Articles with public access mandates - H.J. SiegelLearn more
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Robust performance-based resource provisioning using a steady-state model for multi-objective stochastic programming
KM Tarplee, AA Maciejewski, HJ Siegel
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 7 (4), 1068-1081, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
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A partially observable markov decision process approach to residential home energy management
TM Hansen, EKP Chong, S Suryanarayanan, AA Maciejewski, HJ Siegel
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9 (2), 1271-1281, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Deploying RMACC Summit: an HPC resource for the Rocky Mountain region
J Anderson, PJ Burns, D Milroy, P Ruprecht, T Hauser, HJ Siegel
Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2017: Sustainability …, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
A bee colony based optimization approach for simultaneous job scheduling and data replication in grid environments
J Taheri, YC Lee, AY Zomaya, HJ Siegel
Computers & Operations Research 40 (6), 1564-1578, 2013
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Utility maximizing dynamic resource management in an oversubscribed energy-constrained heterogeneous computing system
B Khemka, R Friese, S Pasricha, AA Maciejewski, HJ Siegel, GA Koenig, ...
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 5, 14-30, 2015
Mandates: US Department of Energy
Stochastic-based robust dynamic resource allocation for independent tasks in a heterogeneous computing system
MA Salehi, J Smith, AA Maciejewski, HJ Siegel, EKP Chong, J Apodaca, ...
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 97, 96-111, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Minimizing energy costs for geographically distributed heterogeneous data centers
N Hogade, S Pasricha, HJ Siegel, AA Maciejewski, MA Oxley, E Jonardi
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 3 (4), 318-331, 2018
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Energy and network aware workload management for geographically distributed data centers
N Hogade, S Pasricha, HJ Siegel
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 7 (2), 400-413, 2021
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Combined impact of demand response aggregators and carbon taxation on emissions reduction in electric power systems
AS Algarni, S Suryanarayanan, HJ Siegel, AA Maciejewski
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (2), 1825-1827, 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Bus. py: A GridLAB-D communication interface for Smart distribution Grid simulations
TM Hansen, B Palmintier, S Suryanarayanan, AA Maciejewski, HJ Siegel
2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2015
Mandates: US Department of Energy
Rate-based thermal, power, and co-location aware resource management for heterogeneous data centers
MA Oxley, E Jonardi, S Pasricha, AA Maciejewski, HJ Siegel, PJ Burns, ...
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 112, 126-139, 2018
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
HPC node performance and energy modeling with the co-location of applications
D Dauwe, E Jonardi, RD Friese, S Pasricha, AA Maciejewski, DA Bader, ...
The Journal of Supercomputing 72, 4771-4809, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
An analysis of multilevel checkpoint performance models
D Dauwe, S Pasricha, AA Maciejewski, HJ Siegel
2018 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2018
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
An analysis of resilience techniques for exascale computing platforms
D Dauwe, S Pasricha, AA Maciejewski, HJ Siegel
2017 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
A value-oriented job scheduling approach for power-constrained and oversubscribed HPC systems
N Kumbhare, A Marathe, A Akoglu, HJ Siegel, G Abdulla, S Hariri
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 31 (6), 1419-1433, 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Optimizing checkpoint intervals for reduced energy use in exascale systems
D Dauwe, R Jhaveri, S Pasricha, AA Maciejewski, HJ Siegel
2017 Eighth International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC), 1-8, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Value of service based task scheduling for cloud computing systems
C Tunc, N Kumbhare, A Akoglu, S Hariri, D Machovec, HJ Siegel
2016 International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC), 1-11, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Value-based resource management in high-performance computing systems
D Machovec, C Tunc, N Kumbhare, B Khemka, A Akoglu, S Hariri, ...
Proceedings of the ACM 7th Workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing, 19-26, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Utility-based resource management in an oversubscribed energy-constrained heterogeneous environment executing parallel applications
D Machovec, B Khemka, N Kumbhare, S Pasricha, AA Maciejewski, ...
Parallel Computing 83, 48-72, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US Department of …
Metrics-based assessment of sustainability in demand response
S Sharma, V Durvasulu, B Celik, S Suryanarayanan, TM Hansen, ...
2017 IEEE 19th International Conference on High Performance Computing and …, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
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