Prof Omneya Abdelsalam
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Cited by
Introducing International Accounting Standards to an emerging capital market: relative familiarity and language effect in Egypt
OH Abd-Elsalam, P Weetman
Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation 12 (1), 63-84, 2003
Corporate governance and the timeliness of corporate internet reporting by UK listed companies
OH Abdelsalam, DL Street
Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation 16 (2), 111-130, 2007
Board composition, ownership structure and dividend policies in an emerging market: Further evidence from CASE 50
O Abdelsalam, A El‐Masry, S Elsegini
Managerial finance 34 (12), 953-964, 2008
Ethical reporting in islami bank Bangladesh limited (1983–2010)
AR Belal, O Abdelsalam, SS Nizamee
Journal of business ethics 129, 769-784, 2015
The impact of board independence and ownership structure on the timeliness of corporate internet reporting of Irish‐listed companies
O Abdelsalam, A El‐Masry
Managerial Finance 34 (12), 907-918, 2008
An examination of the comprehensiveness of corporate internet reporting provided by London‐listed companies
OH Abdelsalam, SM Bryant, DL Street
Journal of International Accounting Research 6 (2), 1-33, 2007
Earnings management behaviors under different monitoring mechanisms: The case of Islamic and conventional banks
O Abdelsalam, P Dimitropoulos, M Elnahass, S Leventis
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 132, 155-173, 2016
On the comparative performance of socially responsible and Islamic mutual funds
O Abdelsalam, MD Fethi, JC Matallín, E Tortosa-Ausina
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 103, S108-S128, 2014
Loan loss provisions, bank valuations and discretion: A comparative study between conventional and Islamic banks
M Elnahass, M Izzeldin, O Abdelsalam
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 103, S160-S173, 2014
Do ethics imply persistence? The case of Islamic and socially responsible funds
O Abdelsalam, M Duygun, JC Matallín-Sáez, E Tortosa-Ausina
Journal of Banking & Finance 40, 182-194, 2014
The impact of religiosity on audit pricing
S Leventis, E Dedoulis, O Abdelsalam
Journal of Business Ethics 148, 53-78, 2018
The introduction and application of international accounting standards to accounting disclosure regulations of a capital market in a developing country
OH Abd-Elsalam
Heriot-Watt University, 1999
Measuring accounting disclosure in a period of complex changes: the case of Egypt
OH Abdelsalam, P Weetman
Advances in international accounting 20, 75-104, 2007
The exchange rate exposure of UK non‐financial companies
A El‐Masry, O Abdel‐Salam, A Alatraby
Managerial Finance 33 (9), 620-641, 2007
Asset securitizations and bank stability: evidence from different banking systems
O Abdelsalam, M Elnahass, H Ahmed, J Williams
Global finance journal 51, 100551, 2022
Exchange rate exposure: do size and foreign operations matter?
A El‐Masry, O Abdel‐Salam
Managerial Finance 33 (9), 741-765, 2007
The impact of religiosity on earnings quality: International evidence from the banking sector
O Abdelsalam, A Chantziaras, M Ibrahim, K Omoteso
The British Accounting Review 53 (6), 100957, 2021
Favoring the small and the plenty: Islamic banking for MSMEs
M Disli, AF Aysan, O Abdelsalam
Economic Systems 47 (1), 101051, 2023
Major shareholders’ trust and market risk: Substituting weak institutions with trust
O Abdelsalam, A Chantziaras, JA Batten, AF Aysan
Journal of Corporate Finance 66, 101784, 2021
Is ethical money sensitive to past returns? The case of portfolio constraints and persistence in Islamic funds
O Abdelsalam, M Duygun, JC Matallín-Sáez, E Tortosa-Ausina
Journal of Financial Services Research 51, 363-384, 2017
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Articles 1–20