Muna Mohamed Elhag
Muna Mohamed Elhag
Associate professor, University of Gezira
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Cited by
Major climate indicators of ongoing drought in Sudan
NA Elagib, MM Elhag
Journal of Hydrology 409 (3-4), 612-625, 2011
Causes and impact of desertification in the Butana area of Sudan
MM Elhag
University of the Free State, 2006
Climate variability and change affect crops yield under rainfed conditions: A case study in Gedaref State, Sudan
MAA Osman, JO Onono, LA Olaka, MM Elhag, EM Abdel-Rahman
Agronomy 11 (9), 1680, 2021
Higher Education and Scientific Research in Sudan: Current status and future direction
MM Beshir, NE Ahmed, ME Mohamed
African Journal of Rural Development 5 (1), 115-146, 2020
Mapping, intensities and future prediction of land use/land cover dynamics using google earth engine and CA-artificial neural network model
MAA Osman, EM Abdel-Rahman, JO Onono, LA Olaka, MM Elhag, ...
PLoS One 18 (7), e0288694, 2023
Use of local knowledge for assessing vegetation changes in the S outhern G adarif R egion, S udan
HM Sulieman, MF Buchroithner, MM Elhag
African Journal of Ecology 50 (2), 233-242, 2012
Impact of climate variability on vegetative cover in the Butana area of Sudan
M Elhag, S Walker
African Journal of Ecology 47, 11-16, 2009
Gender-based assessment of science, technology and innovations ecosystem in the Sudan
MM Elhag, MA Abdelmawla
African Journal of Rural Development 5 (1), 97-113, 2020
Strengthening higher education capacity to promote gender inclusive participation in science, technology and innovation
F Nakayiwa, MM Elhag, L Santos, D Kifle, C Tizikara
African Journal of Rural Development 5 (3), 65-86, 2020
Impact of climate change and the human activities on land degradation in arid and semi-arid regions
M Elhag, S Walker
Engineering Scientific Magazine 2, p8, 2009
Rainfall erosivity, land-use and land-cover change analysis for Gadarif region, Sudan
MM Elhag, HM Sulieman
International Journal of Water Resources and Arid Environments 6 (2), 252-260, 2017
A decision support tool to assess desertification condition in arid and semi-arid regions
M Elhag, S Walker
Internafional Journal of Water Resources and Arid Environments 1 (5), 378-381, 2011
Selected Farming Systems for Improving Crop Production and Rain-Water Productivity in Semi-Arid Zone, Sudan
MM Elhag, MA Mohamoud, AS Abdalla, LA Yousif, EA Ahmed
Open Access J. Agric. Res. 8 (3), 1-12, 2023
Estimation of Water Requirement and Water Productivity of Sesame Crop (Sesamum indicum L.) in Dryland Areas of Sennar State, Sudan
MA Mohamoud, AS Abdalla, MM Elhag, LA Yousif
Sudan Journal of Desertification Research 11 (1), 2020
Integrating satellite remote sensing data and small-scale farmers’ perceptions to determine land use/land cover changes and their driving factors in Gedaref state, Sudan
MAA Osman, EM Abdel-Rahman, JO Onono, MM Elhag, LA Olaka, ...
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-27, 2025
Environmental Degradation of Natural Resources in Butana Area of Sudan
MM Elhag, S Walker
Land Degradation and Desertification: Assessment, Mitigation and Remediation …, 2010
Integrating satellite remote sensing data and small-scale farmers’ perceptions to determine land use/ land cover changes
HEZT Maysoon A. A. Osman, Elfatih M. Abdel-Rahman, Joshua Orungo Onono, Muna ...
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2025
The empowerment of women and youth: Enhancing climate-smart productivity of vegetables and key livestock value chains, Sudan
MM Elhag, TE Ali, LM Musa, IEI Mohamed, MAM Elagab, AE Eljack
University Engagement with Farming Communities in Africa, 252-261, 2023
Risk Mapping of Rift Valley Fever in Sheep, Gezira state, Sudan
AM Elhaj, AD Abakar, MM Elhag, AA Mohamedani, EA Ahmed
IAR Journal of Agriculture Research and Life Sciences 3 (1), 2022
Hydrological Estimations to Calculate Rain-water Harvesting Potentiality Using GIS and Remote Sensing: A Case Semi-arid Area, Gezira State, Sudan (1981-2018)
University of Gezira, 2021
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Articles 1–20