Xiaorong Xie
Xiaorong Xie
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Subsynchronous interaction between direct-drive PMSG based wind farms and weak AC networks
H Liu, X Xie, J He, T Xu, Z Yu, C Wang, C Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (6), 4708-4720, 2017
Investigation of SSR in practical DFIG-based wind farms connected to a series-compensated power system
L Wang, X Xie, Q Jiang, H Liu, Y Li, H Liu
IEEE transactions on power systems 30 (5), 2772-2779, 2014
Distributed optimal energy management in microgrids
W Shi, X Xie, CC Chu, R Gadh
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (3), 1137-1146, 2014
Characteristic analysis of subsynchronous resonance in practical wind farms connected to series-compensated transmissions
X Xie, X Zhang, H Liu, H Liu, Y Li, C Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 32 (3), 1117-1126, 2017
Key technologies and developing challenges of power system with high proportion of renewable energy
Z Zhuo, N Zhang, X Xie, H Li, C Kang
Automation of electric power systems 45 (9), 171-191, 2021
Quantitative SSR analysis of series-compensated DFIG-based wind farms using aggregated RLC circuit model
H Liu, X Xie, C Zhang, Y Li, H Liu, Y Hu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (1), 474-483, 2016
New issues and classification of power system stability with high shares of renewables and power electronics
X Xie, J He, H Mao, H Li
Proceedings of the CSEE 41 (2), 461-475, 2021
Real-world subsynchronous oscillation events in power grids with high penetrations of inverter-based resources
Y Cheng, L Fan, J Rose, SH Huang, J Schmall, X Wang, X Xie, J Shair, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 38 (1), 316-330, 2022
Power system stability issues, classifications and research prospects in the context of high-penetration of renewables and power electronics
J Shair, H Li, J Hu, X Xie
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 145, 111111, 2021
An Oscillatory Stability Criterion Based on the Unified-Frame Impedance Network Model for Power Systems With High-Penetration Renewables
H Liu, X Xie, W Liu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (3), 3472-3485, 2018
Optimal residential demand response in distribution networks
W Shi, N Li, X Xie, CC Chu, R Gadh
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 32 (7), 1441-1450, 2014
Review of wide-band oscillation in renewable and power electronics highly integrated power systems
N Ma, X Xie, J He, H Wang
Proceedings of the CSEE 40 (15), 4720-4732, 2020
Stability analysis of SSR in multiple wind farms connected to series-compensated systems using impedance network model
H Liu, X Xie, X Gao, H Liu, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (3), 3118-3128, 2017
A neutral-point potential balancing algorithm for three-level NPC inverters using analytically injected zero-sequence voltage
Q Song, W Liu, Q Yu, X Xie, Z Wang
Eighteenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition …, 2003
WAMS applications in Chinese power systems
X Xie, Y Xin, J Xiao, J Wu, Y Han
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 4 (1), 54-63, 2006
Overview of emerging subsynchronous oscillations in practical wind power systems
J Shair, X Xie, L Wang, W Liu, J He, H Liu
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 99, 159-168, 2019
Study of complex oscillation caused by renewable energy integration and its solution
M Li, Z Yu, T Xu, J He, C Wang, X Xie, C Liu
Power System Technology 41 (4), 1035-1042, 2017
Mechanism and characteristics of subsynchronous oscillation caused by the interaction between full-converter wind turbines and AC systems
XIE Xiao-rong, LIU Hua-kun, HE Jing-bo, Z Chuan-yu, Q Yuan
Proceedings of the CSEE 36 (9), 2366-2372, 2016
Sub-and super-synchronous interactions between STATCOMs and weak AC/DC transmissions with series compensations
D Shu, X Xie, H Rao, X Gao, Q Jiang, Y Huang
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (9), 7424-7437, 2017
Overview of STATCOM technologies
Q Yu, P Li, W Liu, X Xie
2004 IEEE International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation …, 2004
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Articles 1–20