Prof. Dr. Arieff Salleh Rosman
Prof. Dr. Arieff Salleh Rosman
Professor at Center of Research for Fiqh Science & Technology (CFiRST), Universiti Teknologi
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Cited by
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy combined with multivariate calibrations for the authentication of avocado oil
A Rohman, A Windarsih, S Riyanto, Sudjadi, SA Shuhel Ahmad, ...
International journal of food properties 19 (3), 680-687, 2016
Membentuk jati diri remaja: buku panduan bagi remaja membina identiti diri
AS Rosman, W Mokhtar
PTS Publications & Distributors, 2003
Detection of butter adulteration with lard using differential scanning calorimetry.
AF Nurrulhidayah, SR Arieff, A Rohman, I Amin, M Shuhaimi, A Khatib
International Food Research Journal 22 (2), 2015
Database forensic investigation process models: A review
A Al-Dhaqm, S Abd Razak, SH Othman, A Ali, FA Ghaleb, AS Rosman, ...
IEEE Access 8, 48477-48490, 2020
Detection of butter adulteration with lard by employing 1H-NMR spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis
NA Fadzillah, Y bin Che Man, A Rohman, AS Rosman, A Ismail, ...
Journal of Oleo Science 64 (7), 697-703, 2015
Pooled mean group estimation for growth, inequality, and poverty triangle: evidence from 124 countries
K Zaman, BM Al-Ghazali, A Khan, ASB Rosman, S Sriyanto, SS Hishan, ...
Journal of Poverty 24 (3), 222-240, 2020
Digital learning enhancement through social network site (SNS)
Khalili, M Huda, AS Rosman, AK Mohamed, N Marni
Software Engineering Application in Informatics: Proceedings of 5th …, 2021
Use of fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in combination with partial least square for authentication of black seed oil
A Rohman, D Wibowo, Sudjadi, E Lukitaningsih, AS Rosman
International Journal of Food Properties 18 (4), 775-784, 2015
Persepsi Pelajar Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Terhadap Plagiarisme
AS Rosman, AM Hassan, AS Suratman, MN Ripin, N Marni
Sains Humanika 48 (1), 2008
Quantification of lard in the mixture with olive oil in cream cosmetics based on FTIR spectra and chemometrics for halal authentication
A Rohman, I Gupitasari, P Purwanto, K Triyana, AS Rosman, SAS Ahmad, ...
Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 69 (1), 2014
Green technology management in the Muslim world
FM Yusof, AS Rosman, S Mahmood, SHM Sarip, TU Noh
Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 65 (1), 2013
Development of 3D Tawaf simulation for hajj training application using virtual environment
MS Mohd Rahim, AZA Fata, AH Basori, AS Rosman, TJ Nizar, FWM Yusof
Visual Informatics: Sustaining Research and Innovations: Second …, 2011
Murtad menurut perundangan Islam
AS Rosman
Penerbit UTM, 2001
Mediating effect of positive psychological strength and study skills on examination anxiety among Nigerian college students
A Khan, MA Grema, ABA Latif, H Bahar, I Iswan, S S, DL Baranovich, ...
Sustainability 12 (4), 1479, 2020
The effect of coffee pulp composition with consortia variation of indigenic bacteria on plant growth of coffee breeding
A Sutanto, R Noor, D Subandono, F Theresia, H Santoso, A Syaifudin, ...
Int. J. Eng. Adv. Technol 8 (6), 2588-2592, 2019
Jenis-Jenis Sumber Pengetahuan Guru Pendidikan Islam dalam Penggunaan Bahan Bantu Mengajar di Sekolah Bestari. E-Jurnal Penyelidikan Dan Inovasi, 3 (2), 41-54
MF Ilias, M Abdullah, K Husain, KA Jasmi, AH Abdullah, AS Rosman
Application of chemometrics in combination with Fourier Transform Mid Infrared spectroscopy for authentication of avocado oil
FA Lumakso, S Riyanto, SA SA, AS Rosman, FM Yusoff, A Rohman
Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences 3 (1), 2015
Identifikasi Peranan Ibu Bapa dalam Memastikan Kelangsungan Pendidikan Tahfiz Anak-Anak
M Abdullah, AH Abdullah, AS Rosman, FT Islam
Seminar Antarabangsa Isu-Isu Pendidikan (IsPEN 2015), 2015
Empowering adaptive learning technology: practical insights from social network site (SNS)
M Huda, AS Rosman, AK Mohamed, N Marni
Proceedings of the Computational Methods in Systems and Software, 410-420, 2021
Study on Muslim friendly spa: A conceptual framework
NSN binti Jamaluddin, KS Asma’bt Mokhtar, HY Hashim, ...
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 8 …, 2018
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Articles 1–20