Paul Heisey
Paul Heisey
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The contribution of genetic resources and diversity to wheat production in the Punjab of Pakistan
M Smale, J Hartell, PW Heisey, B Senauer
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 80 (3), 482-493, 1998
Fertilizer use and maize production in sub-Saharan Africa
PW Heisey, WM Mwangi
CIMMYT, 1996
Cereal crop productivity in developing countries: Past trends and future prospects
PL Pingali, PW Heisey
Research investments and market structure in the food processing, agricultural input, and biofuel industries worldwide
K Fuglie, P Heisey, JL King, K Day-Rubenstein, D Schimmelpfennig, ...
USDA-ERS Economic Research Report, 2011
Maize production in drought-stressed environments: technical options and research resource allocation
PW Heisey, GO Edmeades
World maize facts and trends 1997, 1998, 1999
Maize of the ancestors and modern varieties: The microeconomics of high-yielding variety adoption in Malawi
M Smale, PW Heisey, HD Leathers
Economic Development and Cultural Change 43 (2), 351-368, 1995
Maize seed industries in developing countries
ML Morris
Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998
Impacts of the training and visit extension system on farmers' knowledge and adoption of technology: Evidence from Pakistan
SS Hussain, D Byerlee, PW Heisey
Agricultural Economics 10 (1), 39-47, 1994
ASTI global assessment of agricultural R&D spending: developing countries accelerate investment
NM Beintema, GJ Stads, KO Fuglie, P Heisey
International Food Policy Research Institute, 2012
An analytical model of farmers' demand for replacement seed
PW Heisey, JP Brennan
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 73 (4), 1044-1052, 1991
Past and potential impacts of maize research in sub-Saharan Africa: a critical assessment
D Byerlee, PW Heisey
Food Policy 21 (3), 255-277, 1996
Agricultural productivity growth in the United States: Measurement, trends, and drivers
SL Wang, P Heisey, D Schimmelpfennig, VE Ball
Economic Research Service, Paper No. Err-189, 2015
Impacts of international wheat breeding research in developing countries, 1966-97
PW Heisey, MA Lantican, HJ Dubin
CIMMYT, 2002
Wheat rusts and the costs of genetic diversity in the Punjab of Pakistan
PW Heisey, M Smale, D Byerlee, E Souza
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79 (3), 726-737, 1997
Economic issues in agricultural biotechnology
RA Shoemaker, JL Harwood, KA Day-Rubenstein, T Dunahay, ...
United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, 2001
Economic returns to public agricultural research
KO Fuglie, PW Heisey
Crop genetic resources: an economic appraisal
KA Day-Rubenstein, PW Heisey, RA Shoemaker, J Sullivan, GB Frisvold
Accelerating the transfer of wheat breeding gains to farmers: a study of the dynamics of varietal replacement in Pakistan
M Ahmad
CIMMYT, 1990
Agricultural adaptation to a changing climate: economic and environmental implications vary by US region
S Malcolm, E Marshall, M Aillery, P Heisey, M Livingston, ...
USDA-ERS Economic Research Report, 2012
Evolution of the African maize economy
D Byerlee, PW Heisey
Africa's Emerging Maize Revolution, 9-22, 1997
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Articles 1–20