Peter Campbell
Peter Campbell
Reader in Sociology, University of Liverpool
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Cited by
Cited by
Creative industries in a European Capital of Culture
P Campbell
International Journal of Cultural Policy 17 (5), 510-522, 2011
Cultural engagement and the economic performance of the cultural and creative industries: An occupational critique
P Campbell, D O’brien, M Taylor
Sociology 53 (2), 347-367, 2019
The social life of measurement: How methods have shaped the idea of culture in urban regeneration
P Campbell, T Cox, D O’Brien
Journal of Cultural Economy 10 (1), 49-62, 2017
Persistent Creativity: Making the case for art, culture, and the creative industries
P Campbell
London: Palgrave, 2019
Imaginary success?—The contentious ascendance of creativity
P Campbell
European planning studies 22 (5), 995-1009, 2014
The impact of austerity measures on local government funding for culture in England
B Rex, P Campbell
Cultural Trends 31 (1), 23-46, 2022
You say ‘creative’, and I say ‘creative’
P Campbell
Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure & Events 3 (1), 18-30, 2011
Service users/survivors and mental health services
P Campbell
Psychology, mental health and distress, 139-151, 2013
“European Capital of Culture” and the Primacy of Cultural Infrastructure in Post-Industrial Urbanism
P Campbell, D O'Brien
The Routledge Companion to Urban Media and Communication, 274-282, 2019
Neighbourhood Impacts
R Melville, K Rodenhurst, P Campbell, B Morgan
University of Liverpool: Liverpool, UK, 2010
‘Evidence of Things That Appear Not’?-A Critical Review of the Role of Arts and Culture in the Regeneration of Urban Places and Urban Communities
P Campbell, T Cox, S Crone, S Wilks-Heeg
Dancing with Epistemic Borders: Knowledge and unknowns in mixed-methods Practice-as-Research (PaR) collaborations between dance and social science
A McGrath, V Durrer, P Campbell
Performance Research 26 (4), 95-103, 2021
‘Regeneration’in Britain: Measuring the outcomes of cultural activity in the 21st century
P Campbell, T Cox
The Routledge Handbook of Global Cultural Policy, 538-557, 2017
Whatever happened to the Liverpool Model?: Urban cultural policy in the era after urban regeneration
P Campbell, D O’Brien
Decentring Urban Governance, 139-157, 2017
The role of cultural intermediaries
D O’Brien, K Wilson, P Campbell
Scoping paper produced as part of AHRC Connected Communities Development Grant, 2011
Developing applied research skills through collaboration in extra-academic contexts
A Kirton, P Campbell, L Hardwick
Higher Education Academy: Teaching Research Methods in the Social Sciences, 2013
On brutal culture
D Umney, TC Nelms, D O'Brien, F Muniesa, L Moor, L McFall, M Cooper, ...
Journal of Cultural Economy 10 (6), 556-568, 2017
'A catachresis of creativity? Liverpool'08, culture-led regeneration, and the creative industries'
P Campbell
University of Liverpool, 2011
Funding art in post-conflict society: a ‘peace dividend’?
P Campbell, S Jankowitz
International Journal of Cultural Policy 30 (7), 848-863, 2024
The Persistent Case for the Creative Industries
P Campbell, P Campbell
Persistent Creativity: Making the Case for Art, Culture and the Creative …, 2019
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Articles 1–20