Edward Tipping
Edward Tipping
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Cation binding by humic substances
E Tipping
Cambridge university press, 2002
The adsorption of aquatic humic substances by iron oxides
E Tipping
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 45 (2), 191-199, 1981
WHAMC—A chemical equilibrium model and computer code for waters, sediments, and soils incorporating a discrete site/electrostatic model of ion-binding by humic substances
E Tipping
Computers & Geosciences 20 (6), 973-1023, 1994
Humic ion-binding model VI: an improved description of the interactions of protons and metal ions with humic substances
E Tipping
Aquatic geochemistry 4, 3-47, 1998
A unifying model of cation binding by humic substances
E Tipping, MA Hurley
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 56 (10), 3627-3641, 1992
Generic NICA− Donnan model parameters for metal-ion binding by humic substances
CJ Milne, DG Kinniburgh, WH Van Riemsdijk, E Tipping
Environmental Science & Technology 37 (5), 958-971, 2003
Complexation with dissolved organic matter and solubility control of heavy metals in a sandy soil
L Weng, EJM Temminghoff, S Lofts, E Tipping, WH Van Riemsdijk
Environmental science & technology 36 (22), 4804-4810, 2002
Generic NICA-Donnan model parameters for proton binding by humic substances
CJ Milne, DG Kinniburgh, E Tipping
Environmental Science & Technology 35 (10), 2049-2059, 2001
Al (III) and Fe (III) binding by humic substances in freshwaters, and implications for trace metal speciation
E Tipping, C Rey-Castro, SE Bryan, J Hamilton-Taylor
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 66 (18), 3211-3224, 2002
The solid–solution partitioning of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb) in upland soils of England and Wales
E Tipping, J Rieuwerts, G Pan, MR Ashmore, S Lofts, MTR Hill, ...
Environmental pollution 125 (2), 213-225, 2003
Humic Ion-Binding Model VII: a revised parameterisation of cation-binding by humic substances
E Tipping, S Lofts, JE Sonke
Environmental Chemistry 8 (3), 225-235, 2011
The effects of adsorbed humic substances on the surface charge of goethite (α-FeOOH) in freshwaters
E Tipping, D Cooke
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 46 (1), 75-80, 1982
Climatic influences on the leaching of dissolved organic matter from upland UK moorland soils, investigated by a field manipulation experiment
E Tipping, C Woof, E Rigg, AF Harrison, P Ineson, K Taylor, D Benham, ...
Environment International 25 (1), 83-95, 1999
Trends in dissolved organic carbon in UK rivers and lakes
F Worrall, R Harriman, CD Evans, CD Watts, J Adamson, C Neal, ...
Biogeochemistry 70, 369-402, 2004
Atmospheric deposition of phosphorus to land and freshwater
E Tipping, S Benham, JF Boyle, P Crow, J Davies, U Fischer, H Guyatt, ...
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 16 (7), 1608-1617, 2014
The effect of adsorbed humic substances on the colloid stability of haematite particles
E Tipping, DC Higgins
Colloids and Surfaces 5 (2), 85-92, 1982
Artifacts in the use of selective chemical extraction to determine distributions of metals between oxides of manganese and iron
E Tipping, NB Hetherington, J Hilton, DW Thompson, E Bowles, ...
Analytical Chemistry 57 (9), 1944-1946, 1985
The C: N: P: S stoichiometry of soil organic matter
E Tipping, CJ Somerville, J Luster
Biogeochemistry 130, 117-131, 2016
Natural capital and ecosystem services, developing an appropriate soils framework as a basis for valuation
DA Robinson, N Hockley, DM Cooper, BA Emmett, AM Keith, I Lebron, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57, 1023-1033, 2013
Comparison of measured and modelled copper binding by natural organic matter in freshwaters
SE Bryan, E Tipping, J Hamilton-Taylor
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology …, 2002
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