Karen Rudolph
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Cited by
A review of sex differences in peer relationship processes: potential trade-offs for the emotional and behavioral development of girls and boys.
AJ Rose, KD Rudolph
Psychological bulletin 132 (1), 98, 2006
A measure of positive and negative affect for children: Scale development and preliminary validation.
J Laurent, SJ Catanzaro, TE Joiner Jr, KD Rudolph, KI Potter, S Lambert, ...
Psychological assessment 11 (3), 326, 1999
Gender differences in emotional responses to interpersonal stress during adolescence
KD Rudolph
Journal of adolescent health 30 (4), 3-13, 2002
Age and gender as determinants of stress exposure, generation, and reactions in youngsters: A transactional perspective
KD Rudolph, C Hammen
Child development 70 (3), 660-677, 1999
Handbook of developmental psychopathology
M Lewis, KD Rudolph
Plenum Press 15213, 371-410, 1990
Behavioral problems after early life stress: contributions of the hippocampus and amygdala
JL Hanson, BM Nacewicz, MJ Sutterer, AA Cayo, SM Schaefer, ...
Biological psychiatry 77 (4), 314-323, 2015
Toward an interpersonal life-stress model of depression: The developmental context of stress generation
KD Rudolph, C Hammen, D Burge, N Lindberg, D Herzberg, SE Daley
Development and psychopathology 12 (2), 215-234, 2000
Determinants and consequences of children's coping in the medical setting: conceptualization, review, and critique.
KD Rudolph, MD Dennig, JR Weisz
Psychological bulletin 118 (3), 328, 1995
Negotiating the transition to middle school: The role of self‐regulatory processes
KD Rudolph, SF Lambert, AG Clark, KD Kurlakowsky
Child development 72 (3), 929-946, 2001
Interpersonal attachment cognitions and prediction of symptomatic responses to interpersonal stress.
CL Hammen, D Burge, SE Daley, J Davila, B Paley, KD Rudolph
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 104 (3), 436, 1995
Child and adolescent depression
CL Hammen, KD Rudolph, JL Abaied
Child psychopathology 3, 225-263, 2014
Longitudinal associations among youth depressive symptoms, peer victimization, and low peer acceptance: An interpersonal process perspective
KP Kochel, GW Ladd, KD Rudolph
Child development 83 (2), 637-650, 2012
Childhood mood disorders
C Hammen, KD Rudolph
Child psychopathology 2, 233-278, 2003
Moving toward and away from the world: Social approach and avoidance trajectories in anxious solitary youth
H Gazelle, KD Rudolph
Child Development 75 (3), 829-849, 2004
A developmental perspective on interpersonal theories of youth depression.
KD Rudolph, M Flynn, JL Abaied
The Guilford Press, 2008
The emerging sex difference in adolescent depression: Interacting contributions of puberty and peer stress
CS Conley, KD Rudolph
Development and psychopathology 21 (2), 593-620, 2009
Childhood adversity and youth depression: Influence of gender and pubertal status
KD Rudolph, M Flynn
Development and psychopathology 19 (2), 497-521, 2007
Interpersonal functioning and depressive symptoms in childhood: Addressing the issues of specificity and comorbidity
KD Rudolph, C Hammen, D Burge
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 22, 355-371, 1994
Conceptions of relationships in children with depressive and aggressive symptoms: Social-cognitive distortion or reality?
KD Rudolph, AG Clark
Journal of abnormal child psychology 29, 41-56, 2001
The socioemotional costs and benefits of social‐evaluative concerns: Do girls care too much?
KD Rudolph, CS Conley
Journal of personality 73 (1), 115-138, 2005
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Articles 1–20