Franz Mueter
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Sea ice retreat alters the biogeography of the Bering Sea continental shelf
FJ Mueter, MA Litzow
Ecological Applications 18 (2), 309-320, 2008
Climate impacts on eastern Bering Sea foodwebs: a synthesis of new data and an assessment of the Oscillating Control Hypothesis
GL Hunt Jr, KO Coyle, LB Eisner, EV Farley, RA Heintz, F Mueter, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 68 (6), 1230-1243, 2011
Projected impacts of climate change on marine fish and fisheries
AB Hollowed, M Barange, RJ Beamish, K Brander, K Cochrane, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 70 (5), 1023-1037, 2013
Opposite effects of ocean temperature on survival rates of 120 stocks of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in northern and southern areas
FJ Mueter, RM Peterman, BJ Pyper
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59 (3), 456-463, 2002
Climate change in the southeastern Bering Sea: impacts on pollock stocks and implications for the oscillating control hypothesis
KO Coyle, LB Eisner, FJ Mueter, AI Pinchuk, MA Janout, KD Cieciel, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 20 (2), 139-156, 2011
Expected declines in recruitment of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the eastern Bering Sea under future climate change
FJ Mueter, NA Bond, JN Ianelli, AB Hollowed
ICES Journal of Marine Science 68 (6), 1284-1296, 2011
Spatial correlation patterns in coastal environmental variables and survival rates of salmon in the north‐east Pacific Ocean
FJ Mueter, DM Ware, RM Peterman
Fisheries Oceanography 11 (4), 205-218, 2002
The Bering Sea—a dynamic food web perspective
K Aydin, F Mueter
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 54 (23-26), 2501-2525, 2007
Ecosystem responses to recent oceanographic variability in high-latitude Northern Hemisphere ecosystems
FJ Mueter, C Broms, KF Drinkwater, KD Friedland, JA Hare, GL Hunt Jr, ...
Progress in Oceanography 81 (1-4), 93-110, 2009
Relationships between coastal ocean conditions and survival rates of northeast Pacific salmon at multiple lags
FJ Mueter, BJ Pyper, RM Peterman
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134 (1), 105-119, 2005
Advection in polar and sub-polar environments: Impacts on high latitude marine ecosystems
GL Hunt Jr, KF Drinkwater, K Arrigo, J Berge, KL Daly, S Danielson, ...
Progress in Oceanography 149, 40-81, 2016
Using multi-species surplus production models to estimate ecosystem-level maximum sustainable yields
FJ Mueter, BA Megrey
Fisheries Research 81 (2-3), 189-201, 2006
Across‐species comparisons of spatial scales of environmental effects on survival rates of northeast Pacific salmon
BJ Pyper, FJ Mueter, RM Peterman
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134 (1), 86-104, 2005
Recruitment and survival of Northeast Pacific Ocean fish stocks: temporal trends, covariation, and regime shifts
FJ Mueter, JL Boldt, BA Megrey, RM Peterman
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64 (6), 911-927, 2007
Spatial and temporal variability of chlorophyll-a concentrations in the coastal Gulf of Alaska, 1998–2011, using cloud-free reconstructions of SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua data
JN Waite, FJ Mueter
Progress in Oceanography 116, 179-192, 2013
Spring and fall phytoplankton blooms in a productive subarctic ecosystem, the eastern Bering Sea, during 1995–2011
MF Sigler, PJ Stabeno, LB Eisner, JM Napp, FJ Mueter
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 109, 71-83, 2014
Harvest control rules in modern fisheries management
SF Kvamsdal, A Eide, NA Ekerhovd, K Enberg, A Gudmundsdottir, ...
Elementa 4, 000114, 2016
Spatial covariation in survival rates of Northeast Pacific pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)
BJ Pyper, FJ Mueter, RM Peterman, DJ Blackbourn, CC Wood
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58 (8), 1501-1515, 2001
Evaluating management strategies for eastern Bering Sea walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in a changing environment
JN Ianelli, AB Hollowed, AC Haynie, FJ Mueter, NA Bond
ICES Journal of Marine Science 68 (6), 1297-1304, 2011
Bottom-up and top-down controls of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) on the Eastern Bering Sea shelf
FJ Mueter, C Ladd, MC Palmer, BL Norcross
Progress in Oceanography 68 (2-4), 152-183, 2006
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Articles 1–20