component apparent diffusion coefficients in human brain
RV Mulkern, H Gudbjartsson, CF Westin, HP Zengingonul, W Gartner, ...
NMR in Biomedicine: An International Journal Devoted to the Development and …, 1999
Cingulate fasciculus integrity disruption in schizophrenia: a magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging study
M Kubicki, CF Westin, PG Nestor, CG Wible, M Frumin, SE Maier, ...
Biological psychiatry 54 (11), 1171-1180, 2003
Improved myocardial tagging contrast
SE Fischer, GC McKinnon, SE Maier, P Boesiger
Magnetic resonance in medicine 30 (2), 191-200, 1993
Microstructural brain development after perinatal cerebral white matter injury assessed by diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging
PS Huppi, B Murphy, SE Maier, GP Zientara, TE Inder, PD Barnes, ...
Pediatrics 107 (3), 455-460, 2001
Early detection of response to radiation therapy in patients with brain malignancies using conventional and high b-value diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging
Y Mardor, R Pfeffer, R Spiegelmann, Y Roth, SE Maier, O Nissim, ...
Journal of clinical oncology 21 (6), 1094-1100, 2003
White matter hemisphere asymmetries in healthy subjects and in schizophrenia: a diffusion tensor MRI study
HJ Park, CF Westin, M Kubicki, SE Maier, M Niznikiewicz, A Baer, ...
Neuroimage 23 (1), 213-223, 2004
Line scan diffusion imaging
H Gudbjartsson, SE Maier, RV Mulkern, IÁ Mórocz, S Patz, FA Jolesz
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 36 (4), 509-519, 1996
Multiparametric MRI of prostate cancer: an update on state‐of‐the‐art techniques and their performance in detecting and localizing prostate cancer
JV Hegde, RV Mulkern, LP Panych, FM Fennessy, A Fedorov, SE Maier, ...
Journal of magnetic resonance imaging 37 (5), 1035-1054, 2013
Detection of prostate cancer by integration of line‐scan diffusion, T2‐mapping and T2‐weighted magnetic resonance imaging; a multichannel statistical classifier
I Chan, W Wells III, RV Mulkern, S Haker, J Zhang, KH Zou, SE Maier, ...
Medical physics 30 (9), 2390-2398, 2003
Performance of CMS muon reconstruction in cosmic-ray events
CMS collaboration
Journal of Instrumentation 5 (03), T03022, 2010
Spatial normalization of diffusion tensor MRI using multiple channels
HJ Park, M Kubicki, ME Shenton, A Guimond, RW McCarley, SE Maier, ...
Neuroimage 20 (4), 1995-2009, 2003
Monitoring response to convection-enhanced taxol delivery in brain tumor patients using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging
Y Mardor, Y Roth, Z Lidar, T Jonas, R Pfeffer, SE Maier, M Faibel, D Nass, ...
Cancer research 61 (13), 4971-4973, 2001
Early detection of periventricular leukomalacia by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging techniques
T Inder, PS Huppi, GP Zientara, SE Maier, FA Jolesz, D di Salvo, ...
The Journal of pediatrics 134 (5), 631-634, 1999
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Articles 1–20